Mueller Report Imminent

Are you claiming he’s more creepy then Trump? Yes you are right Biden’s actions are his to own. But I don’t see how any Trump supporter could call him out unless they are a massive hypocrite.

Its no more hypocritical than brushing off all of the people accusing biden of unwanted touching as "nonsense" like you did in your first response to me only to turn around and take everything against trump as gospel. You can judge a man on his own character, everything doesnt have to be "yeah but trump did this!"...
Lol @ the Mueller hate by the Trump sycophants. Bob is an American hero, his morning bowel movements have more class and character than the whole of the Trump family lineage.
So at this point, what is it the Dems supposedly have Trump on? Attempting, but failing, to obstruct justice? Up to the House I guess if that's impeachable, but precedent doesn't support removal from office. As far as what Mueller said, tell me a recent President that hasn't committed a crime? It seems to be common place. and it seems to be common that they get away with it too. So why are we trying to set new standards for Trump? Because the DC machine doesn't like him? Is that really the standard we want to roll with for future Presidents? We're laying down minefields for future Presidencies with all the poo being flung at Trump. I've said many times I don't like the guy, but is he worth all of this? I just don't think so. Beat him in the next election if you can.
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Lol @ the Mueller hate by the Trump sycophants. Bob is an American hero, his morning bowel movements have more class and character than the whole of the Trump family lineage.
Mueller is a partisan hack that is suppose to uphold the law no matter party affiliation. He's useless as tits on a boar hog.
Well of course that is not what I said, but you knew that.
It is, but you probably didn’t realize it. The American public is Barr’s “client.” Not the President, not the White House. If he misled Congress he misled his client. So it wasn’t “what lawyers do” it’s actually more along the lines of what actually can get a law license suspended.

There are higher authorities than the client, especially in the context of the attorney general, but that typically involves classified and privileged information and those situations were already handled here.

There is no situation that I can imagine where it’s appropriate for the attorney general to mislead congress or obfuscate the truth.
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Lol @ the Mueller hate by the Trump sycophants. Bob is an American hero, his morning bowel movements have more class and character than the whole of the Trump family lineage.

He would just say, I have not found definitive proof that their is corn in my bowel movement but I have not found evidence that corn is not there either.
Finally an admission?

Mueller is a partisan hack that is suppose to uphold the law no matter party affiliation. He's useless as tits on a boar hog.

What law didn't he uphold or follow to a T again? Specifically? Your spoon-fed Hannity talking points fail you when you move from the realm of confirmation bias hate opinion to that of reality.
He would just say, I have not found definitive proof that their is corn in my bowel movement but I have not found evidence that corn is not there either.

On a scale of 1 to AOC, how mad are you guys that Mueller just wiped his ass on Barrs shirt? Mueller's integrity is the gift that keeps giving.
He should probably be considering moving to a country where he can’t be extradited

He had committed a fraud on the American people.

Are you madder about the fact that Russia apparently did pull out all the stops to get your boy elected, or that Mueller outed Barr as a big fat red hat nut hugging liar?

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