Nichols committed to Memphis?

We get it you live in Knoxville. Why post here? I live in Lexington but I don't get on catpause. What's the point?
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I'm sure Nichols didn't pick Memphis for the academics. They're the worst school out of the schools he was choosing from. If he is as good as advertised, he won't be there long enough to get a degree anyway.
C'mon guys Memphis is the logical choice here...
Family is here
Better tradition
Better facilities
It's like telling a kid from Knoxville who plays football to choose between Memphis or Tennessee, what choice would you think that kid would make?

-Family. Exactly the reason to get out of that dump. i have family in Memphis and I honestly fear for their lives.
Facilities. The play in a borrowed NBA stadium.
Tradition. They play in a dying league.

This was the Dad plain and simple. Pastner is a recruiting machine.
all this talk about academics...lets look at some facts:

Memphis' basketball APR = 970
Tennessee basketball APR = 935

but don't let me stop you guys, this is entertaining.

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