Spot on.. Good post manI'm floored that he didn't pick Tennessee, but even more shocked that he picked Memphis. Despite Memphis being his hometown, I didn't think he would choose the Tigers. Perhaps his family pressured him into it? Either way, he's a solid player and I hope he does well for the Tigers.
C'mon guys Memphis is the logical choice here...
Family is here
Better tradition
Better facilities
It's like telling a kid from Knoxville who plays football to choose between Memphis or Tennessee, what choice would you think that kid would make?
Breaking news: Briarcrest senior forward Austin Nichols commits to University of Memphis » The Commercial Appeal
Looks like the Vols will have to regroup and go after another BIG. Nichols is off the board
Logical would be choosing Tennessee football/basketball or Memphis football/basketball.
Choosing a school that's top 10 all-time in football and another school that's one of the top basketball schools is bandwagon at it's finest. Especially when you're blending into two fan bases that hate each other.
Sorry, but hopefully Nichols enjoys losing. Memphis loses in CUSA, they're going to get smoked in the Big East. 9-10 losses all 3 seasons with their schedule? It's going to be bad in the Big East.
P.s. Memphis is not a great city and the people saying it is must not travel.