Mueller Report Imminent

Trump is definitely running up the tab with record-breaking deficits before he bails out in 2020 or 2024, depending. Now that I think about it, I guess what I should have said is that Pence is far from even a conservative Democrat considering how he would allocate funding for programs, not to mention the social issues. Aside from Trump and McConnell, he is probably the worst politician roaming DC at the moment imo.

I can't see that Trump has been responsible for much of anything new in the way of spending ... we are paying for past sins, and it's going to escalate. Congress has been at each other's throats and trying too hard to nail Trump to add new stuff ... that's a blessing of sorts.
I have to agree with Orangeslice on the tax and spend issue. It's pretty much like mutually assured destruction at this point. Fiscal conservatives cannot get elected without bringing home the bacon, so there is no longer any fiscal conservatism. The flaw in democracies was people directly voting to empty the treasury; once the the liberals started doling out the treasury and people caught on, it was all over but the shouting. The only hope (and it's a very slim one) is congressional term limits.
It isn't a liberal v. conservative issue. Both sides spend like drunken sailors on leave, just on different things. Don't put all the blame on liberals.
It isn't a liberal v. conservative issue. Both sides spend like drunken sailors on leave, just on different things. Don't put all the blame on liberals.

I don't; it's simply that both spend to keep constituents happy. That might mean infrastructure, a defense contract, or a new "entitlement", but in any case it all adds up to money we don't have. They all bring home the bacon to get reelected, and I don't see any way out except term limits.
I don't; it's simply that both spend to keep constituents happy. That might mean infrastructure, a defense contract, or a new "entitlement", but in any case it all adds up to money we don't have. They all bring home the bacon to get reelected, and I don't see any way out except term limits.
I'm cool with term limits for every elected office, as well as SCOTUS.

Trump is definitely running up the tab with record-breaking deficits before he bails out in 2020 or 2024, depending. Now that I think about it, I guess what I should have said is that Pence is far from even a conservative Democrat considering how he would allocate funding for programs, not to mention the social issues. Aside from Trump and McConnell, he is probably the worst politician roaming DC at the moment imo.

The worst....
Edit: you said 3rd worst.

I’m interested.
State your case for Pence being the 3rd worst politician roaming the DC area.

For clarification I said that Pence was a man who seemed to have honor and integrity. It’s based on his personal convictions that I wish he was a Democrat. I have not changed. My views have not changed. None of the Democratic leadership can say that. They now say things that are the opposite of what they said 12-14 short years ago. I’d love to believe that there’s someone left that has honor but I don’t see anyone.
Yes I know the republicans have the same problem but I’m not worried about them. I’m talking about cleaning up my own house.
Or from my religious world view.....I’m removing the plank from my (Democrats) eye before I worry about the speck in the republicans eye.
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The worst....
Edit: you said 3rd worst.

I’m interested.
State your case for Pence being the 3rd worst politician roaming the DC area.

For clarification I said that Pence was a man who seemed to have honor and integrity. It’s based on his personal convictions that I wish he was a Democrat. I have not changed. My views have not changed. None of the Democratic leadership can say that. They now say things that are the opposite of what they said 12-14 short years ago. I’d love to believe that there’s someone left that has honor but I don’t see anyone.
Yes I know the republicans have the same problem but I’m not worried about them. I’m talking about cleaning up my own house.
Or from my religious world view.....I’m removing the plank from my (Democrats) eye before I worry about the speck in the republicans eye.
I try not to get started on Pence, I get wound up and pissy. First off, he works for Trump, so that is a massive mark against him. Then, we can get in to his support of typical Rightist policies during his tenure in Indiana, pre and active governorship. None of this speaks to his horrific support of conversion therapy. Or his views on LGBTQ, which would likely involve him committing a hate crime. Or his days spewing vile hatred on his radio show. He is a terrible person and worthy of nothing but scorn and contempt.
Dems have shifted further left, this is true. I don't agree that this means they are without honor. They are shifting with the leftward trend of the Democratic base. Same with some Republicans, I don't think they are without honor. They have just shifted further right.
I try not to get started on Pence, I get wound up and pissy. First off, he works for Trump, so that is a massive mark against him. Then, we can get in to his support of typical Rightist policies during his tenure in Indiana, pre and active governorship. None of this speaks to his horrific support of conversion therapy. Or his views on LGBTQ, which would likely involve him committing a hate crime. Or his days spewing vile hatred on his radio show. He is a terrible person and worthy of nothing but scorn and contempt.
Dems have shifted further left, this is true. I don't agree that this means they are without honor. They are shifting with the leftward trend of the Democratic base. Same with some Republicans, I don't think they are without honor. They have just shifted further right.
You've jumped the shark.
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I try not to get started on Pence, I get wound up and pissy. First off, he works for Trump, so that is a massive mark against him. Then, we can get in to his support of typical Rightist policies during his tenure in Indiana, pre and active governorship. None of this speaks to his horrific support of conversion therapy. Or his views on LGBTQ, which would likely involve him committing a hate crime. Or his days spewing vile hatred on his radio show. He is a terrible person and worthy of nothing but scorn and contempt.
Dems have shifted further left, this is true. I don't agree that this means they are without honor. They are shifting with the leftward trend of the Democratic base. Same with some Republicans, I don't think they are without honor. They have just shifted further right.

