Mueller Report Imminent

What? What wild azz theories, I'll wait.

You have repeatedly, without proof, speculated that Mueller has corrupt motives with respect to this investigation.
Your theory, again no proof, that Justin Amash’s comments are not genuine but are just grandstanding to gear up for a presidential run.

Your counterfactual assertion that John McCain was trying to shop the Steele Dossier to the media before the election, but somehow couldn’t get anybody to bite on it until January...

Just to name a few recent ones.
Disagree with what? If he felt he was within his duties to note that Trump was or was not exonerated, he should also feel he was within his duties to recommend that there is evidence for Congress to impeach. No?
Seeing how it's solely up to Congress, and he said the report should speak for itself, it is up to Congress to take the report and decide. I don't see how it can be interpreted another way. If someone was expecting Mueller to tell congress to impeach, that was never going to happen.
I am not accusing the Muell of making up anything, I'm accusing him of being intentionally equivocal with his report in order to garner the response it's gotten.

It's possible, but I just see him as trying to be impartial as to what Congress should do. Just my opinion..

I need to go try to have a fun weekend. ✌️
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You have repeatedly, without proof, speculated that Mueller has corrupt motives with respect to this investigation.
Your theory, again no proof, that Justin Amash’s comments are not genuine but are just grandstanding to gear up for a presidential run.

Your counterfactual assertion that John McCain was trying to shop the Steele Dossier to the media before the election, but somehow couldn’t get anybody to bite on it until January...

Just to name a few recent ones.

I have not accused teh Muell of being corrupt in his investigation. I have accused him of using questionable and heavy handed tactics. I have accused him of being intentionally vague in his report I have accused him of having the desire to be the man to bring down Trump but I have not accused him of being corrupt.

When Amash was directly asked about runing for POTUS he said:

Libertarian groups have been trying to draft Amash to mount a third-party challenge against Trump in 2020, which could draw votes from Trump in Michigan, a key battleground state that Trump barely won in 2016.

Amash kept his options open Tuesday.

“I’ve said many times, I don’t rule things like that out,” Amash said. “If you’re fighting to defend the Constitution, if you find a way to do that that’s different and maybe more effective, then you have to think about that.”

You got me on the McCain one, I was wrong there.
Because the President cannot be found to have committed a crime, the president may have committed impeachable offenses, but it’s not Robert Mueller’s job to hold him accountable because the president was elected by the people and Mueller was not.

This comment is as stupid as what LG is trying to Peddle.
I have not accused teh Muell of being corrupt in his investigation. I have accused him of using questionable and heavy handed tactics. I have accused him of being intentionally vague in his report I have accused him of having the desire to be the man to bring down Trump but I have not accused him of being corrupt.

When Amash was directly asked about runing for POTUS he said:

You got me on the McCain one, I was wrong there.

I think Mueller was absolutely corrupt in his investigation. He had to have known the process that started it all was tainted, orchestrated by biased agents, and almost certainly illegal. Nothing good or honest can come of that ... that in itself is a cover-up, collusion, and obstruction. Mueller should have either dropped the investigation at that point or redirected it to the real problem.
I have not accused teh Muell of being corrupt in his investigation. I have accused him of using questionable and heavy handed tactics. I have accused him of being intentionally vague in his report I have accused him of having the desire to be the man to bring down Trump but I have not accused him of being corrupt.

When Amash was directly asked about runing for POTUS he said:

You got me on the McCain one, I was wrong there.

Amash also said he wouldn’t kick off a presidential campaign in this manner, if that were what he was doing. The point is they’re all negative inferences drawn against public figures who criticize Trump, but you’re appealing to Barr’s conclusions as if he’s an authority.

I was fully willing to accept Barr as a quality AG choice, and accepted his letter as likely accurate and thought the weeks needed to redact the report were also reasonable. I thought all of the outrage during that period was absurd and I trusted he would release the report. So I said nothing until the report came out. Then I read the report and it seemed less favorable than his summary.

