Mueller Report Imminent

From AG Barr:

“I think there's a misconception out there that we know a lot about what happened,” he said.

“The fact of the matter is Bob Mueller did not look at the government's activities. He was looking at whether or not the Trump campaign had conspired with the Russians. But he was not going back and looking at the counterintelligence program. And we have a number of investigations underway that touch upon it -- the main one being the office of inspector general that's looking at the FISA warrants.”
From AG Barr:

“I think there's a misconception out there that we know a lot about what happened,” he said.

“The fact of the matter is Bob Mueller did not look at the government's activities. He was looking at whether or not the Trump campaign had conspired with the Russians. But he was not going back and looking at the counterintelligence program. And we have a number of investigations underway that touch upon it -- the main one being the office of inspector general that's looking at the FISA warrants.”

History will judge Barr, McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Devin Nunes, and the like very harshly for their having sold their souls out to the cheap gold plated Conman in Chief.

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History will judge Barr, McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Devin Nunes, and the like very harshly for their having sold their souls out to the cheap gold plated Conman in Chief.

I’m more inclined to believe history will remember them as a handful of the many people who wouldn’t be run over by the Obama administration’s banana republic tactics to topple their political rivals.

They will not be remembered as the sheep who tacitly approved of totalitarian abuse of government power to topple their political rivals.
History will judge Barr, McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Devin Nunes, and the like very harshly for their having sold their souls out to the cheap gold plated Conman in Chief.

I’ll match your bet with with the very real possibility that an actual, real Judge is going to find Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Stroke, Lynch, Simpson, both Ohr’s, Yates, and of course the “Crown Jewels” that are Clinton and Obama guilty of treason. Maybe not all of them but here’s to hoping for the best....
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Protecting us from a President who is a wholly owned subsidiary of Russian intelligence is not undermining the fraudulent election result "for a political purpose."

If that's true somebody should really get an investigation going to find out. The scope should definitely be far reaching....even if it lasts over 2 years. Man that would be nuckin futs if true. Where did you hear this??
Yes they were. The FISA judges were lied to explicitly and by omission.

They used the Steele Dossier while claiming it was verified. It was not.

They also left out the known credibility problems with it and who funded it.

Either one of those would have squashed the FISA application.

It was as easy as leaking the dossier to friendlies in the media and using their reporting on it as verification.

They were duped. As were you, Tweety Bird.

It doesn't explain anything. He's just making vague statements with enough loaded language to keep Trump happy and the conspiracy nuts worked up.

You got reeled in by the TrumPutin hoax. You were even VolProf’s star pupil. You’re still posting tweets trying to hang on to the collusion gig.

Not sure you should be calling anyone else a conspiracy nut.

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