Mueller Report Imminent

Because "collusion" isn't a crime. I just told you why nobody was charged with criminal conspiracy. I don't know why I would bother trying to explain this. I already knew what I was getting myself into.
Trump supporters are scared to death Rick Gates testimony lays out the conspiracy but there needs to be two "cooperating" witness to any overt act to further a conspiracy in order to "indict" but impeachment does not require two witnesses. That's why Barr is locking down the Grand Jury stuff.
Trump supporters are scared to death Rick Gates testimony lays out the conspiracy but there needs to be two "cooperating" witness to any overt act to further a conspiracy in order to "indict" but impeachment does not require two witnesses. That's why Barr is locking down the Grand Jury stuff.
Trump supporters are scared to death Rick Gates testimony lays out the conspiracy but there needs to be two "cooperating" witness to any overt act to further a conspiracy in order to "indict" but impeachment does not require two witnesses. That's why Barr is locking down the Grand Jury stuff.
Are you sure that you don't mean Rick Grimes?
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Trump supporters are scared to death Rick Gates testimony lays out the conspiracy but there needs to be two "cooperating" witness to any overt act to further a conspiracy in order to "indict" but impeachment does not require two witnesses. That's why Barr is locking down the Grand Jury stuff.

Trump basically admitted it today with his interaction with Putin. The smile and joking about meddling showed a man who doesn't believe in free and fair elections - one of the pillars of our Democracy, it showed a man that knows Putin got him elected. Trump knows he is not a legitimate President.
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Trump basically admitted it today with his interaction with Putin. The smile and joking about meddling showed a man who doesn't believe in free and fair elections - one of the pillars of our Democracy, it showed a man that knows Putin got him elected. Trump knows he is not a legitimate President.
He's living in the White House. Seems legit to me.
Trump basically admitted it today with his interaction with Putin. The smile and joking about meddling showed a man who doesn't believe in free and fair elections - one of the pillars of our Democracy, it showed a man that knows Putin got him elected. Trump knows he is not a legitimate President.
You are so lost and out there that it has now become entertainment.

Let's hear more!
Trump basically admitted it today with his interaction with Putin. The smile and joking about meddling showed a man who doesn't believe in free and fair elections - one of the pillars of our Democracy, it showed a man that knows Putin got him elected. Trump knows he is not a legitimate President.

Trump basically admitted it today with his interaction with Putin. The smile and joking about meddling showed a man who doesn't believe in free and fair elections - one of the pillars of our Democracy, it showed a man that knows Putin got him elected. Trump knows he is not a legitimate President.
giphy (23.gif
It's true, they're adept at it, though. Everyone has learned from the Russians, or Deep State, whoever it was... I guess it's an evolving art. For some, even admitting the possibility that it the Russians affected the 2016 election, equates to Trump isn't legitimate. That in itself wouldn't be the case, as far as I'm concerned.

Looking forward, people should be smarter about what they believe. However if the propaganda gets propagated on VN, I have a pretty good Idea who will be doing it.
I bolded the most important thing you wrote. I wish it would help you but I'm sure you think it doesnt apply to you... How all of these clowns, on both sides of the isle, cant see whats happening themselves is pretty disturbing.
It's true, they're adept at it, though. Everyone has learned from the Russians, or Deep State, whoever it was... I guess it's an evolving art. For some, even admitting the possibility that it the Russians affected the 2016 election, equates to Trump isn't legitimate. That in itself wouldn't be the case, as far as I'm concerned.

Looking forward, people should be smarter about what they believe. However if the propaganda gets propagated on VN, I have a pretty good Idea who will be doing it.

People are stupid.
Just look at all the videos of people being asked what they think of HRCs plans. After they say how great it is they’re told “no, that’s trumps plan”. I Have trouble believing that the Russians were any more successful at their propaganda than the regulars of the DNC or GOP. It’s simply ******** that the simple minded need to believe to explain how they didn’t see trump coming.
That's because you're easy to please. Discerning minds aren't as easily hoodwinked by the shenanigans and over 200 contacts with the Russians.
Or I just accept he won a lawful election and is indeed the President of the United States. I live in reality. In reality, like it or not, Trump is President.
People are stupid.
Just look at all the videos of people being asked what they think of HRCs plans. After they say how great it is they’re told “no, that’s trumps plan”. I Have trouble believing that the Russians were any more successful at their propaganda than the regulars of the DNC or GOP. It’s simply ******** that the simple minded need to believe to explain how they didn’t see trump coming.
I just love how people equate opposing ideas as "stupid" without ever actually considering them. When it comes to politics, both sides have been indoctrinated to believe their way is the only intelligent way. If you refuse to see other POVs, you're handicapping your own intelligence by closing your mind.
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People are stupid.
Just look at all the videos of people being asked what they think of HRCs plans. After they say how great it is they’re told “no, that’s trumps plan”. I Have trouble believing that the Russians were any more successful at their propaganda than the regulars of the DNC or GOP. It’s simply ******** that the simple minded need to believe to explain how they didn’t see trump coming.

Sure, people are gullable, and that's my main point. I don't have special insight as to who was actually coordinating the social media disinformation efforts, just that it was massive and almost entirely in support of Trump.

