Mueller Report Imminent

I’ll match your bet with with the very real possibility that an actual, real Judge is going to find Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Stroke, Lynch, Simpson, both Ohr’s, Yates, and of course the “Crown Jewels” that are Clinton and Obama guilty of treason. Maybe not all of them but here’s to hoping for the best....

What are you two wagering? What odds can I get on both of you being wrong?
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What are you two wagering? What odds can I get on both of you being wrong?

I’ll play. Can I get an indictment for 3 of the ones I listed? Case of beer or bottle of spirits of our choice. No damn exotic bottle of scotch from the back hollars of Scotland. Do we have a PM function on this board?
You got reeled in by the TrumPutin hoax. You were even VolProf’s star pupil. You’re still posting tweets trying to hang on to the collusion gig.

Not sure you should be calling anyone else a conspiracy nut.

I've thought Trump's biggest exposure to criminal liability has to do with Russian dirty money. Maybe that will pan out, maybe it won't.

He continues to act guilty, though.
I've thought Trump's biggest exposure to criminal liability has to do with Russian dirty money. Maybe that will pan out, maybe it won't.

He continues to act guilty, though.

There are a few players acting guilty right now. I don’t consider your president one of them.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller isn't appearing before Congress because he has "nothing to tell" and he doesn't want Democrats to be "mad at him," according to radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

"The bottom line here is that Mueller doesn’t want to, and the media is beside itself because they think they’re on Mueller’s team -- and Congress, they think they’re on Mueller’s team. They’re asking for the coach to come up and give them the pep talk," Limbaugh said on his radio show Friday.

"They want Mueller to come and finally tell ’em that there was collusion and that he knew it, that Barr will not let him say so, and Trump won’t let him say so! They want that, and Mueller doesn’t want to go talk to the team."

Limbaugh charged that if Mueller had something that Democrats wanted to hear he'd be there by now.

"If Mueller doesn’t want to talk, do you know what it means? It means he’s got nothing to tell ’em that he knows they’re gonna want to hear. If Mueller had things to tell them that they wanted to hear, he would have been there by now," Limbaugh said.

The radio host said Democrats and critics will "disappointed and mad" if Mueller testifies as he most likely doesn't have information they would like to hear.

"All Mueller knows is that if he goes up there and talks to ’em, they’re gonna be disappointed and mad at him. He doesn’t want them mad at him, and the press and all these Democrats are Capitol Hill, they think that Mueller should know that they’re on his team. See, they’re convinced that Mueller has got more information than Barr has released, that Mueller has more information than what’s in the report," Limbaugh said.

Rush Limbaugh: Mueller not testifying because he has nothing to tell Congress
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn told investigators that people linked to the Trump administration and Congress reached out to him in an effort to interfere in the Russia probe, according to newly-unredacted court papers filed Thursday.
The court filing from special counsel Robert Mueller is believed to mark the first public acknowledgement that a person connected to Capitol Hill was suspected of engaging in an attempt to impede the investigation into Russian election interference.

“The defendant informed the government of multiple instances, both before and after his guilty plea, where either he or his attorneys received communications from persons connected to the Administration or Congress that could’ve affected both his willingness to cooperate and the completeness of that cooperation,” the court papers say.

Flynn told Mueller that people tied to Trump and Congress tried to obstruct probe

Emmet Sullivan, federal judge, orders parts of Mueller report unredacted, made public
Hilarious that you automatically assume this supports all of your tinfoil hat Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theories. 😂😂😂

Watch out for the boomerang.
History will judge Barr, McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Devin Nunes, and the like very harshly for their having sold their souls out to the cheap gold plated Conman in Chief.
Wtf LG. How can you say that about who you listed after what is coming out on Clinton, Brennan, Comey, Mueller etc.??

Are you and your dem residents really going to just try to ignore what's happening??
Soon it will be anyone who didn't vote for Trump is guilty of treason.

It's amazing how willingly ignorant the Trump haters on this board choose to be.

If you still believe Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Page etc acted with integrity then you're not going to wake up until the guilty verdicts are issued (if ever).

How do you guys continue to turn a blind eye to all of the allegations against these people?

You think this is a witch hunt?
If the US was worried about Trump's relationship with Putin as a political candidate/businessman or had evidence that gave them concern, wouldn't the President and/or the state department be entitled to have the FBI/CIA spy on him? Our policy at that time opposed Putin and Russia in almost every facet.
No. FISA warrants are intended to surveil foreign spies & terrorists.

The authorization allows for wiretapping a "foreign power or an agent of a foreign power" (which could include American citizens) suspected to be engaged in espionage or terrorism.
He does know. He knows he is guilty AF. He knows his son is guilty AF. He knows he is a fraud, a con man, and a cheat.

The difference is, he think his having gotten away with so much must mean he's special. He's not.
You're completely brainwashed. I feel sorry for you.

Seriously. Stop listening to these talking heads that lied to you for the past 3 years.
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History will judge Barr, McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Devin Nunes, and the like very harshly for their having sold their souls out to the cheap gold plated Conman in Chief.
Your hate knows no limits.

Soon... you will be all alone in the wilderness wondering how you got so F'd up.... all your heroes will be in prison, and you will need us to explain this thread to you all over again. Maybe we will help you out, maybe not.
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