New TN Bill will allow you to kill robbers

If they aren't a threat or are fleeing then they didn't "make you" fake tough guy.

That is the whole point. If they actually "make you" by catching you off guard or attacking you no one has any issue.
What part of "in my house uninvited, at night" didn't you understand?

If they are in my house, they are a threat.

If they are fleeing, they might get a 9mm boost, depending on what they did to have to flee from my home in the first place.

If they did nothing, they are probably safe but they are still going to think long and hard about a return engagement.

I'm not being a "tough guy", I'm stating what will happen. I might have to be faster than my wife to get the first shot.

Just to be serious for a second. I don't think we are really in much disagreement on this. As such, I don't think this possible new law changes anything for me.
It won't and it shouldn't. That is why in 99% of the country this is considered murder.

More of that right wind descent into their subversion of Christianity to push their fake Christian version of Sharia law. Well at least they only take a hand. Hell lets take people to the town square and stone them too when they do something bad.
How do you know it won't pass? You do remember this is Tennessee, right?
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It won't and it shouldn't. That is why in 99% of the country this is considered murder.

More of that right wind descent into their subversion of Christianity to push their fake Christian version of Sharia law. Well at least they only take a hand. Hell lets take people to the town square and stone them too when they do something bad.
So then you're okay if we start chopping off the hands of thieves? Sweet.
It just said property and didn’t specify whether inside the house or not. However, like others have said, if they’re stealing from a pile of bricks I have in the back yard then no I’m not going to kill them. My general rule of thumb is if they enter my house, they are fair game.

What you describe here is already pretty much in the books.

TCA 39-11-611

(c) Any person using force intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily injury within a residence, business, dwelling or vehicle is presumed to have held a reasonable belief of imminent death or serious bodily injury to self, family, a member of the household or a person visiting as an invited guest, when that force is used against another person, who unlawfully and forcibly enters or has unlawfully and forcibly entered the residence, business, dwelling or vehicle, and the person using defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry occurred.

Basically this affords a huge amount of leeway (presumed to have held a reasonable belief) in use of lethal force against anyone that forces their way into you home.
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Yeah, yeah I’m a scared punk bitch.

It’s not a fear thing, it’s an opportunity to train in real world conditions. It’s hard to hit a moving target in low light conditions.

Train for what exactly? Your delusions are hilarious.

If anything popped off you would be in your mom's basement like you are now.

I'm your Huckleberry...want my address?
I don't slum it at the trailer park.

And that line always makes me laugh. No one tough has ever said it in real life or wrote it.
Train for what exactly? Your delusions are hilarious.

If anything popped off you would be in your mom's basement like you are now.

I don't slum it at the trailer park.

And that line always makes me laugh. No one tough has ever said it in real life or wrote it.
Tough guys meet at the Waffle House. Everyone knows that.
Train for what exactly? Your delusions are hilarious.

If anything popped off you would be in your mom's basement like you are now.

I don't slum it at the trailer park.

And that line always makes me laugh. No one tough has ever said it in real life or wrote it.

Actually I’m camping right now, mom let me out for the weekend.
Your last part is addressed by current law. It appears this makes it legal to shoot as they run away and are no longer a threat. I just don't agree with that at all

I'm not terribly comfortable with the idea of lawful fire directed at people fleeing the scene. Hell, the general safety issues alone are enough to discourage that IMO.

Direct intervention backed by lethal use of force against active thieves on one's property absent the above...look how about you not try to take **** that isn't yours, OK?
Now, don't be jelly. there's a man somewhere out there for you. Just be patient and some day your Prince will come.
I'm fine with my family living well while you play weekend warrior and train for your fantasy conflict.
I'm fine with my family living well while you play weekend warrior and train for your fantasy conflict.
I've trained for the real thing while doing the "real thing" and I don't dream about it while fast asleep at a traffic light. I hope and pray I never have to use those skills.

But enough about me, what's your big deal?
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If this law passes, does it have to be a gun you shoot them with? What if you hit 'em with throwing axes, or a crossbow?
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If your life isn't in danger and you shoot someone you are committing murder.

Its sad some people salivate at the chance to kill someone for a couple of dollars to play tough guy.

Definitely not anyone claiming to be a Christian can support this.
Sounds like k-town doesn’t want to have to dodge bullets while he’s looting and burning.

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