You just described every liberal.
I try not to get started on Pence, I get wound up and pissy. First off, he works for Trump, so that is a massive mark against him. Then, we can get in to his support of typical Rightist policies during his tenure in Indiana, pre and active governorship. None of this speaks to his horrific support of conversion therapy. Or his views on LGBTQ, which would likely involve him committing a hate crime. Or his days spewing vile hatred on his radio show. He is a terrible person and worthy of nothing but scorn and contempt.
Dems have shifted further left, this is true. I don't agree that this means they are without honor. They are shifting with the leftward trend of the Democratic base. Same with some Republicans, I don't think they are without honor. They have just shifted further right.

First I appreciate that you’re one of the few from the left that I can have a conversation with and it doesn’t automatically turn ugly.

With Pence I’m looking for specifics.
Support for “rightest” politics doesn’t mean anything. JFK would make a good republican right about now as would Bill Clinton.
Just because he believes that the Lbgtqrstfbi lifestyle is sinful doesn’t mean he’ll commit a hate crime. I’ve heard him say the everyone from that lifestyle should have the right to live that way or any way they choose in a free society like ours. That doesn’t sound extreme to me.
I agree that leaning left or right doesn’t mean you are without honor. I’m saying that I don’t see anyone in politics......or very many anyway.....that have it.

Edit: saying he’s bad because Trump is president is the same as believing every democrat is stupid because they work for grand master Nancy P.
First I appreciate that you’re one of the few from the left that I can have a conversation with and it doesn’t automatically turn ugly.

With Pence I’m looking for specifics.
Support for “rightest” politics doesn’t mean anything. JFK would make a good republican right about now as would Bill Clinton.
Just because he believes that the Lbgtqrstfbi lifestyle is sinful doesn’t mean he’ll commit a hate crime. I’ve heard him say the everyone from that lifestyle should have the right to live that way or any way they choose in a free society like ours. That doesn’t sound extreme to me.
I agree that leaning left or right doesn’t mean you are without honor. I’m saying that I don’t see anyone in politics......or very many anyway.....that have it.

Edit: saying he’s bad because Trump is president is the same as believing every democrat is stupid because they work for grand master Nancy P.
Thanks dude, you are among those I try to chat with on the board because you don't assume I'm an evil Commie. Just an evil Comrade, I can work with that.
Support for rightest politics means a lot. Yeah, JFK and even Clinton would pass for Rhino Republicans these days, and be promptly dismissed by the Red Hats like Rubio and Kasich.
He supports conversion therapy. That is a non-starter for me. He also would like to discriminate against the LGBTQ community based on his religious beliefs. Another non-starter for me.

What is the saying, absolute power corrupts absolutely? They are all shady. Just have to pick the one that screws you over the least.

Hard for me to give a pass to people that work for the Trump regime. Linda McMahon was okay and seemed to be doing a good job with the small business council. But she left to drop some elbows on folks trying to leave the WWE. :(
Trump is the master at swaying public opinion. Of course his target audience is a little easier to sway. Congressional Dems. know the Senate will not support impeachment, that's why they are waiting to see what comes out in the other ongoing investigations.

Luther which voter base is easier to sway? The leaked emails from the DNC showed how the Democratic Party thought of their voting base. Remember “feed them silage”? You have been a good little sheep for the past 3 years eating up all the silage the Democrats have fed you. Instead of being angry about what was in the emails leaked and how hiLIARy had stolen the nomination from Sanders you and your constituents ate the lies(silage) that you were fed by your party. Trump will never be charged for memes that allegedly won him the presidential election or obstruction or for hurting your feelings because it never happened well except for hurting your feelings part. You are still being fed silage and prodded but you and many of your fellow sheep are to dumb to realize this.
The storm is close (D5)


Awwww, is the little snowflake mad? Demanding apologies from the press? What a weak, pathetic excuse for a dude. And he is openly advocating for censorship of the press on social media. Weak, pathetic, narcissistic, pathological liar.
Awwww, is the little snowflake mad? Demanding apologies from the press? What a weak, pathetic excuse for a dude. And he is openly advocating for censorship of the press on social media. Weak, pathetic, narcissistic, pathological liar.

They’ve been hammering him and spouting lies for over two years, he’s got every right to be pissed. The irony is the whole narrative is about to change very shortly 👍
They’ve been hammering him and spouting lies for over two years, he’s got every right to be pissed. The irony is the whole narrative is about to change very shortly 👍
Poor snowflake Lord Red Hat. Triggered, like most of his supporters. Poor Snowflake Donnie.
What if Barr had come out and said there is clear evidence of collusion and obstruction. Would you have a problem with Barr then? I guarantee the Democrats in Congress and mainstream media would not. How about you?
Of course I wouldn't have. For a Trump protector to admit that would mean there is irrefutable evidence.

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