Neyland Renovations, what should be next???

The issue is that those "outdated" engineering buildings are all in use. So if you tore them down to "make space" then you would have to build more buildings somewhere else and there isn't exactly and over abundance of space in and around campus that would be suitable for those buildings go be placed.

All of South Knox is available lol...right across the pond.
I would also look at improving circulation around the stadium.

This x 1,000,000,000.

My wife wanted a coffee at half joke. Could barely get into the lobby. It was getting heated so I left and said you're S.O.L. on the coffee.
I've heard they may convert the other upper deck to terrace style seating to mirror the terrace we have currently. Wonder how far that would bring down the capacity numbers.
Jumbotron that covers the entire south end zone

How about a two-sided jumbotron as big as the one at Jerry's house, built onto the sides of a giant, helium-filled balloon structure, floating above the field like a big blimp moored over the stadium?

Sure, it would be outrageously expensive and likely would someday go all Hindenburg during a game, but those downsides would be waaaay outweighed by the sheer awesomeness of it. No-brainer imo.
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Visiting team fans know how the stadium probably looked in the 50's. Very impressive for those enjoying the past.

The other night, I was talking with a big Hurricane Booster about his last visit to Neyland and he said he felt like a billy goat in the upper deck and when he went to use the facilities he made a comment about our wonderful troughs. Then from the other end, one of our faithful tells him "He should find himself lucky that we finally have indoor plumbing". He left with lasting impressions. We shouldn't change a thing. Except maybe the smell. :)
All of South Knox is available lol...right across the pond.

Yeah let's tell multiple proffessors that they will daily have to walk back and forth across the Henley street bridge to get to classes and their offices and see how that goes.
A. Smoking terraces somewhere outside the seating area,
B. Beer concessions
C. More urinals,, ( See B )
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We need the monitors all the way around the stadium like the new Falcons stadium.

We also need a retractable roof so we can grow Bermuda grass year round and host bowl games.

120,000 comfortable seats.

Special acoustics engineering to make the stadium even louder for opponents.
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Holographic players on an orange field. Why not just go ahead and fill the stands with holographic fat azz drunks and make the entire experience as realistic as possible
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How about a two-sided jumbotron as big as the one at Jerry's house, built onto the sides of a giant, helium-filled balloon structure, floating above the field like a big blimp moored over the stadium?

Sure, it would be outrageously expensive and likely would someday go all Hindenburg during a game, but those downsides would be waaaay outweighed by the sheer awesomeness of it. No-brainer imo.

Just go bigger than:


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Day cares for small children, (yes they are precious dressed like players and cheerleaders) so they quit climbing all over everyone once they become bored (end of 1st qtr) and so their parents quit getting mad at me for calling the refs, the opposing coaches, and DeBord a C##* S*****g M****@ *#@&*R!! at the top of my lungs in rapid repetition
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Seriously, 250 cheap seats that are free to the fans that go to tryouts to see who can be the loudest! Put them right on the Goal line in the north end zone... Noise Patrol!!
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Evidently there are issues with the grass on the playing field. Player safety should always be a primary concern. Therefore, I'd say that we ought to fix the field, then expand the seating to make Neyland have the most seats in the nation. Also, we need the entrances enhanced in order to move people as efficiently as possible. VFL ~><>
G10 was a horrible lack of forsight.
They need to tear down Estabrook and establish an East plaza. No reason to place buildings that close to the stadium. I thought they should build a parking garage directly behind Claxton and turn the parking lot in front of the stadium into green space.
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I've heard they may convert the other upper deck to terrace style seating to mirror the terrace we have currently. Wonder how far that would bring down the capacity numbers.

There are 1800 seats in the Tennessee Terrace now.. another version would bring in....... if they pay what we pay now for the Terrace..

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1.) Debit card acceptance at all concession stands!

2.) Complete the brick façade all the way around the outside of the stadium! End the erector set look once and for all!

3.) Jumbotron at the opposite end of the stadium.

4.) Either fix the damn grass or switch to the new artificial field turf
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