Nintendo Switch and Switch Lite Chatter

Zelda looks like a fun game. Unfortunately nothing else looks worth a crap.

I watched a lot of Zelda yesterday. Enjoyed it. Not the greatest graphics, but the art style, animation, and gameplay looked great.
I had an itch to buy one last night. I might check around today to see if anyone has any. The controller issues concern me though.
Decided to wait. I'll probably try to find a bundle deal on Black Friday. By then hopefully all the kinks will be worked out of the hardware and Nintendo's online and virtual console situations will be sorted out.
We went through with our preorder. Mainly for the kids and my GF is a Nintendo whore. I will admit I am a little excited for her and the kids to go to bed tonight so I can try out Zelda lol......for the shortcomings I see in the hardward, Zelda looks like its amazing.
For those with a Wii U and want to play Zelda but either can't or do not want to buy a Switch right now, Game Informer reports that the Wii U version of Zelda is pretty much just as good as the Switch version.
For those with a Wii U and want to play Zelda but either can't or do not want to buy a Switch right now, Game Informer reports that the Wii U version of Zelda is pretty much just as good as the Switch version.
Except the kids cant play in on the Wii U in the back of the car on your road trip lol...............I will at least give the Switch that.
Except the kids cant play in on the Wii U in the back of the car on your road trip lol...............I will at least give the Switch that.

True; plus they did say there was a noticable dip in quality on the Wii U when you played on the gamepad compared to playing it on the Switch gamepad.
True; plus they did say there was a noticable dip in quality on the Wii U when you played on the gamepad compared to playing it on the Switch gamepad.
I am actually very very very very surprised that Nintendo released a gamepatch for the WiiU and Zelda on the same day they launch the Switch......its like so unnintendo.
Me neither really. I'm sure the game very good but the media tends to fawn all over Zelda. I do wonder, if the name Zelda wasn't attached to it would it still get scores this high?

I wonder the same thing. When the game was announced and footage came out, it seemed like the game was getting over the top praise for things games have been doing a good while now.

But I will say I've never played a bad Zelda game. The only one I can say came close to me not liking was Spirit Tracks on the DS.
I wonder the same thing. When the game was announced and footage came out, it seemed like the game was getting over the top praise for things games have been doing a good while now.

But I will say I've never played a bad Zelda game. The only one I can say came close to me not liking was Spirit Tracks on the DS.

Honestly, I don't think there's really been a "great" Zelda game since Wind Waker on Gamecube. A Link Between Worlds on 3DS was pretty good too but that was another one that I couldn't understand why the media was peeing down their legs over it.

Like I said, I'm sure Breath of the Wild is a great game but to me, handing out perfect 10's is a bit asinine and that goes for any game. It's been reported that the game has frame dips in certain situations. That alone should knock the scores down at least a little.
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I will play later on tonight, but from some of the streams the game looks like it plays flawlessly. The **** you can do in this game looks remarkable and so innovative. I need to get on my playing list lol.....I've got Horizon to finish up and now I need to get into Zelda with Mass Effect right around the corner lol.

I might even pick up bomberman, it looks fun and something that I can play with the kids.
I will play later on tonight, but from some of the streams the game looks like it plays flawlessly. The **** you can do in this game looks remarkable and so innovative. I need to get on my playing list lol.....I've got Horizon to finish up and now I need to get into Zelda with Mass Effect right around the corner lol.

I might even pick up bomberman, it looks fun and something that I can play with the kids.

Have you checked out any of the videos of Fast RMX? If I were getting a Switch right now, I'd be getting that game too along with Zelda. It's an F-Zero type game and it looks gorgeous!
Have you checked out any of the videos of Fast RMX? If I were getting a Switch right now, I'd be getting that game too along with Zelda. It's an F-Zero type game and it looks gorgeous!

Had no idea that game existed lol. Only thing I thought that was out right now was zelda, 1 2 switch, and bomber man.

Zelda is fantastic tho. Played about 4 hours of it and man its going to end up being up there with link to the past.
Had no idea that game existed lol. Only thing I thought that was out right now was zelda, 1 2 switch, and bomber man.

Zelda is fantastic tho. Played about 4 hours of it and man its going to end up being up there with link to the past.

Damnit BC! I decided to wait it out until black Friday but you're making it tough!
Damnit BC! I decided to wait it out until black Friday but you're making it tough!

Well I would still wait. My GF bought this and had to have it. If it were me, I wouldn't pay 300 plus for basically one game. They should have waited and had at least something Mario to go along with this at launch.

I will say that I haven't noticed any joycon issues (knock on wood), but haven't really used the joycon separated from the handheld.
No joycon issues or anything for me yet. About 5-6 hours of play time. I have died more times than I can count. Loved every one of them though. When you're scaling a cliff and it stars raining you lose your grip and fall. You can be killed by lightning strikes. You can climb every tree. Anything you see you can explore. I've gotten more joy out of my short time with this than I have with 2 years from my Xbox one.
Still haven't gotten the the first village.....whigh is on the other side of the map and has felt like an eternity to get to lol.
Still haven't gotten the the first village.....whigh is on the other side of the map and has felt like an eternity to get to lol.

Amen to that. Better pack a lunch if you're gonna be traveling that far. Or at least some apples, mushrooms, or steak. I like that health can be obtained through finding fruits and random things or cooking.
Messed around with my buddies. The handheld feels so cheap literally everything is plastic on this thing the screen everything. Annoying black dots on the LCD screen, and his dock scratched up his screen the first time he put it in there. Nintendo blew it this go around
Messed around with my buddies. The handheld feels so cheap literally everything is plastic on this thing the screen everything. Annoying black dots on the LCD screen, and his dock scratched up his screen the first time he put it in there. Nintendo blew it this go around

Black dots on the screen as in dead pixels? Yikes...
Messed around with my buddies. The handheld feels so cheap literally everything is plastic on this thing the screen everything. Annoying black dots on the LCD screen, and his dock scratched up his screen the first time he put it in there. Nintendo blew it this go around
I think the handheld feels fantastic. I was very skeptical of this thing before I played it, but I think they did a really good job here. The screen is one of the best screens you will ever find in a handheld. I saw the reports about the screen scratching, I do think the dock is a poor design but we used felt tabs in it and a screen protector and that has resloved that issue (still shouldn't have to do that). The only real complaint I have about the system other than not anything really out right now but zelda is that the dock is very, very cheaply made and I think a pretty poor design. Also I played zelda on the Wii U and I can tell a difference between it and when I play on the switch,
Messed around with my buddies. The handheld feels so cheap literally everything is plastic on this thing the screen everything. Annoying black dots on the LCD screen, and his dock scratched up his screen the first time he put it in there. Nintendo blew it this go around

You are literally the only person I've heard say this about the actual handheld. I've heard reports that the build quality of the dock is cheap but not the tablet itself.

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