Mueller Report Imminent

Hypothetical....If Pence was to resign for some reason, Trump would have to have his VP nominee confirmed by both houses of Congress, which frankly would never happen. If something were to happen to Trump before his new VP confirmation, Nancy Pelosi would be President of the US.

In that case if I were Trump, I'd choose Nancy P and keep her doing stuff like investigating the price of camel dung in Iran ... possibly tracking the origins of Ebola in the Congo. I bet I could find plenty of exotic places for her; she could have her own plane, too ... a C-130 ... plenty of room for her baggage.
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Yeah, imagine if he did something insane like talk about how attractive a 10 year old is and the start putting his hands on her like a month after multiple people called him out on his unwanted sniffing and touching. That would be crazy lol....
The whole bs about Biden being a pedo or sexual deviant is nonsense. Let’s compare: How many women have accused Trump, and Bill Clinton, of sexual assault vs Biden? Start there.
Not enough evidence to prove Trump conspired to collude, just complicit.
Of course he obstructed, that provides the weight which allows one more straw to be the breaker.

So if congress has the proof that he obstructed then they have an obligation to impeach?

Since you are a man of integrity should Obama, the Clintons, Lynch, and Comey be charged with obstruction?
The whole bs about Biden being a pedo or sexual deviant is nonsense. Let’s compare: How many women have accused Trump, and Bill Clinton, of sexual assault vs Biden? Start there.

Trump and clintons actions have nothing to do with biden. Biden is a creepy dude. He obviously crossed a line and made people uncomfortable. Pedo joe just cant help himself.
If anything that’s where you are wrong. According to muller he had many opportunities to get in bed with the Russians. He didn’t. I do think you have him on attempted obstruction. Even though I don’t think that rises to a level for removal.
Trump and clintons actions have nothing to do with biden. Biden is a creepy dude. He obviously crossed a line and made people uncomfortable. Pedo joe just cant help himself.
Are you claiming he’s more creepy then Trump? Yes you are right Biden’s actions are his to own. But I don’t see how any Trump supporter could call him out unless they are a massive hypocrite.
Two additional thoughts.

First, Mueller opened and closed by emphasizing that the Russians made a repeated and systematic effort to help Trump win and that all Americans should be alarmed by that. Given that our intelligence agencies have uniformly been saying that for two years, I sincerely hope that Trump will just drop the suggestion that it's not true. Seriously, he has got to acknowledge it and we need to prioritize stopping it from happening again.

Second, it is clear that Barr spun the report to help Trump. Right or wrong, that is not acceptable. The Congress should act to remove him from office, if nothing else.
Two additional thoughts.

First, Mueller opened and closed by emphasizing that the Russians made a repeated and systematic effort to help Trump win and that all Americans should be alarmed by that. Given that our intelligence agencies have uniformly been saying that for two years, I sincerely hope that Trump will just drop the suggestion that it's not true. Seriously, he has got to acknowledge it and we need to prioritize stopping it from happening again.

Second, it is clear that Barr spun the report to help Trump. Right or wrong, that is not acceptable. The Congress should act to remove him from office, if nothing else.
And yet Obama did nothing. What a loser.

Barr stated the facts. No collusion. No obstruction.
Two additional thoughts.

First, Mueller opened and closed by emphasizing that the Russians made a repeated and systematic effort to help Trump win and that all Americans should be alarmed by that. Given that our intelligence agencies have uniformly been saying that for two years, I sincerely hope that Trump will just drop the suggestion that it's not true. Seriously, he has got to acknowledge it and we need to prioritize stopping it from happening again.

Second, it is clear that Barr spun the report to help Trump. Right or wrong, that is not acceptable. The Congress should act to remove him from office, if nothing else.

Leads to the question why Obama took no action on the matter other than bugging the opposition. The correct move would have been to get all candidates together, make them all aware of the situation and plan a course of action in coordination with the intelligence agencies as a unified group against the Russians to stop the meddling.

It's pretty obvious the real story is that it's the deep state vs Donald Trump. Will they impeach him before he eliminates and exposes all of them?
Two additional thoughts.

First, Mueller opened and closed by emphasizing that the Russians made a repeated and systematic effort to help Trump win and that all Americans should be alarmed by that. Given that our intelligence agencies have uniformly been saying that for two years, I sincerely hope that Trump will just drop the suggestion that it's not true. Seriously, he has got to acknowledge it and we need to prioritize stopping it from happening again.

Second, it is clear that Barr spun the report to help Trump. Right or wrong, that is not acceptable. The Congress should act to remove him from office, if nothing else.

Damn, for a guy who supposedly deals in fact, you sure don't get it. The Russians offered; Trump did not solicit. When the Russians offered, Trump didn't bite. It's just not that difficult.

Just because the Cold War is over, it does not mean our "former" enemies aren't still more than willing to undermine us in any way possible. Obama and his intelligence agencies were the ones who claimed the Russians couldn't hack an election ... apparently they used "hack" because "meddle" or "influence" would be a bald faced lie. And apparently the Russians did hack some voting systems ... "but they didn't change anything".
Two additional thoughts.

First, Mueller opened and closed by emphasizing that the Russians made a repeated and systematic effort to help Trump win and that all Americans should be alarmed by that. Given that our intelligence agencies have uniformly been saying that for two years, I sincerely hope that Trump will just drop the suggestion that it's not true. Seriously, he has got to acknowledge it and we need to prioritize stopping it from happening again.

Second, it is clear that Barr spun the report to help Trump. Right or wrong, that is not acceptable. The Congress should act to remove him from office, if nothing else.
What has Trump done to help Russia while in office? Maybe the Russians thought Trump would give them uranium rather than making them pay? It's completely illogical.
What has Trump done to help Russia while in office? Maybe the Russians thought Trump would give them uranium rather than making them pay? It's completely illogical.
I haven't decided if Trump is a Russian Communist sympathizer, a fascist, an authoritarian dictator, a modern day Hitler, Stalin, a KKK Grand Wizard, or what? The leftists have me confused.
Two additional thoughts.

First, Mueller opened and closed by emphasizing that the Russians made a repeated and systematic effort to help Trump win and that all Americans should be alarmed by that. Given that our intelligence agencies have uniformly been saying that for two years, I sincerely hope that Trump will just drop the suggestion that it's not true. Seriously, he has got to acknowledge it and we need to prioritize stopping it from happening again.

Second, it is clear that Barr spun the report to help Trump. Right or wrong, that is not acceptable. The Congress should act to remove him from office, if nothing else.
Let’s get Mueller to testify then so he can be asked about it
Two additional thoughts.

First, Mueller opened and closed by emphasizing that the Russians made a repeated and systematic effort to help Trump win and that all Americans should be alarmed by that. Given that our intelligence agencies have uniformly been saying that for two years, I sincerely hope that Trump will just drop the suggestion that it's not true. Seriously, he has got to acknowledge it and we need to prioritize stopping it from happening again.

Second, it is clear that Barr spun the report to help Trump. Right or wrong, that is not acceptable. The Congress should act to remove him from office, if nothing else.

Mueller specifically praised Barr for being more transparent than he (Mueller) thought an AG would be with a SP report. Mueller has no beef with Barr.
The whole bs about Biden being a pedo or sexual deviant is nonsense. Let’s compare: How many women have accused Trump, and Bill Clinton, of sexual assault vs Biden? Start there.
I don’t think Creepy Uncle Joe is a pedo. Not by a long shot. But I do absolutely think he’s waaaaaaay to “handsie” with many females he doesn’t know very well.

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