Mueller Report Imminent

Nope. I meant where Barr said under oath that he would not stop Bob from appearing before Congress.
All I was saying is that we don't know what is going on behind closed doors. I don't think Barr would stop him from testifying (that would look bad for Trump and friends). We don't know why there is a delay.
What? So Barr saying Mueller can testify if he wants but the Muell saying No Comprende’ is me saying a left wing conspiracy to take down Trump? C’MON MAN!
I'm not saying Barr lied to Congress. I should have just said we don't know instead of throwing out hypothetical situations. And judging by your comments regarding the investigation, I think you are on team left-wing conspiracy. I could be wrong about that, just my impression from your posts.
Mueller will testify regardless, and that is all that matters at this point.
I'm not saying Barr lied to Congress. I should have just said we don't know instead of throwing out hypothetical situations. And judging by your comments regarding the investigation, I think you are on team left-wing conspiracy. I could be wrong about that, just my impression from your posts.
Mueller will testify regardless, and that is all that matters at this point.
So zep you realize that for over two years now the left has been preaching a right wing conspiracy by Trump to get help from the Russians and you’ve been totally ok with that! However just a few posts back I list the facts relating to the parties involved in coordination before and after the Trump Tower meeting and one of those parties is feeding the FBI “intel”, also their testimony regarding the coordination meetings conflict each other, and that’s not worthy of Mueller shout out?! Go read the link above. C’MON MAN!
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It is a matter of perspective I suppose. The Right thinks it is a vast left wing liberal witch-hunt conspiracy thing since there was not sufficient evidence in the Mueller report to recommend further charges. The Left thinks there is sufficient evidence of obstruction of justice, at the least, while saying there are some shenanigans going on with the AG. Dems have done nothing differently than what Republicans would do in the same situation. It is what it is, political gamesmanship. The tables have flipped now; Republicans are doing the same thing those on the Left did pre-report; people are going to jail, the hammer is about to drop, just wait until this or that is declassified, blah blah. It is the same narrative, just reversed. I don't think anything will come of any of it.
I don't buy the butt-hurt "muh Hillary lost" narrative. But again, perspective I guess.
It's not about how those on the left or the right see it. Their perspectives are already set. It's all about how the independents see it. They're the key to winning an election. That's why appearance matters.
From what we have all read in the report there isn't much evidence of anything. Lots of smoke for both sides, but no evidence.
I agree there’s mostly smoke so far all the way around. I think there are a few more dots that are connecting that will result in indictments of some people by Barr but maybe not. Even if that does happen it certainly won’t come back on anyone like Biden, Hillary, Obama, etc. No way.
I mean, it's verifiable math.

I'm not even sure why I'm so shocked that so many people in here still don't get this. You're literally 'loling' at mathematics. I guess the old saying is true, people mock what they don't understand.
The math that no longer accurately predicts the outcome of elections because the polls aren't getting an adequate cross-section of potential voters.
It's funny how long some of this stuff is taking, though.

How long does it take for an action executive like Trump to declassify the Paige FISA warrant application? We've been waiting for how long now?
He's waiting until the Horowitz report is closer to release. Everything had to wait until Mueller finished. Now that Mueller is done, the other investigation can now start. Many FBI and DOJ Officials will speak more freely now that Mueller can no longer target them.
The warrant to spy would be invalidated if the FBI didn’t verify the info is credible.
This is legally inaccurate. Enough of the information appears to have been corroborated by the Australians and other information gathering methods to have secured a valid warrant.

My point was none of the MSM is breathing a word about this or any of the other potentially troubling things for the Democrats that have come out.

Probably because of the above. It’s not a real story. You’ve been duped by a dishonest grifter, IMO.

Hopefully that clears it up for you but I’m guessing you understood me just fine and just wanted to argue.

Projection is a subtle flaw.
He's waiting until the Horowitz report is closer to release. Everything had to wait until Mueller finished. Now that Mueller is done, the other investigation can now start. Many FBI and DOJ Officials will speak more freely now that Mueller can no longer target them.

