New York City

and you can keep living off the Government, till all the taxpayers leave
Oh look another dodge and another lie lmao. There's no argument that NYC is "garbage compared to its former self" unless that "former self" is like 5 years ago, in which case you aren't really saying anything
Oh look another dodge and another lie lmao. There's no argument that NYC is "garbage compared to its former self" unless that "former self" is like 5 years ago, in which case you aren't really saying anything
I went there 4 years ago on my 50th and couldn’t believe how run down it’s become. It’s a shithole now and that’s common knowledge.

Your denial is irrelevant to that fact.
I went there 4 years ago on my 50th and couldn’t believe how run down it’s become. It’s a shithole now and that’s common knowledge.

Your denial is irrelevant to that fact.
Anecdotal garbage plus a Trumpy "everyone is saying this" from someone who doesn't live in NYC is worthless lol
They've all moved to BumFu-kville, America now and are living in trailer parks.

450 homes in my neighborhood in Chattanooga. Entry level is 450k 4 New York transfers in the last 6 months.

The trash is staying there on the government tit.
The middle to upper middle is what they’re losing at record levels
Gotta love the articles.
“Crime isn’t the worst ever, almost, but not the worst…..that’s a lie. “

What a shithole
Not to this degree; rent has skyrocketed more recently and minimum wage obviously hasn't

Are you really going to bring up minimum wage in this conversation? NYC's minimum wage is around $15 hr, who in NYC is making $15hr? Also in a previous post you mentioned people leaving because they can work from home and not pay NYC rent, minimum wage workers aren't working from home so which is it?
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