New Orleans Attack

It’s not all that surprising if you’ve been tracking leftist the last decade or so. They hate America. They can’t stand the idea of patriotism. Our Anthem is racist. Our founding fathers were evil. We should be ashamed of being an American.

So of course ESPN is gonna act accordingly.
This is an interesting response with which I will respectfully disagree. Defining a group of people (terrorists that don’t think you kill based on unbelief) by excluding people from the group who do believe that “thing” (the “ignorant rank and file”) seems like stacking the deck in favor of your argument.

Again, I am not speaking to Islam, or the Quran. I don’t need to. The fact is, there are many Muslims who believe killing the infidel is the will of the Almighty. This has been true my whole life, from Iran hostages in 1979 through the events in New Orleans.

But crazy people do crazy things all the time and try to justify their behavior. Even serial killers do this. When a serial killer kills prostitutes he justifies it by saying they were whores asking for it. Do we say the serial killer is right because prostitution is also wrong? Or do we simply blame him for being psycho?

I'm not gonna defend terrorism by saying it's justified. Nor am I gonna defend terrorists by saying they weren't motivated by religion. My argument is the actual religion isn't at fault because rational people who read these texts don't find they support attacks of aggression on innocent people. I fully support taking out terrorism and terrorists wherever they are. I simply disagree with the ethnic and racial bigotry people tie with the war against terrorism when it comes to Muslims and Islam.

The religion of Islam does not support killing innocent people nor do most Muslims support that. To try and define a religion and nearly 2 billion people by a few psychos is what I'm arguing against.
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Yeah it's quite clear about those points, and several other things I find reprehensible pertaining to women, children, lying, etc etc.

Please do tell about what is reprehensible in the Quran about women, children, and lying? I'll wait. Cause I've read the entire Quran with commentary and for a book written in the 7th century AD it's actually very supportive of rights for women and orphan children that weren't seen in Europe for centuries later. Also there's nothing in the Quran that justifies lying.

The only objectionable verse I've seen regarding women in the Quran is the verse that justifies a husband can beat his wife for disobedience. However, that is defined as a last resort. He is first ordered to warn her sternly. Then he's told to not sleep with until the wrong behavior changes. It's only after she refuses to listen to his stern warning as well as his refusal to share a bed with her that he can hit her.

That's a very bad verse. No doubt. But in the context of 7th century Arabia it was probably extremely progressive. Remember this was a region where female babies were buried alive before Islam because the men wanted sons instead. It's that sort of depraved culture Islam came to. So if anything Islam made things better for women and children AT THAT TIME than worse. Now should we apply 7th century morals in the 21st century? Hell no. This is why I object to religion in general.
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I don’t pretend to be an expert on the Muslim religion.

You don't need to know anything about Islam. You just need common sense. If there are 2 billion Muslims and only a small fraction commit acts of terrorism then it should be obvious to anyone not motivated by racism or bigotry that the religion has nothing to do with terrorism. Because if the religion was the cause then we would have 2 billion terrorists we would be dealing with instead of a few thousand.
You don't need to know anything about Islam. You just need common sense. If there are 2 billion Muslims and only a small fraction commit acts of terrorism then it should be obvious to anyone not motivated by racism or bigotry that the religion has nothing to do with terrorism. Because if the religion was the cause then we would have 2 billion terrorists we would be dealing with instead of a few thousand.

Lol. Your to terrorists as huff is to illegal Mexicans. I’m guessing there’s a vested interest for you both.
I buy this argument much more than "financial distress"....

This guy was radicalized and believed killing drunk partygoers at 3AM was justified/encouraged religiously because of our foreign policy...

The financial distress is what caused him to look to religion for comfort and purpose. Then the ideas surrounding foreign policy grievances are what he felt justified his actions. Even the worst people try to justify their actions by saying the people they harmed deserved it. So from his perspective the foreign policy grievances are why those innocent people "deserved" to die but the thing that kick started his whole journey down the radical Islam rabbit hole were his personal issues.

Most people who are happy and have things going their way don't tend to turn to religion. Especially the radical elements of a religion. Only people who need comfort from problems in their life turn to religion like that.
Lol. Your to terrorists as huff is to illegal Mexicans. I’m guessing there’s a vested interest for you both.

No. I just don't like racism and bigotry. Which in my opinion is the main motivation against Islam in non-Islamic countries.

