New Border Fence Going Up

If you are anti free immigration the smart strategy isn’t a wall. It’s actually what Trump has the Mexican government doing at their own boarder right now.

Does anybody here advocate free immigration?
Actually I believe one of the more classic tenants of libertarianism is minimal impediment to immigration.

I think we passed the threshold of having enough people in the nation about 20 years ago. We are running out of room and quality of life is suffering. Resources and infrastructure are inadequate and the automation revolution make it more imperative. Even with 1% population growth, in ten years you are adding maybe 40 million people.
I think we passed the threshold of having enough people in the nation about 20 years ago. We are running out of room and quality of life is suffering. Resources and infrastructure are inadequate and the automation revolution make it more imperative. Even with 1% population growth, in ten years you are adding maybe 40 million people.

This is just baseless fear-mongering. I live in a growing metropolis (filled with Mexican and Central American immigrants) and it's safe, there's room, and quality of life is great.

Most of what you say is subjective opinion that is hard to disprove, but I can disprove your ideas about not having enough space. There is so much room in the US it's ridiculous. You can fit the entire world's population in Texas by splitting us into families of 4, giving each 1/10 acre. I say again, the entire world's population in Texas. 40 million over 10 years would be healthy for the economy. It would mean the economy's been good. If population growth slows significantly, it probably means the economy's been bad.
The check must have arrived finally.

Who's going to pay? MEXICO. Who's going to pay? MEXICO. Who's going to pay? MEXICO.
This is just baseless fear-mongering. I live in a growing metropolis (filled with Mexican and Central American immigrants) and it's safe, there's room, and quality of life is great.

Most of what you say is subjective opinion that is hard to disprove, but I can disprove your ideas about not having enough space. There is so much room in the US it's ridiculous. You can fit the entire world's population in Texas by splitting us into families of 4, giving each 1/10 acre. I say again, the entire world's population in Texas. 40 million over 10 years would be healthy for the economy. It would mean the economy's been good. If population growth slows significantly, it probably means the economy's been bad.
How do you feel about California opening the doors to endless migration, given the water supply? Are you expecting a move to desalination of ocean water?
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How about we open our borders up to every person in the world, come on over send us your poor, send us your disease ridden and send us your murders/rapists/pedophiles.
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I would be more OK with Open Boarders if all Welfare and Subsidies were abolished. You come then you make it completely on your own. No Government Taxpayer help period. Same goes for Drug Users. You get addicted, no government taxpayer help to get you off. Let the Charities do it. The libs that want it can pay for it.
Smugglers reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws, power tools

Smuggling gangs in Mexico are reportedly using power tools to cut large holes in walls at the southern US-Mexico border, according to a new report from The Washington Post.

The steel-and-concrete portions of the walls, which President Donald Trump has touted as the solution to the flow of undocumented immigrants coming across the US-Mexico border, can be sawed apart with at least one commercially available cordless tool that retails for less than $100, according to the Post, which cites US border officials with knowledge of the damage.

In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego.
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If we had only gone with option "B".

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That's rich. Neo-cons bitch about Snopes as being liberal. I see you use it - albeit incorrectly - when it is convenient.
You think Trump supporters are Neocons? That’s possibly the dumbest thing I’ve read on this board in 2019.
El Salvador, U.S. sign agreement to extend TPS extension for one year

WASHINGTON — El Salvador President Nayib Bukele said Monday the United States government will extend temporary protected status for more than 200,000 Salvadorans living in the U.S.
Bukele posted a video to Twitter in which U.S. Ambassador Ronald Douglas Johnson said the two countries have signed an agreement extending TPS for one year.
The program allows Salvadorans to stay in the U.S. and avoid deportation proceedings, and allows them to get work permits.
WTF? Did the US plant an ISIS asset in El Salvador?
This wall might be the older technology, but it looks like a fun weekend activity. #wallchallenge

They end the video with saying there are other more effective ways of managing undocumented immigrants (or illegal aliens).

If so, then why does every other country in the world use fences?

They should do this same video in Gaza and show some Palestinian girls climbing a wall....
They end the video with saying there are other more effective ways of managing undocumented immigrants (or illegal aliens).

If so, then why does every other country in the world use fences?

They should do this same video in Gaza and show some Palestinian girls climbing a wall....

I just posted the video of people climbing a fence... I don't know about the other stuff

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