Mueller Report Imminent

Really, you think they killed a guy that was working with the Russians? Think this through. They killed the guy that stole their emails and gave it to the Russians to hurt the DNC and then bury all the evidence that he was responsible for the security breach and treason.
Crowdstrike said it was Russians.

Crowdstrike. Use your brain.
Biden will be taken down by either his involvement in Russia/Spygate, his son's ties to China/Ukraine, or his own stupidity. He won't be the nominee.
Good. Biden needs to hang out and enjoy retirement. Of course none of this will happen as you said.
Just my humble guess, but money laundering, conspiracy, fraud, and being a ****** person. Can't get charged for the later, but still.
Muh feelz

You know the crazy thing? I have little reason to doubt the assumption Obama wasn't involved. I think they kept him insulated from what was going on in order to maintain the plausible deniability factor.
Should have stopped with "you know the crazy thing." Nothing good comes from that statement. lol
Really, you think they killed a guy that was working with the Russians? Think this through. They killed the guy that stole their emails and gave it to the Russians to hurt the DNC and then bury all the evidence that he was responsible for the security breach and treason.
MAGA bitches!
Apparently the "dossier" was paid for in part by the DNC and partly by a campaign of another republican presidential hopeful.

Don't ya think if the FBI/DNC cahoots were in effect, that it would have been used prior to the election? The typical answer to that question is, "They thought they were gonna win, so the didn't need to."

Trump promised the declassifiction and release of the FISA applications. Want to guess why he hasn't?
He's literally holding the declassification as his Trump card.
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He's literally holding the declassification as his Trump card.
Sure, pal. More like he's struggling with the "unredacted" promise, knowing that a selective edit of the warrant applications would make him look somewhat less than transparent, and not redacting it would shine an unsavory light on himself.

Barr probably is working on a strategy, though.
I see the earlier posters bailed and let the MAGA heavyweights drive home the conspiracies.
Democrats/liberals bad. Red Hat lovers good. I just saved everyone a lot of time.
Your guess of criminal activity that 2+ years of FBI investigations couldn't turn up enough evidence to indict or include in the Mueller dossier? 😆
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True. Ahh, so the House did what they were supposed to do and brought articles of impeachment against a sitting president.
Totally fine in that situation, because you know, Democrats.
Weird how some were okay with it then (looking at you, Lindsey), but now it is a soft coup.

Fake news. Its a HARD COUP
And what, in the last 40+ years no law enforcement agency could catch him? The guy must be a criminal genius.
I only hope they are taking the long view of the entire Trump Family Crime Syndicate. I'd love to watch it all burn down.
I only hope they are taking the long view of the entire Trump Family Crime Syndicate. I'd love to watch it all burn down.


If he were that dirty for that long it would have been exposed during the campaign. Face it, while his skirts aren't clean he's no criminal.
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