Mueller Report Imminent

Having to hear the gullables talk about what they've learned from FB, God knows I had to hear the crap.

That’s interesting , almost everyone I know would avoid the political subject . ( there were a couple of exceptions ) we were all aware of it of course but it wasn’t a subject that was brought up often .
Sure thing buddy. Like your side will repeat the same BS line. I really don't think anyone cares that Hillary is not the President, what people care about is what we have now and how we got here.
I said no offense, so you're not allowed to get snappy. For the record, I don't have a side. I'd have no problem voting Democratic if they'd find a good moderate. They only want the people who say the dumbest stuff, or do it. You've got a black dude who thinks he's Spartacus, white dude that says he's Mexican, white woman who thinks she's an Indian, black woman who could qualify as a hooker, an old white man who likes touching kids inappropriately, and an old rich white guy who cries about rich people. Yet, you complain about trump😂
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That is what they said about Mr Trump., so yeah I think maybe it does.

ALthough Mr Trump accomplished more in his first 100 days than the Dims have in the last 10 years.

mr. Trump had a republican congress and senate during and after his first 100 days, so....

Still have Obamacare and an open border. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sure thing buddy. Like your side will repeat the same BS line. I really don't think anyone cares that Hillary is not the President, what people care about is what we have now and how we got here.

That would be a good lesson to learn , do you think the DNC has learned from 2016 ?
Have you considered calling out EL or Velo for all that Twitter crap they post on here all the time? No? Of course not.
I see some rhetoric posted and occasionally some dubious assertions, but nothing of the magnitude of some of those that post complete absurdity, from sources that would be hard to characterize as anything but propaganda. But keep on with your equivalencies, while you ignore the worst examples.
I see some rhetoric posted and occasionally some dubious assertions, but nothing of the magnitude of some of those that post complete absurdity, from sources that would be hard to characterize as anything but propaganda. But keep on with your equivalencies, while you ignore the worst examples.
So like I said, no, you won't call out people who align with your political views. Sounds like you're subscribing to propaganda.
So like I said, no, you won't call out people who align with your political views. Sounds like you're subscribing to propaganda.

I'm willing to call out absolute BS, which I don't see you doing the same. But again, please provide the examples, rather than deflecting.
That would be a good lesson to learn , do you think the DNC has learned from 2016 ?
Let's hope they learned not to nominate the lowest common denominator from a crowded field of candidates but that doesn't even matter because I will vote for them anyway. I know I learned from the last election that it's not who you're for but who you're against the most.
I see some rhetoric posted and occasionally some dubious assertions, but nothing of the magnitude of some of those that post complete absurdity, from sources that would be hard to characterize as anything but propaganda. But keep on with your equivalencies, while you ignore the worst examples.
FTR, I don't Facebook or Twitter. Not my thing. So why don't you tell me what examples I'm ignoring and I'll give you my take if it's that important to you. I don't want to just ignore these worse examples.
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Let's hope they learned not to nominate the lowest common denominator from a crowded field of candidates but that doesn't even matter because I will vote for them anyway. I know I learned from the last election that it's not who you're for but who you're against the most.

Interesting .
Which BS have I not called out that has your panties in a wad? Elaborate for me.

I ask you to provide examples and you deflect by asking me to provide examples.. I honestly don't care who you do or don't call out. But you accused me first, so let's have those examples of the BS I let go unchecked.
Are we choosing to ignore that both political parties already engage in this type of disinformation and propaganda campaign themselves? Not only that, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if other foreign countries did much the same in trying to "influence" our elections. Is the big deal that their was "foreign" influence or that it was Russia doing it? Or even that they were doing it for Trump? Would the outrage even exist if it were the UK or France, and they did it in favor of Hillary? IMO, doubtful that it would. There was always going to be outrage if Hillary lost, and there were always going to be people looking for excuses. No matter that she ran a terrible campaign and didn't even bother to show up in certain states, no, it has to be someone else's fault. The Dems handed her their primary. Apparently she felt she would be handed the election as well. She was wrong. Start the excuses.

Its as clear as day if you live in the real world.
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I ask you to provide examples and you deflect by asking me to provide examples.. I honestly don't care who you do or don't call out. But you accused me first, so let's have those examples of the BS I let go unchecked.
Whatever. I've called out both sides, more than once. I don't pretend one side is better than the other. They're not. Maybe you have, but I don't recall you calling out the left, just the right. Both sides are corrupt as hell, not just one. Hillary did far more to lose this election than Russia did to "help Trump win". But personal responsibility and politics just don't seem to mesh.
Having to hear the gullables talk about what they've learned from FB, God knows I had to hear the crap.
Every time someone tells me what they saw or learned on social media I just laugh in their face and tell em they are dumb...even laugh at my mamma.... I dont tell her shes dumb though 😉

I make fun of every single person I know when I see them doing social media. It was created to turn us into sheep. How people dont see this is beyond me.
Whatever. I've called out both sides, more than once. I don't pretend one side is better than the other. They're not. Maybe you have, but I don't recall you calling out the left, just the right. Both sides are corrupt as hell, not just one. Hillary did far more to lose this election than Russia did to "help Trump win". But personal responsibility and politics just don't seem to mesh.

