Upon yet another look, the refs made the correct call. She missed the tag. She tagged the runner with the glove, having already removed the ball from the glove with her other hand. So, the tag came with an empty glove.
If the single would have still followed that play, it would be tied. But, that have to have affected the mental state of the pitcher, and it certainly changed the situation she had to pitch to.
That conference makes this officiating crew superior to pretty much every crew in Major League Baseball, where you practically need an executive order to get a bad call overruled by an umpire with a better view.
The entire WCWS is always on the ESPN networks. Historically, the LVs are very good in the first game of the WCWS, even when facing a higher seed. I hope that continues.
It's clear Georgia should be in the mix in the WCWS. They are better than at least 3 of the teams that will be there. Just too bad the pairings were totally weird (again). Now Tennessee plays ANOTHER! SEC team to start the world series. Stupid, stupid and stupid.