NCAA Must Admit Transgender Athletes

Question here, because I'm but very keen on law, but isn't this an issue for title 9? Is this something we will likely see played out in court?
And they should lose either way. Title 9 is there to protect females. If there’s no such thing as gender then title 9 shouldn’t exist.
I hadn't considered that, very interesting.
i personally cannot wait for the thing formerly known as bruce jenner to win another Olympic medal at age 75. carry on
Its all good ACLU has weighed in

We'll, let's see. Biological men have bigger hearts, bigger lungs, bigger bones, higher bone density, and more oxygenated blood than women. And taking hormones doesn't negate that. So, wrong, they have a distinct advantage in sports competitions.

Saying that because some women have outperformed some transgender athletes proves that the competition is fair is idiotic. Some women are exceptional athletes and can overcome that disadvantage, but as a whole, it still exists.

Men are more athletic than women. Just because their mind doesn't know their gender doesn't mean their body doesn't.
Former WWE superstar Gabbi Tuft comes out as transgender

Does she have any eligibility?
You get what you vote for. This won't affect me or mine one bit. So while I understand the frustration of girls, women, and parents of girls who will have to deal with assured it was not those of us who believe in "two genders" who voted for the bumper crop of idiots, oxygen thieves, and window-lickers who currently occupy the hallowed halls of Congress and various state legislatures.

Lay down with dogs...wake up with fleas.
courtesy of @MWR

So let me get this straight.... a man can't hit a woman, but a man (who retired from the navy as a man) who thinks he's a woman can hit a woman - breaking her skull - but another man can not then hit that man, who thinks he's a woman because he think's he's a woman. named bravest athlete when NFL and NBA players are banned......
Maybe just don't compete. If a team has fake girls, then the real girls just quit competing with them. Same for colleges. Only compete with teams with no fake girls. If they threaten to cut funding, make sure all the politicians know it is a huge election issue .
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As I said in other forums, wait until there's pee on the seat and women will fight for the old ways. This "pee" is losing.
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