I will say the same thing that has been said 10,000 times before. The whole "silent commitment" rumor just doesn't make sense. We were waiting for Scroggins' commitment so that hopefully more recruits would jump on board. Why then would this coaching staff tell a top flight QB to reamin silent? It just seems to counter-intuitive.
I will say the same thing that has been said 10,000 times before. The whole "silent commitment" rumor just doesn't make sense. We were waiting for Scroggins' commitment so that hopefully more recruits would jump on board. Why then would this coaching staff tell a top flight QB to remain silent? It just seems to counter-intuitive.
I will say the same thing that has been said 10,000 times before. The whole "silent commitment" rumor just doesn't make sense. We were waiting for Scroggins' commitment so that hopefully more recruits would jump on board. Why then would this coaching staff tell a top flight QB to remain silent? It just seems to counter-intuitive.