New York City

Why don't you show the last few years in your chart? I think they will show felony assault and grand larceny the highest in 20 years.
Slice said he went there 4 years ago to see this "decline". Even 2023 crime is still way down from 2000-2010
Are you really going to bring up minimum wage in this conversation? NYC's minimum wage is around $15 hr, who in NYC is making $15hr? Also in a previous post you mentioned people leaving because they can work from home and not pay NYC rent, minimum wage workers aren't working from home so which is it?
You can do median wage if you want, there isn't any scale of average pay in NYC that has increased as much as rent has. It's more expensive now for people who work from home and people who don't
Slice said he went there 4 years ago to see this "decline". Even 2023 crime is still way down from 2000-2010
Don't argue about another poster dodging if this is going to be your response. You purposely posted data to fit your argument.
Don't argue about another poster dodging if this is going to be your response. You purposely posted data to fit your argument.
He said it was garbage in 2019-20 and I posted stats from 2019-20, sit this one out lol
You can do median wage if you want, there isn't any scale of average pay in NYC that has increased as much as rent has. It's more expensive now for people who work from home and people who don't

Rent is based on supply and demand, with people leaving in droves why isn't rent coming down?
Why don't you show the last few years in your chart? I think they will show felony assault and grand larceny the highest in 20 years.
I've gone back and looked. I see no answer to this question, Nash?
Why the focus on grand larceny though? Maybe twisting things to fit an argument? Lol
How am I twisting information? I was posting the same exact information that you did, just included the last few years that you left off. Is an uptick in several categories of crime not relevant to the thread?
How am I twisting information? I was posting the same exact information that you did, just included the last few years that you left off. Is an uptick in several categories of crime not relevant to the thread?
2 categories out of 7 when overall crime is most certainly not “the highest in 20 years” is not “several” lol
Why don't you show the last few years in your chart? I think they will show felony assault and grand larceny the highest in 20 years.
Nash, here is my exact quote. Do not put your twist on it. Was anything I posted above factually incorrect? This is a simple yes or no question.
Nash, here is my exact quote. Do not put your twist on it. Was anything I posted above factually incorrect? This is a simple yes or no question.
Not factually incorrect just like nothing I posted was, how much more time would you like to waste on this worthless point lol
I won't waste anymore of your time. Feel free to ignore my posts.
Crime jumped in 2022, but was a big outlier compared to the years before and after it (and like I said was nowhere close to early 2000s). Not the most relevant point because Slice was saying the city was clearly worse than before during his visit 4 years ago (2020); I assume the "****hole" is based on seeing a homeless person or a trash bag on a sidewalk, because it's not based on something like violent crime which in 2020 was half of what it used to be
Crime jumped in 2022, but was a big outlier compared to the years before and after it (and like I said was nowhere close to early 2000s). Not the most relevant point because Slice was saying the city was clearly worse than before during his visit 4 years ago (2020); I assume the "****hole" is based on seeing a homeless person or a trash bag on a sidewalk, because it's not based on something like violent crime which in 2020 was half of what it used to be
How do you get violent crime being 50% lower? What are you comparing?
I was assuming violent crime would be the murder, rape, and assault categories.

Here is a question to ponder. Do you think the 7 categories are reported as much today as they would have been in 2000? I would think things like murder and assault would have to be similar, but the other 7 categories perhaps not.

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