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Did you know the iconic goth artichtecture at Duke's West campus was designed by a black man? A black man who wasn't even allowed to visit the campus and see his work because of Jim Crow segregation?

I remember something like that more than I remember the name Card Gym.

He was refused accommodations at one Durham hotel during one of his visits to campus. I can't imagine you taking one example and exaggerating it.
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I remember the black women who worked at my freshmen dorm cleaning up after the rich white kids more than I do remember the name of that building.

The cleaning ladies were all black and only cleaned white rich kids dorms? In Hotel Morrill at UT we had a white cleaning lady and she even cleaned my wealthy black suitemates room.
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Didn't say he didn't have it coming or he didn't deserve some level of what he's getting. It's just my opinion that enough is enough.

I don't care if D4H went to Duke or not. This is an anonymous message board where people can be who they are and who they aren't, but after me seeing that there were some holes in his posting and then doubling down and going the race card route (predictably) he's kind of opened up himself for ridicule.

All that said, I don't want him to stop posting because I enjoy his optimism and enthusiasm for our football team, no matter how crazy it may sound from time to time. It's not always bad to have someone with a positive outlook that keeps scales tipped.
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The race baiting was an intentional distraction put out there by D4H because he was being exposed as a total fraud. See now we are discussing race relations instead of a particular poster being a pathological liar based on HIS OWN words used on this site. The whole black employees cleaning up after rich white kids commemt was so irrelevant from anything we were discussing it was cringe inducing.

If that is cringe inducing to you, how do you think it makes us feel? That was infuriating to witness every day for 4 years.
Why ? They had a job with benefits -- better than slacking off of welfare isnt it ?

Maybe you think black people serving whites is natural and should always happen but for most black people this looks nothing more than a new age black mammy taking care of the rich master's kids.

When every janitorial employee is black and the majority of Duke students are white, this was not something I was comfortable with.

160 years after slavery and 60 years the civil rights movement and black people are still having to serve and clean up after white folks.
Maybe you think black people serving whites is natural and should always happen but for most black people this looks nothing more than a new age black mammy taking care of the rich master's kids.

When every janitorial employee is black and the majority of Duke students are white, this was not something I was comfortable with.

160 years after slavery and 60 years the civil rights movement and black people are still having to serve and clean up after white folks.

well gee I have seen white servers waiting on black people at quite a few restaurants and other alot of other service industry jobs (grocery stores - hospitals and so on) works both ways dude
I actually agree with D4H on that aspect of it. It's just a weird dynamic when like 90% of the people on campus who look like you are housekeepers or cafeteria people, and like 99% of every other race are students. Durham is a majority black city, though, so I'm not saying it's anyone's fault, or that they should be given better jobs, or anything like that - but it is uncomfortable at times. Jimmy Kelly's Steakhouse in Nashville, at least when I went there, had a similar vibe.

At the same time, this is a totally separate issue from dorm names to me.
Maybe you think black people serving whites is natural and should always happen but for most black people this looks nothing more than a new age black mammy taking care of the rich master's kids.

When every janitorial employee is black and the majority of Duke students are white, this was not something I was comfortable with.

160 years after slavery and 60 years the civil rights movement and black people are still having to serve and clean up after white folks.

He didn't even come close to saying that.

So who do you get pissed off at when you go to a historically black college and most of the janitorial employees are black and are serving majority black students? I guess that's ok to you.
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D4H's racism diversion:

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If that is cringe inducing to you, how do you think it makes us feel? That was infuriating to witness every day for 4 years.

This is what is known in English as a red herring. You would know this as the very well learned scholar that you are. The definition is:

"This fallacy consists in diverting attention from the real issue by focusing instead on an issue having only a surface relevance to the first."

What is cringe inducing, as I was referring to, is you bringing up something that has absolutely nothing to do with the current topic, in an attempt to distract from said topic. You know that, I know that, and everybody else participating in this thread knows that. You aren't fooling anybody anymore. There is nothing wrong with you posting here as a pathological liar, be my guest, that is what the first amendment is for and to my knowledge there is no site rules banning this. Everybody is 6'5'', has a 6 pack, and is a genius on the internet. We were simply pointing out that your own posts prove that you are lying through your teeth on an anonymous internet forum.
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Maybe you think black people serving whites is natural and should always happen but for most black people this looks nothing more than a new age black mammy taking care of the rich master's kids.

When every janitorial employee is black and the majority of Duke students are white, this was not something I was comfortable with.

160 years after slavery and 60 years the civil rights movement and black people are still having to serve and clean up after white folks.

They weren't serving anyone, they were performing a job they voluntarily applied for and accepted. Did they not clean the black kid's room's and dining tables just the same?
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I know it's just so irresistible sometimes. I contemplated just deleting my post and saying troll instead. He must have no one else to talk to in life so he uses message board fodder as his form of socializing.

It was a flawless transition from being exposed as a fraud to soliciting white guilt over a diversionary and unrelated argument.

That's masterful trolling...I look forward to D4H calling me an Uncle Tom for not having his back.
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It was a flawless transition from being exposed as a fraud to soliciting white guilt over a diversionary and unrelated argument.

That's masterful trolling...I look forward to D4H calling me an Uncle Tom for not having his back.

All brotha's and sista's have to stick together. Without supporting each other, you'll end up being a maid for whiteie's.
It was a flawless transition from being exposed as a fraud to soliciting white guilt over a diversionary and unrelated argument.

That's masterful trolling...I look forward to D4H calling me an Uncle Tom for not having his back.

Well now we know his next post.

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