Hillary may have done far more to lose the election, and I didn't support her, and by default Trump got my passive support. People can argue the level of influence of Russian efforts, and to what extent it affected the election, but we have not seen the last of it. If anyone chooses to downplay it, that's their choice.
There’s no spinning this. Rumor has it there were a total of 4 FISA warrants issued (Page, Flynn, Papadopoulos, Manafort) on American citizens as part of the FBI’s counter-intelligence investigation.

To put this in context, a FISA warrant is issued to allow for wiretapping a "foreign power or an agent of a foreign power" (which could include American citizens) suspected to be engaged in espionage or terrorism.

So it’s pretty obvious they used alleged FARA violations to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.

What is a FISA warrant?
News Feb 01, 2018
By Debbie Lord, Cox Media Group National Content Desk
Here’s a look at the FISA Court and FISA warrants.

What is the FISA Court?

A warrant to wiretap someone suspected of spying with or for a foreign government is issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court -- or FISA Court. The court is actually a tribunal whose actions are carried out in secret. The tribunal has the authority to grant warrants for electronic surveillance. The court has 11 members, all federal judges. The judges serve seven-year terms. The chief justice of the U.S. Supreme court selects the judges.

When was this court established?

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 created the court and set up the rules for wiretapping of suspected spies.

What is its mission?

The court was set up to either approve or deny warrants requested by the United States government for surveillance of foreign spies inside of the United States. That warrant requests and the intelligence gathering is generally done by federal law enforcement agencies or U.S. intelligence agencies. The authorization allows for wiretapping a "foreign power or an agent of a foreign power" (which could include American citizens) suspected to be engaged in espionage or terrorism. Methods used in an investigation include electronic surveillance, physical searches and other actions. Generally, the attorney general signs the warrant requests.

How does it work?

When an agency requests a warrant from the FISA Court, the request falls to one of the 11 judges who sit on the court. It is up to that judge to either deny or approve the request for a surveillance warrant. If the request is denied, there is an avenue for appeal of the ruling, but that has happened only a handful of times in the history of the court.

Is there any other way to get surveillance warrant?

An alternate way a warrant for surveillance can be obtained is if the U.S. attorney general declares an emergency and authorizes the employment of the surveillance. The attorney general must notify a judge on the FISA Court, and must, within seven days, apply for a warrant for the action.

What rules must they follow?

While the proceedings are secret, there are rules that have to be followed. The statute that created FISA Courts bars targeted electronic surveillance in the United States unless there is evidence that a foreign power or agent of a foreign power is involved. Also, there has to be evidence that the facility -- an email address or phone number, for instance -- is being used by the foreign power or agent. In addition, the government must show that the information to be collected is "relevant" to any investigation of foreign espionage or terrorism.

The warrants are generally issued for up to 12 months, and they authorize the government to collect “bulk information.” That means that while Americans on U.S. soil who are not agents of a foreign government are not targeted, information collected could include communication between U.S. citizens.

Can public see these warrants, they can see others?

The court’s dealings are secret, the hearings closed to the public. Records are made and kept, but those records are generally not made available to the public.

How many have been turned down?

As of 2013, the FISA court has denied only 12 warrants since its inception. It has granted more than 34,000 requests since its inception.
Every time someone tells me what they saw or learned on social media I just laugh in their face and tell em they are dumb...even laugh at my mamma.... I dont tell her shes dumb though 😉

I make fun of every single person I know when I see them doing social media. It was created to turn us into sheep. How people dont see this is beyond me.

Back when, I heard way to much of it, from people who I thought were level headed. I logged in to see what was going on, and it had turned into a cesspoll of hate and lies. People say it's better now, maybe it is.
The Dems lost because folks don't forget. First they were bitter small town folks, clinging to their bibles and guns and then they became a basket of deplorables living in fly-over country.
A guy comes along with a ton of bravado and hyperbole, calls them Americans and gives them a voice. He's not PC or concerned about hurting feelings. He's not concerned about getting called all the names that they've been getting called for years. He goes directly after the ones who went after them, so they elect him POTUS.

Y'all did it to yourselves. America doesn't forget.
Keep ignoring them and their concerns.
Keep putting the illegals before them.
Keep trying to take their hard earned money.
Keep trying to destroy, by any means possible, the guy they voted for.
They'll simply elect him again.
Cool meme bro. That is when you know your tripe has one again been called out. You really do spend too much time trying to defend Trump with your whataboutisms and false equivalences.

LOL........mick trying to be the PF comedian for a Saturday morning.

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