Mueller Report Imminent

I think he should too as a matter of procedure, but given his statement, I don't see the point. It'll be hours of grandstanding with him saying "I refer you to my report" 100 times.

His report does not answer the critical questions of who and when. Even for Mueller, when did he know there was no collusion?

IMHO, his report (and the process thereof) has done more to undermine our republic than any alleged actions by Trump.

Seriously, who provides the statement he did yesterday, then wipes their hands clean and resigns? He has a motive, and it stretches credulity and his assigned powers as special counsel. The fact that anyone left of center can’t acknowledge that, including a dozen+ here, is telling. Partisans do not want answers; they want to strut like banty roosters and say, “we got him now.” If he has committed a crime worthy of reprimand, then get him out of office. Don’t just impeach him (through a partisan-loaded House) for the sake of creating another talking point, get his *** out. If not, people need to STHU.

My opinion:

It is nothing but politics, and nothing will happen. Nancy P. has acknowledged as much with her reluctance to acquiesce, and she has had to yoke the scoundrels in her own party because she sees the impending ramifications of such a gesture. She doesn’t want any part of the blowback when a (D) is in office. She’s a moron to be certain, but she’s actually one of the very few on her side exemplifying lucidity about this, at least for now.
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...and the cry for testimony is coming from both sides. But it's mostly people looking for further confirmation bias.
It’s weird how for two years Trump has supposedly been pissing his pants about Mueller because he’s such a white knight of virtue but now democrats say Mueller is hiding/ignoring things because he was pressured and scared of Trump. Please pick a lane.
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The fact that he just cannot bring himself to say that the Russians interfered to hurt HRC and to help him speaks volumes about his paranoia.



Whatever makes you feel better. Old Yellowstain.
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I think he should too as a matter of procedure, but given his statement, I don't see the point. It'll be hours of grandstanding with him saying "I refer you to my report" 100 times.
Dershowitz was shredding the Muell last night on his messaging. Prosecutors don’t investigate if a crime didn’t occur. They investigate if one did occur. And if they find no evidence reaching the level where they think they could get a conviction they’re done. None of this “if we could say the president was innocent we would have”. That’s completely over the line for a prosecutor to say that and leaving it hanging like a fart on the wind.
Dershowitz was shredding the Muell last night on his messaging. Prosecutors don’t investigate if a crime didn’t occur. They investigate if one did occur. And if they find no evidence reaching the level where they think they could get a conviction they’re done. None of this “if we could say the president was innocent we would have”. That’s completely over the line for a prosecutor to say that and leaving it hanging like a fart on the wind.

What did he say about the effect, if any, of the OLC memo saying you can't indict a sitting president? Seems like a distinction that may make a wee bit of a difference.
Dershowitz was shredding the Muell last night on his messaging. Prosecutors don’t investigate if a crime didn’t occur. They investigate if one did occur. And if they find no evidence reaching the level where they think they could get a conviction they’re done. None of this “if we could say the president was innocent we would have”. That’s completely over the line for a prosecutor to say that and leaving it hanging like a fart on the wind.

You should write a letter to your congressman.
It’s weird how for two years Trump has supposedly been pissing his pants about Mueller because he’s such a white knight of virtue but now democrats say Mueller is hiding/ignoring things because he was pressured and scared of Trump. Please pick a lane.
Has anyone really said that or is that just some colorful paraphrasing? Mueller continues to use very non-committal language when describing Trump's actions. It has frustrated both sides. He didn't "pick a lane" as you might say.
Why do you think I care about anything more than the truth? Why do you think his testifying would change anything about what we know to this point?

It would clarify whether Barr lied or embellished the reports findings. I think finding the truth in that is pretty important and it puzzles me that you do not.
What did he say about the effect, if any, of the OLC memo saying you can't indict a sitting president? Seems like a distinction that may make a wee bit of a difference.

800 federal prosecutors say they'd take trump to task for obstruction and the red-hat's cite Fox's dershowitz as the only guy in town who can decide what's what.
Dershowitz was shredding the Muell last night on his messaging. Prosecutors don’t investigate if a crime didn’t occur. They investigate if one did occur. And if they find no evidence reaching the level where they think they could get a conviction they’re done. None of this “if we could say the president was innocent we would have”. That’s completely over the line for a prosecutor to say that and leaving it hanging like a fart on the wind.
He's not wrong, but this is the whole problem with Special Prosecutors. Investigations meander all over the place and guidelines are fuzzy at best.
There were approximately 470 accounts opened from a notorious troll farm in St. Petersburg that was responsible for purchasing some 3,000 or so ads between June 2015 and May 2017... In U.S. dollars it would come out to about $100,000... it is a very small amount compared to how much is spent on ads during the election cycle (well over a billion). Chances are you probably did see an ad from a fake Russian account during the 2016 cycle but probably didn't give it a 2nd glance... they were typically not very professional looking in nature (from what I've seen). The Russians may not understand how accustomed Americans are to ignoring junk mail and advertisements... we spend most of the day ignoring the kind of crap they were putting out there. It's our every day normal.

I'm sure Voice of America and Radio Moscow both spent well more than that over the years ... and likely both were recognized as propaganda outlets, too. So this stuff is nothing new and still ineffective. Why are we even bothering with it? This is like questioning a nebulous call that happened when the favored football team stunk that day and lost by double digits.
Why? For hearing something that made me laugh? Man you’re game has gotten weak with a comeback like that sep 🙄

It wasn't a comeback, it was an observation. Personally, I don't think you're laughing at all - you strike me as the type that is easily triggered.
All this was just a diversion tactic to delay the cabal from being exposed. It’s almost like he was being forced to say all this with a gun held to his head.

Brennan, Comey, etc are going down.

And deep down you all know they are guilty.

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