Mueller Report Imminent

So why was NOBODY charged for it but only every other irrelevant bs crime?
Because "collusion" isn't a crime. I just told you why nobody was charged with criminal conspiracy. I don't know why I would bother trying to explain this. I already knew what I was getting myself into.
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Because "collusion" isn't a crime. I just told you why nobody was charged with criminal conspiracy. I don't know why I would bother trying to explain this. I already knew what I was getting myself into.

So what was the point of the investigation? To charge people money laundering and obstruction of something that’s not a crime?
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I can’t think of a single major mainstream media outlet that has admitted to its audience that it has examined how it ended up presenting the Trump–Russia collusion hoax as real news for more than two years, figured out what went wrong, and made the necessary corrections to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

Isn’t that a telling sign? They can’t bring themselves to admit it was all a hoax, because that would mean exposing the role they themselves played in creating and sustaining it for more than two years, as they relentlessly gaslighted the entire country.

Fake News Media in Serious Trouble

DECLASSIFIED - The Epoch Times

I can’t think of a single major mainstream media outlet that has admitted to its audience that it has examined how it ended up presenting the Trump–Russia collusion hoax as real news for more than two years, figured out what went wrong, and made the necessary corrections to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

Isn’t that a telling sign? They can’t bring themselves to admit it was all a hoax, because that would mean exposing the role they themselves played in creating and sustaining it for more than two years, as they relentlessly gaslighted the entire country.

Fake News Media in Serious Trouble

DECLASSIFIED - The Epoch Times

Posting someone else's opinion will win the argument.

Regardless of what the Russians did or didn't do in 2016, they'd have to drastically up their game in 2020 to have the same effect. The same tactics have become mainstream, especially with the not-so-fringe right, but it'll be coming from all directions.
Posting someone else's opinion will win the argument.

Regardless of what the Russians did or didn't do in 2016, they'd have to drastically up their game in 2020 to have the same effect. The same tactics have become mainstream, especially with the not-so-fringe right, but it'll be coming from all directions.
The idea of Trump colluding with them is ridiculous. The DIMs needed a wag the dog incident but it has not worked. You should watch it. It's not only their opinion. It's mine as well. You guys are foolish. Remember, your Savior Obummer said no way Russia could affect the outcome our our elections.
Remember, your Savior Obummer said no way Russia could affect the outcome our our elections.

He said, to the extent known then, that outsiders were unable to hack into the voting computer system and change the totals. Is that true or false?
He said, to the extent known then, that outsiders were unable to hack into the voting computer system and change the totals. Is that true or false?
He was covering for Killary when he thought she was going to win plus he did absolutely nothing to correct the issue at the time. Again there was no bigger issue than any other time.
The idea of Trump colluding with them is ridiculous. The DIMs needed a wag the dog incident but it has not worked. You should watch it. It's not only their opinion. It's mine as well. You guys are foolish. Remember, your Savior Obummer said no way Russia could affect the outcome our our elections.

I see, so the "Dims" waged a social media propoganda campaign against themselves.. makes total sense. What Obama believed doesn't mean much, in hindsight.

It doesn't surprise me that someone who looks to Q clues to help form their opinions would think this way. After all, when social media and Google cracks down on the outside influences, that's the real collusion.
I see, so the "Dims" waged a social media propoganda campaign against themselves.. makes total sense. What Obama believed doesn't mean much, in hindsight.

It doesn't surprise me that someone who looks to Q clues to help form their opinions would think this way. After all, when social media and Google cracks down on the outside influences, that's the real collusion.
No dipstick. Ther DIMs wagged a propoganda campaign against Trump. Man you're dumb.
He was covering for Killary when he thought she was going to win plus he did absolutely nothing to correct the issue at the time. Again there was no bigger issue than any other time.
They are trying to have it both ways and it won’t work. If Russia interfered it was in Obama’s watch. If they didn’t interfere the Clinton got smoked by someone they hate.

It’s quite the spectacle.
I see, so the "Dims" waged a social media propoganda campaign against themselves.. makes total sense. What Obama believed doesn't mean much, in hindsight.

It doesn't surprise me that someone who looks to Q clues to help form their opinions would think this way. After all, when social media and Google cracks down on the outside influences, that's the real collusion.
Any middle school social club can “launch a social media propaganda campaign “.
Anyone surprised that Russia, or anyone else for that matter, would do this is a Fing moron.
Don’t like what others are saying? Do a better job of presenting your side.

We do this **** in other countries all the time. Why shouldn’t they do it to us?
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Ahh.. So, I get it... Deep State.
You still don't get it. You have proven to not being capable of getting it. Trump won. DIMs and RINOs panicked and created a fake scenario that Trump Colluded with the Russians. Obummer signed an Executive Order just days before Trump comes into office pushed by Clapper and Lorett Lynch to share all intelligence, masking, etc with 17 instead of 3 agencies to make it even easier for non-Trumpers to continue to obstruct and leak information damaging to Trump which is still going on. This is all coming out but you need to seek the truth to see it, which many of you will never do.

...The New York Times reported this morning that the Obama administration has put into place new rules allowing the NSA to disseminate “raw signals intelligence information.” According to a 23-page, mostly declassified copy of the procedures, released today, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper signed the rules on Dec. 15 and Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed them on Jan. 3. ...
Nice to see Trump sarcastically joking with Putin at the G 20 about election meddling.

Seriously, it is well settled that Putin DID meddle and is trying to do so again. Trump's dismissal of it is nothing short of alarming. He needs to go.
get your girl to introduce impeachment, let's go what the f is she waiting for?
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Any middle school social club can “launch a social media propaganda campaign “.
Anyone surprised that Russia, or anyone else for that matter, would do this is a Fing moron.
Don’t like what others are saying? Do a better job of presenting your side.

We do this **** in other countries all the time. Why shouldn’t they do it to us?

It's true, they're adept at it, though. Everyone has learned from the Russians, or Deep State, whoever it was... I guess it's an evolving art. For some, even admitting the possibility that it the Russians affected the 2016 election, equates to Trump isn't legitimate. That in itself wouldn't be the case, as far as I'm concerned.

Looking forward, people should be smarter about what they believe. However if the propaganda gets propagated on VN, I have a pretty good Idea who will be doing it.
I can’t think of a single major mainstream media outlet that has admitted to its audience that it has examined how it ended up presenting the Trump–Russia collusion hoax as real news for more than two years, figured out what went wrong, and made the necessary corrections to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

Isn’t that a telling sign? They can’t bring themselves to admit it was all a hoax, because that would mean exposing the role they themselves played in creating and sustaining it for more than two years, as they relentlessly gaslighted the entire country.

Fake News Media in Serious Trouble

DECLASSIFIED - The Epoch Times

Brian Cates at Epoch Times is really good - I like reading his stuff - he did a similar related article and posted as a thread on Twitter @drawandstrike

You Are Watching the Last Days of the Fake News Media

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What on earth makes you think that Trump is a tough guy behind closed doors with Putin? Absolutely nothing. There is no evidence that he has been the slightest bit difficult with Putin. To the contrary, he accepts Putin's word over that of our own intelligence agencies. Trump is an absolute disaster when it comes to foreign and military policy.

and how on earth would you possible know any of that? You just make this stuff up as you go along. Never ending stream of bile.

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