Neyland Stadium to be “preserved” by Pilot

LOL. What's the old expression? "In all but name." College athletics is absurd. The gyrations college athletics goes through to get its hands on money are absurd. "The cranky fans always b*tch about stadiums being renamed, so we just won't do that - but we will do everything else. Pilot logos on the press box, Pilot logos on the field, Pilot-named concessions vendors, Pilot logos on the signage. And make sure you tell them every time that Pilot DIDN'T change the name of the stadium."

And now they're gonna call it "Neyland Stadium, Preserved by Pilot." Is it really that different anyway? Ah. C'mon now, that's just funny. I'm actually laughing out loud a bit over this one. They might as well have renamed it and gotten it over with. I mean, why not?

Ah. Funny. Funny, funny stuff.
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Appreciate Pilot respecting the tradition and not trying to alter the name of the stadium OR field. Gen. Neyland built this program AND stadium...and set records that will never be broken like in 1939. Very few companies will put their millions into something in this manner. I respect Pilot for doing the right thing. I would bet they are quite generous with paying our bluechip players in NIL as well...which has made our meteoric rise from the ashes happen so fast. GO VOLS
This really is the best possible outcome. Haslem has his flaws, but at least he was in-tune enough to know the ramifications of keeping the name and the reception of a rebranding of Neyland by keeping the historical value in its name. For all his warts, he still had enough sense to know this was what fans would have wanted, and it still provides a revenue stream that would have been generated by selling out to Food City, TurboTax, or any other entity that likely would have lacked the foresight to leave the name alone.

Exactly. There will be some here that complain....the Legions of the Miserable will apparently never die. This is a great deal for UT, the players, and us fans though IMO.
LOL. What's the old expression? "In all but name." College athletics is absurd. The gyrations college athletics goes through to get its hands on money are absurd. "The cranky fans always b*tch about stadiums being renamed, so we just won't do that - but we will do everything else. Pilot logos on the press box, Pilot logos on the field, Pilot-named concessions vendors, Pilot logos on the signage. And make sure you tell them every time that Pilot DIDN'T change the name of the stadium."

And now they're gonna call it "Neyland Stadium, Preserved by Pilot." Is it really that different anyway? Ah. C'mon now, that's just funny. I'm actually laughing out loud a bit over this one. They might as well have renamed it and gotten it over with. I mean, why not?
"Preserved by Pilot" explicitly implies that at any moment, if the dollars are right, they could un-preserve it.

This isn't something to be celebrated or happy about.
“Neyland Stadium. Home of the Vols. Proudly preserved by Pilot,”

Can’t wait to utilize a new Pilot Flying J Restroom along the South Concourse in 2025!

I’ve been afraid to use the amenities in the South part of Neyland- a claustrophobic eyesore. And I don’t normally skeer easily!
"Preserved by Pilot" explicitly implies that at any moment, if the dollars are right, they could un-preserve it.

This isn't something to be celebrated or happy about.

"If the dollars are right, they could un-preserve it." The universal truth of modern college athletics.
Honestly, I don't hate it. Best of both worlds, get's lots of money, name stays the same (it will still be called Neyland) and Neyland can be updated to stay in the top echelon of college football stadiums. Now, can we fix TBA, get rid of Food City Name and please update the exterior?

Agree! If you don't like this and cannot see how this benefits the University you are just an old man yelling at clouds.
It was going to happen so it sounds like they did the best they could.
This really is the best possible outcome. Haslem has his flaws, but at least he was in-tune enough to know the ramifications of keeping the name and the reception of a rebranding of Neyland by keeping the historical value in its name.
The Haslems no longer control Pilot Flying J.
Best case scenario is still a bad outcome. Hate this. It will likely only get worse over time when the deal is restructured down the line.
Didn't know there was NIL money involved in this.

Well that changes my perspective on this a good bit.

As much as we like tradition, this actually is a decent way to keep traditions in place and get the $$$$$ to be absolutely top-tier in the new NCAA landscape.

Won't like seeing the logo on the field, but this certainly takes some of the sting out of it. It was inevitable.

That being said, Food City should take some notes on how this was done, but doubt they care.
So has it been confirmed that there will be no logos on the actual playing field? Hard to interpret that based solely on the press release...
So has it been confirmed that there will be no logos on the actual playing field? Hard to interpret that based solely on the press release...
It reads like there would be 2 on either side. Probably on the 20 yard lines on opposite ends. Plus one next to home of the Vols.
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I don't live in Knoxville, but if I did, I'd be happy for this for UT and for Pilot. Pilot is a really big part of Knoxville and adds a lot to the city, financially and status-wise. Buffett could move the home office anywhere in the country if he wanted to, but it's nice to see he's maintaining ties locally and seems committed to the city. It seems he really got himself a good CEO to run it, also. Maybe I'm just naïve or something, but it seems that way to me.
I don't live in Knoxville, but if I did, I'd be happy for this for UT and for Pilot. Pilot is a really big part of Knoxville and adds a lot to the city, financially and status-wise. Buffett could move the home office anywhere in the country if he wanted to, but it's nice to see he's maintaining ties locally and seems committed to the city. It seems he really got himself a good CEO to run it, also. Maybe I'm just naïve or something, but it seems that way to me.
I think HQ gets relocated eventually.

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