Mueller Report Imminent

Hey. They have to discredit Barr as best they can. Because when the FISA abuses and spying charges come they have to have him backed into a corner.

Let them continue this. It’s great. It’s like watching Wiley Coyote try to catch the Roadrunner.
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Hey. They have to discredit Barr as best they can. Because when the FISA abuses and spying charges come they have to have him backed into a corner.

Let them continue this. It’s great. It’s like watching Wiley Coyote try to catch the Roadrunner.

Barr already disgraced himself on the altar of Trump. Nothing can save him now.
For all I know, Barr might be a complete partisan. But it's ironic watching people on the left get so indignant over the same thing they cheered under Holder and Lynch.

You mean like when they say over and over he’s Trumps hand picked AG? It is hilarious watching the meltdown.

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