I didn't realize the FBI could only conduct one investigation at a time.
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You still believing the polling numbers after 2016 is HILARIOUS

The polling numbers were correct for Hillary. She won the popular vote by 3 million or so votes. in line with most polls. What the polling numbers don't represent is the electoral college. Biden is polling ahead of Trump at the moment. That doesn't account for the electoral college. It could very well result in the same scenario of Biden winning the popular vote (thus proving the polling accurate, again) and Trump winning the electoral college, which is all that matters in the end. Why people (not you, I'm just venting) can not understand this is beyond me.
Weak retort. Why is it whataboutism. On one side you expounded on the breath of detail in the report. And here you’re totally ok with a lack of reference at all that I can tell at all involving two foreign nationals, one of them Russian, coordinating a pitch to the Trump camp, an one of those foreign nationals is the feed to the FBI. These all happened, so where is the gory detail on that? 🤷‍♂️

Edit: yeah yeah I know RedState. However they are just the messenger, the information or lack there of on the Russian lawyer and Simpson is a given.

Somehow Robert Mueller Manages to Omit Some Very Interesting Information From His Report on the Trump Tower Meeting

Also worth noting is their stories did not corroborate when interviewed on the two meetings bracketing the Trump Tower meeting. So one of them made the effort to lie to cover it up. 🤷‍♂️

Ok. But the conversation I was having was about the origins of the investigation and their validity.

Maybe I’m just not up to speed on QAnon and the like since I put the thread in ignore, but I don’t see how this relates to the discussion I was having. Therefore my assumption is that it’s some weird whataboutism, because you’re saying “but you’re totally ok with...” which seems like textbook whataboutism, to me and would explain why it was dropped as a non-sequitor into the other conversation. Maybe my use of the term was flawed or, as I say, I’m dismissive of pipe dream conspiracy theories so I’m missing some obvious connection?
So zep you realize that for over two years now the left has been preaching a right wing conspiracy by Trump to get help from the Russians and you’ve been totally ok with that! However just a few posts back I list the facts relating to the parties involved in coordination before and after the Trump Tower meeting and one of those parties is feeding the FBI “intel”, also their testimony regarding the coordination meetings conflict each other, and that’s not worthy of Mueller shout out?! Go read the link above. C’MON MAN!
Now the right is preaching a vast left-wing conspiracy against Trump, saying the same type of things and parsing the same documents to find "truth" in their argument as the left did. There is nothing there. Some peons will fall on the sword for both sides (already seen that with all the indictments, charges, and prison sentences against low level Trump folks), and that will be it.
Ok. But the conversation I was having was about the origins of the investigation and their validity.

Maybe I’m just not up to speed on QAnon and the like since I put the thread in ignore, but I don’t see how this relates to the discussion I was having. Therefore my assumption is that it’s some weird whataboutism, because you’re saying “but you’re totally ok with...” which seems like textbook whataboutism, to me and would explain why it was dropped as a non-sequitor into the other conversation. Maybe my use of the term was flawed or, as I say, I’m dismissive of pipe dream conspiracy theories so I’m missing some obvious connection?
Lol. So it has to be QAnon huh? Fair enough but consider widening up the stance on those blinders a bit so some “truth” doesn’t blindside you. Ok cya later counselor 🙄
Lol. So it has to be QAnon huh? Fair enough but consider widening up the stance on those blinders a bit so some “truth” doesn’t blindside you. Ok cya later counselor 🙄

So it doesn’t relate to the origins of the investigation?

Ok maybe I’m seeing it. You’re saying that the whole thing was set up by Obama/Hillary/GPS/somebody, and this Russian lady was hired as a form of entrapment to try to get Don Jr. and the campaign to collude with the russians?
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I didn't realize the FBI could only conduct one investigation at a time.
You know better than that. Horowitz is investigating the FBI and DOJ but I'm sure many would not speak freely until they new Mueller could no longer target them. Let's just wait and see what plays out.
So it doesn’t relate to the origins of the investigation?

