What "tude" , gule? I'm only stating facts. Facts learned from PLAYING the college game, not watching it my whole life. As for "stick it up yer arse".... Well, I think that bit of eloquence says all that needs to be known about you, but I would suggest laying off such statements and sticking to basketball conversation.
And about getting "a grip", I'd say I have a much more firm grip on this game than most having played, coached, and taught as a private individual instructor.
Having been off this or any other site like it for several years, I'd forgotten how those who never played the game think (or don't think) and the ridiculous things they say. The view from the court is very different from the couch where you've spent your life, gule.
But I tell you what...if you think it's just "tude", I'll lay $1000 on a game of 1-on-1 anywhere, anytime with you or sandvol....and I haven't played in 15-20 years. Then maybe you can try to stick it up my "arse" yourself.
Until you're ready to do that, why don't we just have some enlightening conversation about basketball, NOT speak rudely about the hard-working young women who give their all for their teams, and leave your "tude" elsewhere?