New Orleans Attack

So the ATF has disclosed that the explosive used in the IEDs was RDX which is essentially C4. Some of it was purchased and some he supposedly synthesized. That is a highly complex and highly energetic compound of which TNT (trinitrotoluene) is an intermediate. The chemistry involved is no trivial matter. Hard to see how this was done all by his lonesome in a trailer park. Fortunately he whiffed on the detonation.
So the ATF has disclosed that the explosive used in the IEDs was RDX which is essentially C4. Some of it was purchased and some he supposedly synthesized. That is a highly complex and highly energetic compound of which TNT (trinitrotoluene) is an intermediate. The chemistry involved is no trivial matter. Hard to see how this was done all by his lonesome in a trailer park. Fortunately he whiffed on the detonation.

Need a lot of good equipment and some know how to make that yourself. Agree, highly doubt he was making this in his trailer. He still has all his fingers.
You don't need to know anything about Islam. You just need common sense. If there are 2 billion Muslims and only a small fraction commit acts of terrorism then it should be obvious to anyone not motivated by racism or bigotry that the religion has nothing to do with terrorism. Because if the religion was the cause then we would have 2 billion terrorists we would be dealing with instead of a few thousand.
I have enough common sense to not speak on things I’m not certain about. You seem to have faith in your opinions. Good for you.
Need a lot of good equipment and some know how to make that yourself. Agree, highly doubt he was making this in his trailer. He still has all his fingers.
I have done mixed acid nitration of cumene to the dinitro derivative. Cumene is a very similar molecule to toluene. Another aliquot of HNO3/H2SO4 would have taken it to the trinitro. This was for a job I had 40 years ago. That is some heavy sh!t.
I have done mixed acid nitration of cumene to the dinitro derivative. Cumene is a very similar molecule to toluene. Another aliquot of HNO3/H2SO4 would have taken it to the trinitro. This was for a job I had 40 years ago. That is some heavy sh!t.

What was your client using this for?
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What was your client using this for?
After the nitration we did a hydrogenation to convert the nitro groups to amino groups. This was then blended with another aromatic amine purchased from DuPont and that mixture was an epoxy component used in missile manufacturing.
Why does Isis exist?
Why did Jonestown exist? It's a political grift masquerading as a religious movement. Al-Baghdadi set it up so that he would be the 'caliph' (nice for him) but didn't bother to abide by the religion he used as a front.
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So the ATF has disclosed that the explosive used in the IEDs was RDX which is essentially C4. Some of it was purchased and some he supposedly synthesized. That is a highly complex and highly energetic compound of which TNT (trinitrotoluene) is an intermediate. The chemistry involved is no trivial matter. Hard to see how this was done all by his lonesome in a trailer park. Fortunately he whiffed on the detonation.

It’s amazing that he was smart and skilled enough to make the explosive but couldn’t come up with a reliable detention mechanism.
I thought he was going to say it went to an anon customer located in the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest. He wanted this and an aliquot of nitric / sulfuric acid. 🤷🏼‍♂️
More recently, say 10 years ago, after I started my own business, a prospective customer emailing from Europe attracted some unwanted attention. Had a couple visitors to my lab from the 3-letter agencies. After they saw I was legit they tried to enlist me in a sting, where I would let them plant a tracking device in a drum of product and ship it overseas. I did not want any part of that action.
Yes Muslims are violent. So are Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, etc.
I said that meme didn't "just happen" and it's a fact. While we're on South Park what's the difference between them having no problems showing Jesus but literally being told nope to Muhammad. I mean, Piss Christ is literally an award winning piece of "art". How many art galleries you think would be down with giving Piss Muhammad a go? (Wonder if Jake would write up a Charlie Hebdo insurance policy?) You think the artist behind a Draw Jesus Day would have to change their name and go into hiding? These are not remotely the only examples.

My original post clearly, no ambiguity whatsoever, acknowledged that Islam = violence looks a bit much given the numbers. Trying to whatabout there being an overrepresentation with Islam and violence is either naive or denial.
There is in fact truth to the idea that the math of "Islam = violence" is pretty suspect. It's also true this meme didn't come about in a vacuum.

Next time you hear about a gang shooting do you go "and it's blacks"?