I actually spent a fair amount of time on Facebook at the time, and watched people falling for the crap that was going on. So, essentially users would get several friend requests from odd people supposedly living in your community, and most people would accept. No big deal right.. Well, once they've been accepted, everything these new "friends" have posted, liked, and commented on became part of your "news feed". This isn't the point where anything seems odd.

These new "friends" were also members of larger groups who by all appearances, support a candidate or a cause. These new "friends" have access your interests and the list of groups you were already a member of, and instantly profile you. With this information they could decide which of their tailored groups you would likely accept an invitation to... Whether it be "America for Bernie" or "God Bless America" etc.. name a cause, they had a group for it. You would receive invitations to these groups based upon which aligned with your interests. No big deal, your news feed has been infiltrated, and you unwittingly joined a group that looks as if it supports just what it describes. All the while your real life acquaintences in your community are being targeted in the same way.

At this point, the disinformation campaigns are already underway in these dubious groups, but just subtle suggestions between members of the groups, most who are not real people at all, often accompanied by a funny suggestive picture. All the while, you see these interactions on your "news feed".

As the number of real people who join these groups grow and election day draws near, the disinformation and propaganda level of these groups and interactions steadily grow. At this point your Facebook feed has transformed to a degree that it's a steady stream of politically motivated influence and disinformation.

A week out from election day, these groups and "new friends" have gone full-on propaganda/meme trolls. "America for Bernie" is now incessantly posting about Hillary killing people, and suggesting she'll be in jail by election day. "God Bless America" is doing the same and mixing in some Pizzagate... The scale of this being the whole country with emphasized targeting of communities that polling data suggests are integral.

Was this being done by Russia? I cant tell you, but the planning, coordination, and execution were surgical.
Sure, people are gullable, and that's my main point. I don't have special insight as to who was actually coordinating the social media disinformation efforts, just that it was massive and almost entirely in support of Trump.

I actually spent a fair amount of time on Facebook at the time, and watched people falling for the crap that was going on. So, essentially users would get several friend requests from odd people supposedly living in your community, and most people would accept. No big deal right.. Well, once they've been accepted, everything these new "friends" have posted, liked, and commented on became part of your "news feed". This isn't the point where anything seems odd.

These new "friends" were also members of larger groups who by all appearances, support a candidate or a cause. These new "friends" have access your interests and the list of groups you were already a member of, and instantly profile you. With this information they could decide which of their tailored groups you would likely accept an invitation to... Whether it be "America for Bernie" or "God Bless America" etc.. name a cause, they had a group for it. You would receive invitations to these groups based upon which aligned with your interests. No big deal, your news feed has been infiltrated, and you unwittingly joined a group that looks as if it supports just what it describes. All the while your real life acquaintences in your community are being targeted in the same way.

At this point, the disinformation campaigns are already underway in these dubious groups, but just subtle suggestions between members of the groups, most who are not real people at all, often accompanied by a funny suggestive picture. All the while, you see these interactions on your "news feed".

As the number of real people who join these groups grow and election day draws near, the disinformation and propaganda level of these groups and interactions steadily grow. At this point your Facebook feed has transformed to a degree that it's a steady stream of politically motivated influence and disinformation.

A week out from election day, these groups and "new friends" have gone full-on propaganda/meme trolls. "America for Bernie" is now incessantly posting about Hillary killing people, and suggesting she'll be in jail by election day. "God Bless America" is doing the same and mixing in some Pizzagate... The scale of this being the whole country with emphasized targeting of communities that polling data suggests are integral.

Was this being done by Russia? I cant tell you, but the planning, coordination, and execution were surgical.
Comey's actions had more influence on the election then anything the Russians did. That's who influenced the election if anything or anyone did.

And it was Hillary's actions that put Comey in a position to do what he did.

She (and you) have no one to blame, really, but Hillary's stupidity.
Comey's actions had more influence on the election then anything the Russians did. That's who influenced the election if anything or anyone did.

And it was Hillary's actions that put Comey in a position to do what he did.

She (and you) have no one to blame, really, but Hillary's stupidity.

Sure his actions had additional influence. The point isn't blame, it's that the dismissal of the impact of disinformation and propaganda efforts, just as you are doing, leave us unprepared for the same happening again. And it is..
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For all the DIMs that still say Russia and Trump Colluded just remember what the hard core DIM Van Jones said on hidden camera.

CPAC 2019: Van Jones Accuses Us Editing His "Nothing-burger" Comment. Here is The Raw.

and no, this was not edited to make it seem like he said this. He actually did say it.

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Sure his actions had additional influence. The point isn't blame, it's that the dismissal of the impact of disinformation and propaganda efforts, just as you are doing, leave us unprepared for the same happening again. And it is..
Are we choosing to ignore that both political parties already engage in this type of disinformation and propaganda campaign themselves? Not only that, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if other foreign countries did much the same in trying to "influence" our elections. Is the big deal that their was "foreign" influence or that it was Russia doing it? Or even that they were doing it for Trump? Would the outrage even exist if it were the UK or France, and they did it in favor of Hillary? IMO, doubtful that it would. There was always going to be outrage if Hillary lost, and there were always going to be people looking for excuses. No matter that she ran a terrible campaign and didn't even bother to show up in certain states, no, it has to be someone else's fault. The Dems handed her their primary. Apparently she felt she would be handed the election as well. She was wrong. Start the excuses.
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