Mueller Report Imminent

"If we had had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so." - Robert Mueller

That is not exactly an "exoneration" now is it?
There is plenty of proof.

But one major problem we have is that Barr and Trump have manipulated their idiot base with the misleading summary memo, with Trump falsely claiming exoneration, followed by release of the report a month later, well after the idiot Trump base had accepted Barr's and Trump's falsehoods and lies.

Congressional testimony by McGahn for example where he describes getting that call from Trump one night at home, telling him to conjure up a way to fire Mueller, with him telling he won't do it, and Trump asking him not to tell anyone he asked, might just give folks pause before continuing to tout the exoneration line.
Or spin it this way: Trump seeks advice from the White House Counsel, Counsel advises against firing Mueller and Trump heeds his advice and doesn't fire Mueller. Lawyers.
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There is plenty of proof.

But one major problem we have is that Barr and Trump have manipulated their idiot base with the misleading summary memo, with Trump falsely claiming exoneration, followed by release of the report a month later, well after the idiot Trump base had accepted Barr's and Trump's falsehoods and lies.

Congressional testimony by McGahn for example where he describes getting that call from Trump one night at home, telling him to conjure up a way to fire Mueller, with him telling he won't do it, and Trump asking him not to tell anyone he asked, might just give folks pause before continuing to tout the exoneration line.

What does “idiot” base have to do with congress impeachment of President Trump?

If there’s plenty of proof as you claim then it’s an open and shut case for impeachment, so congress should start the process.

Ok should congress impeach President Trump for asking McGahn to fire Mueller. If they have the proof then do it.

I have one question. I know that you are a man of integrity and believe that everyone should face justice if they commit a crime. Should Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton, James Comey, Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton be charged with obstruction of justice?
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I'm hoping one of these other 14 investigations turns up something quickly. I'm still confident we will not surpass the 6.5 years of the Whitewater investigation.

With the “progression” of technology compared to 40 years ago an investigation shouldn’t take 6.5 years.
Why say anything at all unless he wanted it known, that he isn't confident no crimes were committed? The word "clearly" sounds designed to make you have to guess what this degree of lack of confidence is.
Doesn't sound like he is confident that any crimes were committed. Gray guy commenting on a gray area.
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I really don't think they have to deal with that at all. If the President had just kept his mouth shut and let Mueller do his job like most everyone (right and left) on this board recommended the events of today would have never happened. It would have ended with there was Russian interference but no conspiracy (collusion).
Yes but the whining and b*tching wouldn't have.

There's no obstruction anyways, you can't obstruct a fake investigation started on lies.
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Mueller was the Hitman from the get go, make no mistake about it, he was in charge of the FBI during 9/11 and the coverup!
Arabs with box cutters brought down the twin towers.......sure they did
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Condolences for the loss of your friend. My age. Sobering thought.
Wait until you get a little older. You will go to funerals of several of your friends. I lose a handful every year. I have friends of all ages, but several have died in their 60's.
Impeachment is as much a political issue as it is a pure question of law. It is far more complicated than simply "Did he commit a crime worthy of being impeached?" which he clearly did.

I am torn on this issue, but politically think the wiser course is to continue to investigate and see where that leads. I think it would be immensely helpful if Trump, himself, volunteered to come speak to Congress about this. After all, according to him he's the most transparent President in history. Perhaps he can clear the air. Maybe explain a few things.
Nope. No more money for fake investigations. You can't impeach or indict over a fake coup.
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Doesn't sound like he is confident that any crimes were committed. Gray guy commenting on a gray area.

I’ve thought the same. In Mueller’s comments on collusion and now on obstruction, it comes across largely as double speak - Leaving both comments out there to be interpreted two different ways. He’s just as easily saying if he thought Trump was guilty, he would have said so too. Dershowitz has some words for Mueller on this too:

Dershowitz: Shame on Robert Mueller for exceeding his role
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Doesn't sound like he is confident that any crimes were committed. Gray guy commenting on a gray area.

You guys are really twisting in the wind. That statement coupled with the one about not being able to indict a setting president leaves no doubt about what Mueller meant.
Ultimately, Mueller hasn't made anyone happy. To a certain extent, I have to think that is how he planned it. Sort of like "I will just write a bunch of non-committal language down and let the politicians take it from here as far as what to what to do with it."
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You guys are really twisting in the wind. That statement coupled with the one about not being able to indict a setting president leaves no doubt about what Mueller meant.
His voice quivering was a bad look. He looked like 💩 compared to just 4 months ago. He's a dead man walking.
You guys are really twisting in the wind. That statement coupled with the one about not being able to indict a setting president leaves no doubt about what Mueller meant.

The Muell should have written his report in a way interpretation wasn't needed. He did so on purpose and should be roasted for it.
Ultimately, Mueller hasn't made anyone happy. To a certain extent, I have to think that is how he planned it. Sort of like "I will just write a bunch of non-committal language down and let the politicians take it from here as far as what to what to do with it."
He was handed a pile of sh!t and a couple slices of bread. What would you have made out of that?
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Ultimately, Mueller hasn't made anyone happy. To a certain extent, I have to think that is how he planned it. Sort of like "I will just write a bunch of non-committal language down and let the politicians take it from here as far as what to what to do with it."

He needs to be held accountable for the mess he left.
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