Mueller Report Imminent

He isn't arguing that he didn't CHARGE anyone, he is arguing that his duty was to recommend or make a decision on if criminal activity happened.

Edit: I'm sorry I called you dumb beaver

Which by definition Mueller said he could not conclude. Read the report: the facts set out instances in which he obstructed. Clear as day.

The fact that Mueller could not in his view legally say exactly that does not excuse Trump.
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Barr and Trump are full of crap. They argue on the one hand that under the unitary executive theory the President cannot be charged with obstruction, and further that under DOJ rules he cannot be charged with a crime, at all. Then on the other hand they argue that because Mueller did not charge Trump with obstruction, then he must not have obstructed.


Don't worry so much LG. It will all be clear very soon.
Which by definition Mueller said he could not conclude. Read the report: the facts set out instances in which he obstructed. Clear as day.

The fact that Mueller could not in his view legally say exactly that does not excuse Trump.

If it’s clear as day he obstructed then why didn’t Mueller say so?
Lead by a Republican and appointed by a Trump-appointed Republican... Jeez, have they no shame.

That investigation spends money like none other. They apparently spent $5 million since Trump went nuts on the White House lawn last week and all they did was quit.


I think those numbers are coming from Trump’s department of inauguration attendance math.
Which by definition Mueller said he could not conclude. Read the report: the facts set out instances in which he obstructed. Clear as day.

The fact that Mueller could not in his view legally say exactly that does not excuse Trump.
No, Mueller couldn't charge. There was absolutely nothing against him being clear that he believed there was enough to suggest that he was guilty of "collusion". Nobody is asking him to charge a sitting President....................other than liberals who don't listen to anything or know anything but orange man bad.
That investigation spends money like none other. They apparently spent $5 million since Trump went nuts on the White House lawn last week and all they did was quit.


I think those numbers are coming from Trump’s department of inauguration attendance math.

Mueller and his angry gang... No shame at all.
If it’s clear as day he obstructed then why didn’t Mueller say so?

Because the President cannot be found to have committed a crime, the president may have committed impeachable offenses, but it’s not Robert Mueller’s job to hold him accountable because the president was elected by the people and Mueller was not.
Because the President cannot be found to have committed a crime, the president may have committed impeachable offenses, but it’s not Robert Mueller’s job to hold him accountable because the president was elected by the people and Mueller was not.

Funny how Ken Starr was able to be clear in his report even though the DOJ memo was in effect and he couldn't indict Clinton.

Explosive Starr report outlines case for impeachment
Because the President cannot be found to have committed a crime, the president may have committed impeachable offenses, but it’s not Robert Mueller’s job to hold him accountable because the president was elected by the people and Mueller was not.
NOBODY IS ASKING him to hold him accountable. There is a difference between bringing charges and making a recommendation to Congress.
Lets not forget the possible "obstruction" come on a fake hoax investigation. Anything after the fake FISA warrants is null and void.
I'm pretty sure those FISA documents were promised to be released last year by Trump. He's now probably obstructing himself on their release. oMAGAwd
Funny how Ken Starr was able to be clear in his report even though the DOJ memo was in effect and he couldn't indict Clinton.

Explosive Starr report outlines case for impeachment
We are not reliving Whitewater: Differences in Starr and Mueller investigations
Starr acted pursuant to a statute passed by Congress. Called the Ethics and Government Act of 1978, the law authorized Starr to send information he collected to the United States Congress and to provide recommendations related to impeachment of the person under investigation.
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We are not reliving Whitewater: Differences in Starr and Mueller investigations
Starr acted pursuant to a statute passed by Congress. Called the Ethics and Government Act of 1978, the law authorized Starr to send information he collected to the United States Congress and to provide recommendations related to impeachment of the person under investigation.

So? Was he clear in his report or not? The damn USAG said plainly that there was nothing stopping the Muell from being clear.
So? Was he clear in his report or not? The damn USAG said plainly that there was nothing stopping the Muell from being clear.

I imagine Barr would like that. He then could say that he doesn't agree and decline prosecution. Some double jeopardy kind of something.. I dunno

I think Barr should be billing DJ Trump, but that's just my opinion.

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