National Guard deployed to Philadelphia

What good would our caring do? I was raised to respect others until they give you reason not to, to do what's right, earn my money honestly, work hard, respect my elders, steak plainly and be patient. Any of those things took many years to learn how to do right. Do those ideals sound like they are in line with what these thieving idiots are doing?
I care because of those ideals but I can't change it.

I always steak plainly. Unless, of course, I'm in the mood for a bearnaise sauce. Then I don't steak plainly, but I steak plainly most of the time.
They did but one sank later in high seas. It was the Battle of Hampton Roads.
I was thinking that the Virginia (Merrimack) sank a couple or 3 Union wood sided ships, and the Monitor came in the next day and they bounced some rounds off each other. I apparently have forgotten what happened later.
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