New California bill. More insanity

This is less insane than TN repubs attempting to force universities to limit free speech. But hey, keep complaining about signs
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I honestly never noticed signage in stores that said boys' or girls' sections.

I have two kids.. One of each of the two genders. I have not noticed signage, even when toys r us was a thing. It was more implied by the product groupings. As that is the case, this bill is dumb and not enforceable if CA is dumb enough to pass it. But if they enforce implied, it'll drive even more business out of CA. Like they don't do that enough.
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Unless you were buying toys for your kids or someone else, I'd hope you were staying out of the toy sections.

LOL. Valid point.

Nah, I mean walking through the stores I just don't notice it. Someone mentioned clothing and actually I do think I've noticed that signage.

Meh, bill won't pass and doesn't matter. Beside, the world has more important things to worry about right now so its a goofy proposal. Also, same with Greene's latest stunt with the sign in the hallway. WGAF about this stuff right now. Now, if the state lawmakers on this bill instead proposed one about the need to deal with the national debt, or if Greene posted a sign in the hallway about that, I'd give them some props.

But as is just seems like both sides of this culture debate are just taking turns upstaging one another in utterly meaningless ways.
The reporting of it was not done with tax dollars, the legislator's salary is done with tax dollars. So the reporting of it is not a waste of time.

A report on an inconsequential bill with no chance of passage and published simply to stoke the fires of the other side of the issue.


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