Are black people genetically predisposed to commit gun violence? If so why is it mostly young black men and not young black women? Also why not black men from affluent families? Why mostly young black men in the ghetto? And if it's a black thing why do Hispanics also commit gun violence? Are they also genetically predisposed to it? Or is the fact they're also from mostly poor communities the cause?

Correlation does not mean causation in every case. Gang violence isn't caused by skin color despite most of the young men who commit gun violence in this country being black and brown. The correlation that causes the gun violence is the poverty and lack of economic opportunities in those communities. Similarly, the cause of terrorism isn't Islam cause most Muslims don't commit terrorism just like most black people don't commit murder. The cause of terrorism is young men without hope and opportunity latching onto geopolitical grievances as a way of finding purpose or expressing their anger.

If you blame gun violence on race and terrorism on religion what you're doing is looking for an easy scapegoat to placate your bigotry rather than trying to figure out the real cause of these problems.
To be fair, a small % of them do. Some of them are likely even being honest in their rebukes. These are the peaceful muslims who do not take their faith or the commands in their "holy book" seriously. I liken them to Joel Osteen Christians. If you watch an Osteen service, if there is any actual scripture involved in his message it might be a verse at the beginning...or none at all. Then there is a long ear tickling, feel good message about what a good person everyone is. Like a motivational speaker at a seminar...for 20 or 30 minutes. Lots of music and singing along etc. No mention of the name "Jesus" (the entire point of Christianity and its namesake) . No condemnation of sin. No expounding on scripture to educate those listening about the book they are supposed to follow. Just a 3omin feel good session that isn't about Christ or following the commands of the Bible at all...its about what the people in the audience really want to talk about. Themselves...and Joel.

These are the muslims that are compatible with Western Society. The ones who do not take the Quran seriously. The ones who do not follow the commands in the book. The ones who do not believe in Sharia law. The ones who can assimilate into the West then talk and act like everyone else. They arent gonna strap a bomb to a 12yo girl or shoot up a market, not gonna run over a bunch of innocent civilians in a crowd because they are not devout.

The muslims that are compatible with western society are insincere muslims for whom their religion is just a small part of their lives, not the guiding principles that govern their lives. There are millions of Christians just like them. Some only go to Church on Christmas and Easter. Some may attend weekly, but their heart isnt in it...and they never open a Bible to study or actually try to live for Christ in the 99% of their time that's spent outside the walls of their church. Some may attend a Joel Osteen type church that has very little to do with the Bible at all...and almost never utters the name of Jesus. They would all likely tell you they were Christians, should you ask them anyway, but they are insincere in their faith and therefore they will never grow. The muslims that are just like them...insincere in their faith...are the only muslims that are compatible with America and the West. They have to ignore direct and explicit commands in their holy book to "kill the infidel" etc. The muslims who take their faith and their book seriously are the "radical islamic terrorists"...and the ones that don't, but cheer them on in the streets when they blow up innocent people fall somewhere in between. Like "lukewarm" Christians.

Islam has a serious problem in its book and teachings that cannot be explained away or rationalized. It is fundamentally a violent religion, at its core. Those here trying to deny that through misdirection and distraction cannot change that. Ignoring this problem will not make it go away.
You've repeated that view several times. It was an ignorant take the first time and it's still an ignorant take.
Remember this?
Far better men than me have screamed this from the rooftops but few have listened : Islam is simply NOT compatible with Western culture/countries.

It isn't. Period. I have read the Quran in its entirety. It is slam full of their "god" telling them to lie to, attack, and kill the "infidels"...which to them is ANYONE not already a muslim. Over and over, sura after sura (verse) it tells followers in no uncertain terms to lie, conspire, and kill. The exact OPPOSITE of what the God of Isaac and Jacob teaches in the Bible...which is to love your neighbors, even your enemies.

To put it plainly:

The only Muslim that can coexist in a western society is an INSINCERE muslim. A muslim that is willing to defy the blunt instructions given them over and over about lying, subverting, and killing nearly everyone around them in the West. There are some great other commands its OK to beat your wife anytime you want as long as one uses bare hands OR a rod no wider than his thumb. The Quran teaches the exact opposite of what Jesus taught, despite it containing most of the Old Testament. It is all the other crap that is so messed up.