Even then, I would have bought his explanation of the letter as merely a summary of the principal conclusions. Except he basically said that, even without the OLC opinion, Trump’s behavior was not something DOJ would pursue and parroted Trump’s defense theory in saying that a jury would have a hard time convicting on those facts. And he tried to supplement the record from Mueller to make the case look weaker.

Those statements weren’t honest or appropriate for him to make. I also believe that drawing a conclusion would have been improper for Mueller. The criminal law doesn’t apply and the president is supposed to be accountable to the people. It should be our decision whether his conduct is punishable, not whether it’s impeachable. It’s not the place of the unelected officials at the DOJ to use their official capacity to influence public opinion on that matter. IMO.
Amash also said he wouldn’t kick off a presidential campaign in this manner, if that were what he was doing. The point is they’re all negative inferences drawn against public figures who criticize Trump, but you’re appealing to Barr’s conclusions as if he’s an authority.

I was fully willing to accept Barr as a quality AG choice, and accepted his letter as likely accurate and thought the weeks needed to redact the report were also reasonable. I thought all of the outrage during that period was absurd and I trusted he would release the report. So I said nothing until the report came out. Then I read the report and it seemed less favorable than his summary.

Even then, I would have bought his explanation of the letter as merely a summary of the principal conclusions. Except he basically said that, even without the OLC opinion, Trump’s behavior was not something DOJ would pursue and parroted Trump’s defense theory in saying that a jury would have a hard time convicting on those facts. And he tried to supplement the record from Mueller to make the case look weaker.

Those things weren’t appropriate for him to do. Just as I believe that drawing a conclusion would have been improper for Mueller. The criminal law doesn’t apply and the president is supposed to be accountable to the people. It should be our decision whether his conduct is punishable, not whether it’s impeachable. It’s not the place of the unelected officials at the DOJ to use their official capacity to influence public opinion on that matter. IMO.

Total cop-out
I have not accused teh Muell of being corrupt in his investigation. I have accused him of using questionable and heavy handed tactics. I have accused him of being intentionally vague in his report I have accused him of having the desire to be the man to bring down Trump but I have not accused him of being corrupt.

As to being heavy handed, meh, so far a number have pled guilty. No one has been acquitted. Hard to argue its heavy handed when he's batting 1000 of those who have actually come to court.

As to being intentionally vague, I agree. And I also find it frustrating because it is leaving wiggle room for the Trump defenders to continue to argue semantics and avoid the facts. But he has a reason for it. You can accept it or not.

As to him trying to "bring down Trump," that's just ridiculous.
Congress is the only entity that can proceed. Trump was not exonerated for a reason. What other reason makes sense? Mueller, in so many words, said if Trump were found innocent, he would have said so. He wasn't exonerated on either subject, although Trump would have us believe so.

Lol damn word games. If he wasn’t exonerated then he’s he should have said guilty otherwise he’s innocent. Muell is the typical dim looking for attention and wanting to stir up whatever bs he can.
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As to being heavy handed, meh, so far a number have pled guilty. No one has been acquitted. Hard to argue its heavy handed when he's batting 1000 of those who have actually come to court.

As to being intentionally vague, I agree. And I also find it frustrating because it is leaving wiggle room for the Trump defenders to continue to argue semantics and avoid the facts. But he has a reason for it. You can accept it or not.

As to him trying to "bring down Trump," that's just ridiculous.

I’m gonna investigate you for murder for no reason and then charge you with tax evasion and unpaid parking tickets.
His testimony is in the 400-page report, it's a road map. You and everyone else that trashing him can't seem to put your finger on why you're doing so, just that his job was inconvenient to your partisan feelz. Try being honest with yourself. When you can articulate what he's done that's been immoral or unethical, I'll be all ears. Until then:

Simple. Mueller implied that the only reason he didn’t charge Trump is because he is President. He said the exact opposite to Barr with witnesses present. That is a specific example that immediately calls into question his integrity. He chose to say nothing for quite a while and when he finally speaks his words are not consistent with what he said previously.
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I’m gonna investigate you for murder for no reason and then charge you with tax evasion and unpaid parking tickets.
Obviously, the better way to reach an impeachment is to investigate him for a decade old real estate deal and then charge him with perjury after he lies about an affair with a consenting adult.

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