Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

By this Luther guy's reasoning we ought to be totally shuttering all social media and traditional media for allowing anyone to post anything that may prove wrong.

I may actually agree. 🤣
Yes, until the Science changes.
I’m going to launch a podcast tomorrow.

Episode 1 - The scientific benefits of parachute-free skydiving

I encourage everyone to tune in and listen to the information I have to share.
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For the record, there are actually signs up in another office in town (from the CDC) saying that the claim that CV19 shots could impact fertility is "A Hoax." This has been one of the concerns voiced by the JRE guests in question.

Now, we have a peer-reviewed article in the Journal of OBGYN stating that one in 10 women will have a significant alteration in their menstrual cycle.
Not as far as you think. What if it was a pharmaceutical rep on the podcast? The question is, how much intentional and harmful misinformation should be allowed before the government needs to step in? It would be great if pharmaceutical companies would properly regulate themselves, but they wont; it would be great if Spotify and all other media platforms would properly regulate themselves.....but we'll see. So far, they are doing a pretty crappy job.
What do you consider "properly regulated"?
Should a person be allowed to falsely and dangerously promote the purchase and use of a drug with misinformation on Spotify?
Replace your last word with "government press conferences".

Sensor Fauci? Cancel him?
Misleading and false information is certainly under the umbrella of speech.
Should we censor the 1819 project and historically inaccurate narratives presented by the right? It can be argued it's just as harmful.
But there's nothing dangerous about presenting alternative information. You're comparing discussion of ivermectin to child porn which is bad even for you. Suggesting a healthy 21yo shouldn't get vaccinated is absolutely the right thing given the data. Believing masks are useless is true given the data. You don't care about information or discussion you care about the narrative that you're tied to.

More lies have and will come out of Biden and Fauci than will ever come from Rogan
Did I ever once say Rogan lied?
Did I compare ivermectin to child porn?
Having my stance so consistently misrepresented gets so tiresome.

I used child porn as an example of why it is appropriate that platforms monitor themselves and that in the absence of appropriate self monitoring, the government will rightfully step in.

Trying to frame the debate as you guys being the free speech loving Americans and Young as being some anti-American censorship loving commie is simply ridiculous.
What Young is doing is exactly the role a citizen needs to play in order to help self monitor these issues without government having to step in.

Why did we need a law governing what pharmaceutical companies could and could not claim and advertise? Your answer to that question highlights the underlying issues of this debate.
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Fox gaurding the hen house, protect the golden eggs.

The fact you trust the government to oversee what's best for us, considering they protected the vaccine makers from responsibility of side effects and harm the vaccine causes. It appears to me the government is protecting them and lying to us.
The only thing I trust less than government is people out to make money (pharmaceutical companies as the classic example), especially when operating in the absence of government.

So you trust big pharm?
Did I ever once say Rogan lied?
Did I compare ivermectin to child porn?
Having my stance so consistently misrepresented gets so tiresome.

I used child porn as an example of why it is appropriate that platforms monitor themselves and that in the absence of appropriate self monitoring, the government will rightfully step in.
You presented an article discussing the push of ivermectin and how it's dangerous information that needs to be govt monitored. You then used child porn as an example of something else that needed to be govt monitored. So yes, you absolutely made the connection
Did I ever once say Rogan lied?
Did I compare ivermectin to child porn?
Having my stance so consistently misrepresented gets so tiresome.

I used child porn as an example of why it is appropriate that platforms monitor themselves and that in the absence of appropriate self monitoring, the government will rightfully step in.

Trying to frame the debate as you guys being the free speech loving Americans and Young as being some anti-American censorship loving commie is simply ridiculous.
What Young is doing is exactly the role a citizen needs to play in order to help self monitor these issues without government having to step in.

Why did we need a law governing what pharmaceutical companies could and could not claim and advertise? Your answer to that question is highlights the underlying issues of this debate.
But the issue here is that government and pharma are now in bed and pushing the same narrative in spite of the science. Has it occurred to you that the entity protecting you from the pharma companies may no longer be performing their duties?
The only thing I trust less than government is people out to make money (pharmaceutical companies as the classic example), especially when operating in the absence of government.

So you trust big pharm?
No, I trust them even less when the government entity responsible for protecting us from them has instead decided to protect the chicken that lays the golden eggs.

You realize you're making the case for me, right?
People aren’t mad that he’s bringing on dissenting voices from qualified experts, and if you think that’s the case you’re missing the point entirely. It’s the proveable (and dangerous) misinformation that certain guests push on the show that people are against. It’s pretty simple

Still waiting for you to tell us what provable and dangerous misinformation was provided?
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But the issue here is that government and pharma are now in bed and pushing the same narrative in spite of the science. Has it occurred to you that the entity protecting you from the pharma companies may no longer be performing their duties?
Of course it has occurred to me. We need more people performing their duties and fewer selling out for a buck.
No, I trust them even less when the government entity responsible for protecting us from them has instead decided to protect the chicken that lays the golden eggs.

You realize you're making the case for me, right?
Nope. I'm making the case for the necessity of government.
As bad and untrustworthy as it is, things would be even worse without it.
Of course it has occurred to me. We need more people performing their duties and fewer selling out for a buck.
The more voices able to speak freely the better the odds of that happening. That's not what your asking for here, it's what you claim, but it's not what your asking for....
Nope. I'm making the case for the necessity of government.
As bad and untrustworthy as it is, things would be even worse without it.
So protect and support the government even when it's working against our best interests?
That's what is currently being decided - hopefully enough people will do the right thing and avoid any need for government intervention.
What signal will you look for to know that Society has failed to police itself and Government is needed to step in?
The more voices able to speak freely the better the odds of that happening. That's not what your asking for here, it's what you claim, but it's not what your asking for....
The less lying, gaslighting, and alternative facts pushing we have the better the odds of that happening become.....and that is exactly what I am asking for.

Trumpism highlighted the dangers of such lunacy and the ease at which millions can be duped....we are just seeing a logical response.

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