NCAA panel recommends marijuana be dropped from banned substance list

As a long term weed smoker after many years I quit permanently.

Weed was the best thing I ever took for insomnia. Nothing works as well and gives you better sleep. Period.

It helps with depression but NOT anxiety. It amps up anxiety in my experience. Most people I've found that claim the opposite are also drinking or jacking off to porn or having sex which is actually what is reducing their anxiety; the Dopamine release.

Weed DOES have side effects that are detrimental.

Short and Long term memory loss was significant in my experience. Also, while weed helps you concentrate, I often found it hard to remember what I read or watched. By the end people were REALLY noticing my memory issues and beginning to comment on it openly and to my face.

Numerous studies have found that weed makes it difficult for people to change their minds and while about 3 puffs of weed can have anti-carcinogenic effects in some studies, in other studies, using more weed [but less than I smoked] has the opposite effect.

Also with weed being so readily available [especially in Tennessee] you are essentially self-medicating. It will not solve the underlying causes of some mental illnesses. It just kind of numbs the mind to it. It is very easy to abuse and while not addictive can lead to the amount of weed your smoking to expand dramatically.

As an athlete smoking anything damages the lungs and results in less oxygen reaching the blood stream.

The weed we smoke today also is 50% to 90% stronger than what was smoked a decade ago. Tolerance for THC also builds up over time. Quitting weed also has side effects. Namely nausea and excessive showering for some reason. Mine lasted for about 3 days so kind of negligible.

On a personal note, I thought I had "solved" my anger management issues. Nope. Quit weed and they roared back. Having to learn to control it all over again with other techniques.

Now having said all this, weed effects people slightly differently and not all users experienced the same effects.

Here is an excellent YouTube video on Cannabis by Dr. Andrew Huberman of Stanford:
You do know they cultivate specific strains for specific outcomes. Your typical street weed is way different than dispensaries have with differing strengths and types. Who says you have to smoke it? They make delicious edibles, oils, etc. The CDC even lists it as possible med for neuropathy. They've not been able to test it due to it's scheduling.
Hate to tell you guys, but yall have watched countless guys play while jacked up on God knows what. It’s better now, but I don’t want to think about the number of guys in the past who just got a shot and then went and played. By November, putting their bodies through a car crash on Saturday and then recovering enough to practice the next week can be a serious undertaking.
Hate to tell you guys, but yall have watched countless guys play while jacked up on God knows what. It’s better now, but I don’t want to think about the number of guys in the past who just got a shot and then went and played. By November, putting their bodies through a car crash on Saturday and then recovering enough to practice the next week can be a serious undertaking.
This right here. That's why the people worried about "the safety" of the players if they play after smoking sound ridiculous. It's football. It is inherently dangerous.
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It may not be the proposal but it will occur more often than it already does if there isn’t any testing.
And that is bad how? Most states it is literally legal. Outside of the SEC pretty much every other power5 conference is in legalized states. 38-50 states it's at least decriminalized including Kentucky. For once they are being proactive on the inevitable. Like it or not its coming. Soon as we lose recruits to the kitty cats over it attitudes will change.

It is only a matter of time before some group of college athletes in a legalised state sure over a positive piss test over something legal in their state. They likely lose it but the NCAA does not want that lawsuit and states that are not wanting to decriminalize do not want that precedent set. It's a smart move to slow things down with a don't ask don't tell type policy..A large percentage of players in college athletics ALREADY do smoke on the regular.
Not a good idea. It is still illegal in many states. Plus in those where it’s legal you have to be 21. Most college kids are younger than that
Plus, if you ever go into the military or government service and want a position that requires a security clearance, you are smoked (pun intended). A bunch of young Biden aides were shocked to discover that their security clearances had been revoked a while back over „legal“ past use. Unless those rules ever change, better stay a long way away from that stuff just as a practical matter.
And yes, my experience with users has unfortunately always been that it seems to remove any ambition to ever excel at anything in life. It seems to stunt growth at the intellectual and personal drive levels.
You are are totally wrong brother. I know personally and know a lot of people who think so too.

It is a damned effective for pain management.

Yes some abuse it to get stoned but I would rather use it than most meds that are addictive and are only marginally effective in the amount of pain reduction they cause.
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