Far better men than me have screamed this from the rooftops but few have listened : Islam is simply NOT compatible with Western culture/countries.
It isn't. Period. I have read the Quran in its entirety. It is slam full of their "god" telling them to lie to, attack, and kill the "infidels"...which to them is ANYONE not already a muslim. Over and over, sura after sura (verse) it tells followers in no uncertain terms to lie, conspire, and kill. The exact OPPOSITE of what the God of Isaac and Jacob teaches in the Bible...which is to love your neighbors, even your enemies.
To put it plainly:
The only Muslim that can coexist in a western society is an INSINCERE muslim. A muslim that is willing to defy the blunt instructions given them over and over about lying, subverting, and killing nearly everyone around them in the West. There are some great other commands too...like its OK to beat your wife anytime you want as long as one uses bare hands OR a rod no wider than his thumb. The Quran teaches the exact opposite of what Jesus taught, despite it containing most of the Old Testament. It is all the other crap that is so messed up.
And btw..NO the god in the Quran is not the same God from the Bible. The 2 could not be any more different, and tell their worshippers to do the exact OPPOSITE in their lives. The God of Isaac and Jacob is unmutable, unchanging. For those hung up on the way liberal public schools describe all 3 religions as "Abrahamic"...that is a genealogical statement. Abraham had 3 sons of 3 different religions. That in no way means that they all worshipped the same God...I have a brother that is an atheist myself. I worship God, he worships at the alter of Self like most do. We still came from the same Dad. Just like Isaac, Jacob, and illegitimate Ishmael all came from old Abe. People seem to really struggle with this concept for some reason...
Malum prohibitum vs malum in se?
No desire to get into this quagmire of a debate, but where does an atheist get their sense of right and wrong if not from the Bible/ 10 commandments?
Absent the 10C...right and wrong is purely subjective right? Therefore varies wildly from 1 person to the next. So what gives anyone ANY authority to tell another that HE is wrong or immoral? Subjective morality is THE slippery slope. Absent any real moral code, life is a free for all...and the only question then is who has the monopoly on lethal force/violence to impose their will upon others. Anyone elses opinion pretty much worthless in a moral vacuum. Might makes right...right? Of course it does. The ultimate slippery slope.
Edit: Fisher posted 2mins before me while i was typing this and said, right on cue:
"Islam is NOT compatible with western culture or the US.."