National Average Price of Gasoline Hits an All-Time High

I have been making plans to travel to Alaska since I retired 4 years ago. The last 2 years were screwed because of covid and now this year diesel fuel has priced me out of the trip. As much as I want to go, I'll be damned if I'm going to spend nearly $10k on fuel for a trip to Alaska and back. FJB.
Shell profits nearly triple as oil prices surge

The oil companies have to be laughing their asses off at people blaming the high prices solely on the POTUS.


is anyone blaming them "soley" on the POTUS?
I have been making plans to travel to Alaska since I retired 4 years ago. The last 2 years were screwed because of covid and now this year diesel fuel has priced me out of the trip. As much as I want to go, I'll be damned if I'm going to spend nearly $10k on fuel for a trip to Alaska and back. FJB.

I'm seeing a lot of campers on the market this spring.
As asinine as blaming a pandemic on the president, tbh.
Hog predicted this current issue when prices plummeted in April 2020. If he could, why couldn't a man in public office for 50 years?

It is fascinating what businessmen like Hog and others see that DC doesn't, or dont want to
I'm not selling mine, but 12,000 miles @7 mpg is a lot of money @ $5+ a gallon. Maybe next year I'll be used to it and all gung ho.

I'm not selling mine either but our longest trip this year will only be about 400 miles round trip. Maybe the campgrounds will clear out a little.
After the price of purchasing gas, taxes, transportation, state regulations, ect the owner is the one that puts the price up on the board outside that determines what he wants to sell it for to make "x" profit.

When was the last time you saw a gas price war? Almost any station will tell you that they get a call from the distributor telling them what price to set at the pumps. There may be a lot of gas stations, but there isn't much competition.
Man, I wish I had invested in oil companies. Record profits, record dividends. It's almost like they exist for their shareholders' interests over their customers. 🤔

We've seen this play several times in the past. There's usually some semi-legitimate reason that triggers a gas shortage, and then it's always appeared that the behind the scene manipulation goes into high gear. Eventually when the outrage hits a breaking point, everything falls in line and prices start moderating ... until people forget. It's like a good novel or disaster drill; there's impossible scenario after impossible scenario until enough is enough, and the sun breaks through.
We've seen this play several times in the past. There's usually some semi-legitimate reason that triggers a gas shortage, and then it's always appeared that the behind the scene manipulation goes into high gear. Eventually when the outrage hits a breaking point, everything falls in line and prices start moderating ... until people forget. It's like a good novel or disaster drill; there's impossible scenario after impossible scenario until enough is enough, and the sun breaks through.

Market force corrections. But Biden does have his hand on the scale, so IMO it will not be corrected with such hostility. Edict one day...stop, edict the next hey guys drill. The progs want an end to it and we are sheep in the political winds. After all, there is no plan other than the end result.
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I have been making plans to travel to Alaska since I retired 4 years ago. The last 2 years were screwed because of covid and now this year diesel fuel has priced me out of the trip. As much as I want to go, I'll be damned if I'm going to spend nearly $10k on fuel for a trip to Alaska and back. FJB.
1st world problems
Just to be clear, people should be angry at the companies that go out and find the oil in the ground... drill to get it, pump it out, transport it to a refinery where they break it down into it's various components, store it until it can be transported to the USA, store it until it is needed at your local Stop and Stab... all for a profit of about $.02/gallon.... or the US government that does none of the above and taxes you $.40/gallon.
This is the insane **** that people don't understand.

In our very small business, the state and local governments took about $0.33 of every single dollar handed over our counter through all of the various taxes we were subject to. Our profit hovered around $0.10 per dollar at the best of times, and when COVID hit went lower with increased supply cost.

I've said it before and I'll say it again- the government and its cronies will scream about MuH rEcOrD pRoFiTs while covering for their "profit" generated by doing next to nothing. People need to start thinking of every dollar they earn and spend holistically and try to understand where each part of it really ends up.

EDIT: and by "profit" I include what we could pay ourselves for running the business, not "profit" that we held/rolled over/used to invest in things.

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