Mueller Report Imminent

I am. I'm surprised they thought they had a good candidate. I'm surprised no charges came from the mail server. I'm surprised about the secret tarmac meeting. I'm surprised the FBI covered for her. I'm surprised she tried to buy her way in the Whitehouse with the Mueller hoax.

I'm the most surprised that she has owned Washington for 40 years yet Epstein, will be what brings her down.
DIMs don't want to hear that.
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Mueller was delayed so the Democratic committee can feed him all their questions to let him try and turn a feather in to a rock with his week long practiced answers.

So Trump had advance knowledge of the wikileaks leaks and strategize his campaign based on that information.
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So Trump had advance knowledge of the wikileaks leaks and strategize his campaign based on that information.[/QUOTE]

Even if true that’s somehow a bigger issue than the president and administration at the time illegally surveilling the Trump campaign? I’m sure no information was passed on to his “shoe in” replacement. I guess keeping her out of jail was enough.
So Trump had advance knowledge of the wikileaks leaks and strategize his campaign based on that information.

Even if true that’s somehow a bigger issue than the president and administration at the time illegally surveilling the Trump campaign? I’m sure no information was passed on to his “shoe in” replacement. I guess keeping her out of jail was enough.

It's true. Seems like a big step for you to even contemplate the truth.
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So Trump had advance knowledge of the wikileaks leaks and strategize his campaign based on that information.

I believe I have read Congressional testimony from several witnesses that they were indeed planning a strategy over the possible release, a strategy based on public info at the time and news reports that Wikileaks was about to make them public. As in they didn’t know for sure that the emails would be released, a strategy based on the fact they might be released. Big difference.
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I believe I have read Congressional testimony from several witnesses that they were indeed planning a strategy over the possible release, a strategy based on public info at the time and news reports that Wikileaks was about to make them public. As in they didn’t know for sure that the emails would be released, a strategy based on the fact they might be released. Big difference.

I don't believe you did nor do I believe you have read the Mueller report. You might mean someone told you something like that.

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