Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

Should a person be allowed to falsely and dangerously promote the purchase and use of a drug with misinformation on Spotify?
Do you believe the people on Rogan are knowingly lying? Do you believe they know their findings are false yet present them anyways?
Do you believe the people on Rogan are knowingly lying? Do you believe they know their findings are false yet present them anyways?
Valid observation. The term "misinformation" has been wholly accepted. But it is inaccurate. In line with your observation, it is actually "contradictory information".
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So government should get involved if:

A. The people demand it
B.. The people are too stupid to demand it.

Sounds like your answer, like always, is government involvement in all cases.
B. is worded incorrectly......the people are too stupid to avoid a situation where they have to demand it.
Do you believe the people on Rogan are knowingly lying? Do you believe they know their findings are false yet present them anyways?
yes - occasionally.....and that is precisely when and where it becomes an issue.
B. is worded incorrectly......the people are too stupid to avoid a situation where they have to demand it.

But they're smart enough to elect politicians who can define what and when to regulate speech? That's your real stance?
But they're smart enough to elect politicians who can define what and when to regulate speech? That's your real stance?
That's the dilemma.
I think it's always been known that this whole experiment rests on the intelligence of the population.
yes - occasionally.....and that is precisely when and where it becomes an issue.
Then prove it. They have published multiple works and data interpretations but I've yet to see someone make the claim they are knowingly lying. You just changed the discussion

Why is Rogan such an issue yet you've not called out your chosen admin for knowingly lying to the American people throughout this?
Cool. What’s your point?
I think he wants to open up the Biden drug addict safe zones to people that want to experiment with covid treatments, I mean after all, what is the difference in killing yourself with covid treatments vs heroin and crack?
It was a counter point to your point.

You stated earlier I was proving your point.....what is your point?

My point is simple: Government should not regulate speech. If you claim people aren't smart enough to know what to listen to, you must accept they're not smart enough to elect the appropriate repsenatives for that important task either.

Now....what is yours?
Seems to have started before Young.

'A Menace to Public Health': Doctors Demand Spotify Puts an End to Covid Lies on 'Joe Rogan Experience'

Malone espoused various conspiratorial and baseless beliefs, from the idea that “mass formation psychosis” is responsible for people believing in the efficacy of vaccines; to the claim popular among anti-vaxxers that hospitals are financially incentivized to falsely diagnose Covid-19 deaths.
Then prove it. They have published multiple works and data interpretations but I've yet to see someone make the claim they are knowingly lying. You just changed the discussion

Why is Rogan such an issue yet you've not called out your chosen admin for knowingly lying to the American people throughout this?
Posted earlier
I think he wants to open up the Biden drug addict safe zones to people that want to experiment with covid treatments, I mean after all, what is the difference in killing yourself with covid treatments vs heroin and crack?
The local government where I live distributes, for free, needles for people to inject themselves. They all ought to be cancelled too.
The local government where I live distributes, for free, needles for people to inject themselves. They all ought to be cancelled too.
In Peru? I think places that do this sort of thing have given up on treating people and have just gone to trying to keep people from infecting each other before they kill themselves.
In Peru? I think places that do this sort of thing have given up on treating people and have just gone to trying to keep people from infecting each other before they kill themselves.
No, in the US. I'm only in Peru to visit.
Posted earlier
And those are both incorrect. They are disagreement not facts. These same people you quote are saying everyone needs to be vaxxed which is statistically incorrect. They also claimed masks were helpful and necessary which is incorrect. Why are you not calling in rolling stone, a proven purveyor of lies, to be censored?
Posted earlier
I will also add that 2years ago the same articles were being written about anyone who dared to suggest this was from China and was from a lab. Heck you had the current potus calling the previous one names because of it. Very credible people were shut down and banned for their opinion that is now widely accepted. This current version of fact check is censorship gone wild. It has nothing to do with accuracy and everything to do with the accepted narrative
I will also add that 2years ago the same articles were being written about anyone who dared to suggest this was from China and was from a lab. Heck you had the current potus calling the previous one names because of it. Very credible people were shut down and banned for their opinion that is now widely accepted. This current version of fact check is censorship gone wild. It has nothing to do with accuracy and everything to do with the accepted narrative
Who was shut down and banned for their opinion?

My opinion has been that the owners of a platform or media outlet are partially responsible for how the outlet is being used and the information being shared.
Just as with VN. Posts are deleted and posters are banned. That's not only their right, but their obligation.
If VN were to be grossly negligent (allowing child porn), the government would eventually step in.
You stated earlier I was proving your point.....what is your point?

My point is simple: Government should not regulate speech. If you claim people aren't smart enough to know what to listen to, you must accept they're not smart enough to elect the appropriate repsenatives for that important task either.

Now....what is yours?
My stance is government already regulates speech, appropriately so. Because society demands it.
Who was shut down and banned for their opinion?

My opinion has been that the owners of a platform or media outlet are partially responsible for how the outlet is being used and the information being shared.
Just as with VN. Posts are deleted and posters are banned. That's not only their right, but their obligation.
If VN were to be grossly negligent (allowing child porn), the government would eventually step in.
But there's nothing dangerous about presenting alternative information. You're comparing discussion of ivermectin to child porn which is bad even for you. Suggesting a healthy 21yo shouldn't get vaccinated is absolutely the right thing given the data. Believing masks are useless is true given the data. You don't care about information or discussion you care about the narrative that you're tied to.

More lies have and will come out of Biden and Fauci than will ever come from Rogan
lol.....I'm pretty sure I want the gov. overseeing and regulating pharmaceuticals.
I'm confident the founding fathers would as well.
Fox gaurding the hen house, protect the golden eggs.

The fact you trust the government to oversee what's best for us, considering they protected the vaccine makers from responsibility of side effects and harm the vaccine causes. It appears to me the government is protecting them and lying to us.

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