And btw..NO the god in the Quran is not the same God from the Bible. The 2 could not be any more different, and tell their worshippers to do the exact OPPOSITE in their lives. The God of Isaac and Jacob is unmutable, unchanging. For those hung up on the way liberal public schools describe all 3 religions as "Abrahamic"...that is a genealogical statement. Abraham had 3 sons of 3 different religions. That in no way means that they all worshipped the same God...I have a brother that is an atheist myself. I worship God, he worships at the alter of Self like most do. We still came from the same Dad. Just like Isaac, Jacob, and illegitimate Ishmael all came from old Abe. People seem to really struggle with this concept for some reason...

Malum prohibitum vs malum in se?

No desire to get into this quagmire of a debate, but where does an atheist get their sense of right and wrong if not from the Bible/ 10 commandments?

Absent the 10C...right and wrong is purely subjective right? Therefore varies wildly from 1 person to the next. So what gives anyone ANY authority to tell another that HE is wrong or immoral? Subjective morality is THE slippery slope. Absent any real moral code, life is a free for all...and the only question then is who has the monopoly on lethal force/violence to impose their will upon others. Anyone elses opinion pretty much worthless in a moral vacuum. Might makes right...right? Of course it does. The ultimate slippery slope.

Edit: Fisher posted 2mins before me while i was typing this and said, right on cue:

"Islam is NOT compatible with western culture or the US.."

It's interesting that your take is more in line with ISIL's than with the vast majority of adherents who study the scripture and derivative writings in depth and in context. I've lived and worked for many years with a lot of sincerely devout Muslims, well educated in their religion, who believe nothing at all like what you get from your reading. Comparing takes, I'll go with those who have studied it for months or years and really know their subject matter. A taxi driver told me once that Islam summarized is 'be good to people and sleep only with your spouse', and that's pretty much what I see in their behavior. I see the same too in a lot of well studied Christians' behavior, at least those who aren't into prosperity gospel and the like.
How do you view the differences between the Old and New Testaments in the attitudes ascribed to God?
As for western culture, assuming you mean rule of law, representative government, rational thought, etc., there's nothing innate in Christianity which makes it more compatible than other religion that comes to mind. There's text in the Bible too that doesn't mesh so well with those ideals.
Hahahahaha it took a little bit but we now have a KKK reference in an Islamic terrorist thread. Good stuff.

View attachment 712243

They're both terrorist organizations. One is filled with alleged Muslims. The other alleged Christians. One is motivated by geopolitical goals the other was motivated by domestic goals. Isis wants an Islamic State free of non-muslim influence. The Ku Klux Klan wants a white ethnostate free of non-white citizens. They both engage in violence against innocent civilians to advance their goals.
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I have done mixed acid nitration of cumene to the dinitro derivative. Cumene is a very similar molecule to toluene. Another aliquot of HNO3/H2SO4 would have taken it to the trinitro. This was for a job I had 40 years ago. That is some heavy sh!t.
Next time you hear about a gang shooting do you go "and it's blacks"?

Are black people genetically predisposed to commit gun violence? If so why is it mostly young black men and not young black women? Also why not black men from affluent families? Why mostly young black men in the ghetto? And if it's a black thing why do Hispanics also commit gun violence? Are they also genetically predisposed to it? Or is the fact they're also from mostly poor communities the cause?

Correlation does not mean causation in every case. Gang violence isn't caused by skin color despite most of the young men who commit gun violence in this country being black and brown. The correlation that causes the gun violence is the poverty and lack of economic opportunities in those communities. Similarly, the cause of terrorism isn't Islam cause most Muslims don't commit terrorism just like most black people don't commit murder. The cause of terrorism is young men without hope and opportunity latching onto geopolitical grievances as a way of finding purpose or expressing their anger.

If you blame gun violence on race and terrorism on religion what you're doing is looking for an easy scapegoat to placate your bigotry rather than trying to figure out the real cause of these problems.
Blah blah yadda yadda. There's precious little in that mess that even applies to my observation much less acknowledges what I did actually say.

People will do things regarding other religions they won't do with Islam. Why? I know the answer and so do you.
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