By the way, if I was in an Islamic country I would probably be arguing with Muslims about why America and Americans aren't evil blood thirsty monsters motivated by a hatred of Islam and Muslims. Cause just as we're motivated here by fear and a misunderstanding of their faith they too have a misunderstanding about us and our values.
No. I just don't like racism and bigotry. Which in my opinion is the main motivation against Islam in non-Islamic countries.

By the way, if I was in an Islamic country I would probably be arguing with Muslims about why America and Americans aren't evil blood thirsty monsters motivated by a hatred of Islam and Muslims. Cause just as we're motivated here by fear and a misunderstanding of their faith they too have a misunderstanding about us and our values.

Dude. You’re carrying water for a terrorist that plowed through a group of people and killed them. I don’t buy the “religion of peace” horses***.
Dude. You’re carrying water for a terrorist that plowed through a group of people and killed them. I don’t buy the “religion of peace” horses***.

I've not defended that guy nor his actions. The only thing I've defended is a religion practiced by nearly 2 billion of our fellow humans. If you want to demonize 2 billion people go right ahead. Just don't expect me to join you.
I've not defended that guy nor his actions. The only thing I've defended is a religion practiced by nearly 2 billion of our fellow humans. If you want to demonize 2 billion people go right ahead. Just don't expect me to join you.

Except you’re making ridiculous excuses for one person. The dude was a Muslim, isis, terrorist and you tried to pin it on “financial problems”. Absurd.
Except you’re making ridiculous excuses for one person. The dude was a Muslim, isis, terrorist and you tried to pin it on “financial problems”. Absurd.

He's 42 years old and was born with a Muslim name. Why decide to kill people now? If Islam is the reason why now? Why not when he was in the military? Why not when he was working real estate? Why not when he was happily married with kids and a nice job? Why did he decide to become a warrior for Isis after being divorced, losing his livelihood, and drowning in debt?

I'm just explaining why he did what he did. Not excusing it. Yall are the ones trying to pin this all on religion when the facts don't support it.
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He's 42 years old and was born with a Muslim name. Why decide to kill people now? If Islam is the reason why now? Why not when he was in the military? Why not when he was working real estate? Why not when he was happily married with kids and a nice job? Why did he decide to become a warrior for Isis after being divorced, losing his livelihood, and drowning in debt?

I'm just explaining why he did what he did. Not excusing it. Yall are the ones trying to pin this all on religion when the facts don't support it.
Why does Isis exist?
There is in fact truth to the idea that the math of "Islam = violence" is pretty suspect. It's also true this meme didn't come about in a vacuum.


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Following some of these posts, do any of you wonder why there aren't videos and statements regularly released of Christian leaders threatening to kill infidels? You are claiming that the Islamic terrorists and haters of non-Muslims all misinterpret their religious instruction?
Why does Isis exist?
To bring about a 7th century caliphate, conquer as much of the world as possible, and impose sharia law.

They will do this through non-religiously motivated attacks of proportionate response to their enemies. Enemies, or 'The Great Satan' as Osama Bin-Laden often referred to America as. They won't use the arabic word for war, or the arabic words for guerrilla warfare when they call for this. They will use the arabic word for Holy War -Jihad(Jihad actually has 3 meanings). Please try to remember, it is not religiously motivated when Muslims call for acts of Holy War against us while often reffering to us as The Great Satan.

Once you understand sharia law, and the authority (God) behind it, you will realize how much of a lying infidel Charlie Hebdo was. The three seperate t̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶i̶s̶t̶ a̶t̶t̶a̶c̶k̶s̶ peaceful Jihads against the newspaper offices that killed several people were proportionate retaliations. You just can't print demeaning comics of the prophet or falsely claim Islam has a religious fundamentalism problem. That's Haram and will be met with proportionate Jihad in response.

Islam is a religion of peace, though. A token percentage of people's who dont accept the Quran as the word of Allah might be allowed to live as a "protected class" if they pay the tax and refrain from violating sharia law.