Ok maybe I’m seeing it. You’re saying that the whole thing was set up by Obama/Hillary/GPS/somebody, and this Russian lady was hired as a form of entrapment to try to get Don Jr. and the campaign to collude with the russians?
Did you read the link I posted earlier?
It's not about how those on the left or the right see it. Their perspectives are already set. It's all about how the independents see it. They're the key to winning an election. That's why appearance matters.
They will probably see it all for the cluster**** that it is. I'm not trying to talk down to people, but I think most Americans could not tell you the first thing about the Mueller investigation. We that post on the board are political junkies, most are conservative/libertarian with a few liberals and centrists hanging around. I have a sinking suspicion that most voters don't follow politics as closely as we all do. I'm not saying they are stupid or anything like that, they just probably don't follow it as closely as all of us that post in a political forum on a football message board do (which is crazy, when you think about it lol). Most of the independents I know see Trump as a shady ******* and Dems as other shady assholes. They will probably vote their pocketbooks anyways if the economy is still doing well. I guess what I am trying to say is I don't think Mueller and the investigation will really drive independents one way or the other. They already see the lot as shady folks.
So it doesn’t relate to the origins of the investigation?

Ok maybe I’m seeing it. You’re saying that the whole thing was set up by Obama/Hillary/GPS/somebody, and this Russian lady was hired as a form of entrapment to try to get Don Jr. and the campaign to collude with the russians?
Try this

This is legally inaccurate. Enough of the information appears to have been corroborated by the Australians and other information gathering methods to have secured a valid warrant.

Probably because of the above. It’s not a real story. You’ve been duped by a dishonest grifter, IMO.

Projection is a subtle flaw.

The FBI lied to the FISA court by signing off that all of the information had been verified and was true, yet the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State had informed the FBI that Steele was lying in the dossier 10 days before the FBI applied for the FBI submitted the dossier in request for the warrant. It wasn't a matter of "enough" being corroborated. It was a matter of the FBI lying and withholding information to get a warrant.

They used the Yahoo article about Trump as a corroborating source while knowing that Steele was the source for the Yahoo article. They lied to the court.

They never shared with the FISC that the dossier was opposition research paid for by political enemies.

They never shared with the FISC that they cut ties with Steele (the author of the dossier used to get the warrant) for being untrustworthy.

They never shared that Steele had put a timeline on sharing the dossier to hurt Trump in the election.

The FISA process is extremely stringent, as it's supposed to protect our civil liberties, and the FBI **** all over it. You keep making excuses for it and trying to make reasons that it was legal. To top it all off, you post drivel about Trumpists trading in ethics and morals for "legal" standard, which makes you look ridiculous after trading lying to courts to trample civil liberties as supposedly "legal".

Keep whistling past the graveyard. If you're not already embarrassed by the water you're carrying, it's on you. Dooley or not.
The FBI lied to the FISA court by signing off that all of the information had been verified and was true, yet the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State had informed the FBI that Steele was lying in the dossier 10 days before the FBI applied for the FBI submitted the dossier in request for the warrant. It wasn't a matter of "enough" being corroborated. It was a matter of the FBI lying and withholding information to get a warrant.

They used the Yahoo article about Trump as a corroborating source while knowing that Steele was the source for the Yahoo article. They lied to the court.

They never shared with the FISC that the dossier was opposition research paid for by political enemies.

They never shared with the FISC that they cut ties with Steele (the author of the dossier used to get the warrant) for being untrustworthy.

They never shared that Steele had put a timeline on sharing the dossier to hurt Trump in the election.

The FISA process is extremely stringent, as it's supposed to protect our civil liberties, and the FBI **** all over it. You keep making excuses for it and trying to make reasons that it was legal. To top it all off, you post drivel about Trumpists trading in ethics and morals for "legal" standard, which makes you look ridiculous after trading lying to courts to trample civil liberties as supposedly "legal".

Keep whistling past the graveyard. If you're not already embarrassed by the water you're carrying, it's on you. Dooley or not.
How was the show Sean?

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