New California bill. More insanity

This is less insane than TN repubs attempting to force universities to limit free speech. But hey, keep complaining about signs

You're right. What's wrong with a particular race believing because of the color of their skin they are entitled to fight, run and shoot at the police?
Not a good thing. I'd rather rent for the rest of my life than buy under this mess of a program.

But at the same time, I can understand the frustration buyers feel in such an out of control market. One of my friends used the unfortunate loss of his parents to fund the purchase of a $200k home almost 15 years ago; it's now approaching $1m and his phone is ringing off the hook.

The amount of wealth required to live in some parts of our country is staggering. And when you're house hungry, you do stupid things.
Not a good thing. I'd rather rent for the rest of my life than buy under this mess of a program.

But at the same time, I can understand the frustration buyers feel in such an out of control market. One of my friends used the unfortunate loss of his parents to fund the purchase of a $200k home almost 15 years ago; it's now approaching $1m and his phone is ringing off the hook.

The amount of wealth required to live in some parts of our country is staggering. And when you're house hungry, you do stupid things.

And this would explain why some feel the blues are subsidizing the reds. Like PPP vs GDP
I remember those.... I always wanted one
Do they even exist anymore? I would guess that since computers are the be all end all and every child has an ipad that actually doing hands on playing like that is not desired anymore. I weep for the future.

Damn these zombie threads....
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I am wondering how that split is structured. If the owner defaults is the state liable for the full amount? Is the owner liable if the state defaults, California is broke AF. Can the state get evicted? Can the owners eventually buy out the state? Doesnt really help wealth is the owner is splitting the eventual sell with the state.

How is property tax handled? Is the states ownership value deducted, or is the owner supposed to cover the full amount? Makes balancing your books at lot harder. And I doubt the state/city drops a potential revenue stream.

Upkeep? Appraisals?
Just look at how terrible that liberal bastion of fruitcakes is doing

I won't pretend to know the ins and outs of what is happening in Cali at the moment, but from the dozens of Californians I've met that moved to TN during pandemic it must not all be sunshine and rainbows.
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I won't pretend to know the ins and outs of what is happening in Cali at the moment, but from the dozens of Californians I've met that moved to TN during pandemic it must not all be sunshine and rainbows.
"They're not sending their best" Donald J. Trump.
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I have two kids.. One of each of the two genders. I have not noticed signage, even when toys r us was a thing. It was more implied by the product groupings. As that is the case, this bill is dumb and not enforceable if CA is dumb enough to pass it. But if they enforce implied, it'll drive even more business out of CA. Like they don't do that enough.
I'm pretty sure the liberals will be here soon to inform you that there are at least five genders.

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