I know a lot of you Christian scholars with years of academic study might be tempted to redact Christianity down to the 4 gospels and then absolve Christian extremists of having influenced or motivated acts of war and wrongdoing throughout history. Your appeal to being an academic authority won't impress me. Leaving out all those H̶a̶d̶i̶t̶h̶s̶ Old & New testament books & historical happenings won't get past me. I'm watching out for that kind of Taqqiya
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Why does Isis exist
ISIS exists due to a combination of regional instability, sectarianism, the failure of governance, and the group's ideological commitment to an extreme interpretation of Islam. It exploited these factors to grow, recruit, and eventually declare its own caliphate, which it controlled at its height from 2014 to 2019. Although it has lost much of its territorial control, ISIS continues to operate as an insurgent group.
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ISIS exists due to a combination of regional instability, sectarianism, the failure of governance, and the group's ideological commitment to an extreme interpretation of Islam. It exploited these factors to grow, recruit, and eventually declare its own caliphate, which it controlled at its height from 2014 to 2019. Although it has lost much of its territorial control, ISIS continues to operate as an insurgent group.
How come Muslim citizens don't speak out in against the terrorists acts?? Instead we see them celebrating?
He's 42 years old and was born with a Muslim name. Why decide to kill people now? If Islam is the reason why now? Why not when he was in the military? Why not when he was working real estate? Why not when he was happily married with kids and a nice job? Why did he decide to become a warrior for Isis after being divorced, losing his livelihood, and drowning in debt?

I'm just explaining why he did what he did. Not excusing it. Yall are the ones trying to pin this all on religion when the facts don't support it.

Tens of millions of people are struggling financially.....

For purpose of this argument, I'll buy your explantion that he turned to a radicalized version of Islam because he was struggling financially. The finances may have drove him to ISIS but the radicalized religious teachings drove him to kill....
Never used in the U.S. or Europe, but he must have acted alone ...

From the article:

The driver who killed 14 people in an ISIS-inspired vehicular attack in New Orleans used a very rare explosive compound in two homemade bombs that did not detonate, two senior law enforcement officials briefed on the matter told NBC News.

The explosive has never been used in a U.S. terrorist attack or incident, nor in a European one, the officials said.

How come Muslim citizens don't speak out in against the terrorists acts?? Instead we see them celebrating?

To be fair, a small % of them do. Some of them are likely even being honest in their rebukes. These are the peaceful muslims who do not take their faith or the commands in their "holy book" seriously. I liken them to Joel Osteen Christians. If you watch an Osteen service, if there is any actual scripture involved in his message it might be a verse at the beginning...or none at all. Then there is a long ear tickling, feel good message about what a good person everyone is. Like a motivational speaker at a seminar...for 20 or 30 minutes. Lots of music and singing along etc. No mention of the name "Jesus" (the entire point of Christianity and its namesake) . No condemnation of sin. No expounding on scripture to educate those listening about the book they are supposed to follow. Just a 3omin feel good session that isn't about Christ or following the commands of the Bible at all...its about what the people in the audience really want to talk about. Themselves...and Joel.

These are the muslims that are compatible with Western Society. The ones who do not take the Quran seriously. The ones who do not follow the commands in the book. The ones who do not believe in Sharia law. The ones who can assimilate into the West then talk and act like everyone else. They arent gonna strap a bomb to a 12yo girl or shoot up a market, not gonna run over a bunch of innocent civilians in a crowd because they are not devout.

The muslims that are compatible with western society are insincere muslims for whom their religion is just a small part of their lives, not the guiding principles that govern their lives. There are millions of Christians just like them. Some only go to Church on Christmas and Easter. Some may attend weekly, but their heart isnt in it...and they never open a Bible to study or actually try to live for Christ in the 99% of their time that's spent outside the walls of their church. Some may attend a Joel Osteen type church that has very little to do with the Bible at all...and almost never utters the name of Jesus. They would all likely tell you they were Christians, should you ask them anyway, but they are insincere in their faith and therefore they will never grow. The muslims that are just like them...insincere in their faith...are the only muslims that are compatible with America and the West. They have to ignore direct and explicit commands in their holy book to "kill the infidel" etc. The muslims who take their faith and their book seriously are the "radical islamic terrorists"...and the ones that don't, but cheer them on in the streets when they blow up innocent people fall somewhere in between. Like "lukewarm" Christians.

Islam has a serious problem in its book and teachings that cannot be explained away or rationalized. It is fundamentally a violent religion, at its core. Those here trying to deny that through misdirection and distraction cannot change that. Ignoring this problem will not make it go away.
He's 42 years old and was born with a Muslim name. Why decide to kill people now? If Islam is the reason why now? Why not when he was in the military? Why not when he was working real estate? Why not when he was happily married with kids and a nice job? Why did he decide to become a warrior for Isis after being divorced, losing his livelihood, and drowning in debt?

I'm just explaining why he did what he did. Not excusing it. Yall are the ones trying to pin this all on religion when the facts don't support it.

You’re not explaining anything because you don’t know anything. You’re just making ridiculous excuses.

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