Mueller Report Imminent

It’s the Dims version of “lock her up”. Just to rile up their base.
Now if we can only get a candidate to have some big pep rallies and lead thousands in maniacal chants of "Lock Trump up" you guys may get a glimpse of the nonsense we witnessed.

Why is anyone surprised by this? Barr has ALWAYS taken the position that Trump as President cannot commit obstruction of justice. Its why Trump hired him in the first place. Duh.

Why is anyone surprised by this? Barr has ALWAYS taken the position that Trump as President cannot commit obstruction of justice. Its why Trump hired him in the first place. Duh.


"I’m still enjoying what I’m doing, there’s still work to be done. I’m still the President’s wing-man, so I’m there with my boy. So we’ll see," Holder said in an interview on the Tom Joyner radio show.

You do realize the situations are not analogous, correct?

Poor Richard Nixon. If Barr had just been the AG at the time, he'd have served out his term just fine.

No wonder the Republicans are hell bent on circling the wagons around this disgrace of a President. Cannot have the stink of another ousted criminal on your hands, can you?
You do realize the situations are not analogous, correct?

Poor Richard Nixon. If Barr had just been the AG at the time, he'd have served out his term just fine.

No wonder the Republicans are hell bent on circling the wagons around this disgrace of a President. Cannot have the stink of another ousted criminal on your hands, can you?

Bless It
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You do realize the situations are not analogous, correct?

Poor Richard Nixon. If Barr had just been the AG at the time, he'd have served out his term just fine.

No wonder the Republicans are hell bent on circling the wagons around this disgrace of a President. Cannot have the stink of another ousted criminal on your hands, can you?

What I see when you post.

hissy fit.gif
Why is anyone surprised by this? Barr has ALWAYS taken the position that Trump as President cannot commit obstruction of justice. Its why Trump hired him in the first place. Duh.

Yesterday you questioned the validity of a statement by the Council and the DOJ. Today you link a tweet by someone unknown and accept as valid. You care to post a link to the actual Barr statement?
Why is anyone surprised by this? Barr has ALWAYS taken the position that Trump as President cannot commit obstruction of justice. Its why Trump hired him in the first place. Duh.

This guy has been an AG before.
Anyone can see the Mueller investigation was a Trumped up (pun intended) effort by leftists in the FBI. At best it was sloppy and unjustified. At worst, it was a deliberate effort to undermine the Trump candidacy and presidency. And this is from a guy that didn’t vote for Trump and wont next time either.

Who, in the Trump campaign, ended up with charges related to collusion with Russia? Answer, no one.
You do realize the situations are not analogous, correct?

Poor Richard Nixon. If Barr had just been the AG at the time, he'd have served out his term just fine.

No wonder the Republicans are hell bent on circling the wagons around this disgrace of a President. Cannot have the stink of another ousted criminal on your hands, can you?

Are you actually comparing the obstruction by Trump, against an invalid charge and no probable cause, with the obstruction by Nixon? Your view of justice then is to falsely charge, convict in the press then if he resists call it obstruction. I hope this happens to you at some time in your life but it's not justice.
You do realize the situations are not analogous, correct?

Poor Richard Nixon. If Barr had just been the AG at the time, he'd have served out his term just fine.

No wonder the Republicans are hell bent on circling the wagons around this disgrace of a President. Cannot have the stink of another ousted criminal on your hands, can you?
I think the tapes got Nixon. Hillary learned from him to save her rather large a$$.
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You do realize the situations are not analogous, correct?

Poor Richard Nixon. If Barr had just been the AG at the time, he'd have served out his term just fine.

No wonder the Republicans are hell bent on circling the wagons around this disgrace of a President. Cannot have the stink of another ousted criminal on your hands, can you?

LOL........This coming from such a pathetic loser. Get ready to lose another 4 years starting in 2020.
Barr Says Mueller Was Wrong, ‘Could’ve Reached a Decision’ on Obstruction

Epoch News The Epoch Times

Barr and Trump are full of crap. They argue on the one hand that under the unitary executive theory the President cannot be charged with obstruction, and further that under DOJ rules he cannot be charged with a crime, at all. Then on the other hand they argue that because Mueller did not charge Trump with obstruction, then he must not have obstructed.

Barr and Trump are full of crap. They argue on the one hand that under the unitary executive theory the President cannot be charged with obstruction, and further that under DOJ rules he cannot be charged with a crime, at all. Then on the other hand they argue that because Mueller did not charge Trump with obstruction, then he must not have obstructed.

Since you folks have the iron clad proof of his guilt, you have an obligation to impeach. Just do it!
Barr and Trump are full of crap. They argue on the one hand that under the unitary executive theory the President cannot be charged with obstruction, and further that under DOJ rules he cannot be charged with a crime, at all. Then on the other hand they argue that because Mueller did not charge Trump with obstruction, then he must not have obstructed.

He isn't arguing that he didn't CHARGE anyone, he is arguing that his duty was to recommend or make a decision on if criminal activity happened.

Edit: I'm sorry I called you dumb beaver
You do realize the situations are not analogous, correct?

Poor Richard Nixon. If Barr had just been the AG at the time, he'd have served out his term just fine.

No wonder the Republicans are hell bent on circling the wagons around this disgrace of a President. Cannot have the stink of another ousted criminal on your hands, can you?

I think you summed it up pretty good there. Although obstruction/attempted obstruction was only because "it's not fair". Otherwise "the most transparent administration in history." Who cares if a few people were told to lie, when it was only to thwart a "witch hunt."

Oh, and by the way, sharing internal polling data with a Kremlin loyal oligarch doesn't mean it was used to launch a Russian-aided campaign to support Trump , because Putin really wanted Hillary to win.

You see, to the untrained eye, it might look fishy as hell, and maybe even sort of like a conspiracy. But, it's probably just Hillary and Putin trying to make it look that way.

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