Nintendo Switch and Switch Lite Chatter

Here's a comparison of the Wii U gamepad and the Switch. There's no doubt the Switch looks much sleeker. The Wii U gamepad looks like a Fisher Price toy in comparison.


Evidently some places have shipped Switch units early because they are now out in the wild. Here's an unboxing video...

What are they?

Some people are experiencing issues where the JoyCons are randomly losing signal. I think there's supposed to be a day one patch to fix the problem though.

This is why I decided to wait until around the holidays to get a Switch. Give Nintendo time to work out any potential kinks and get more games on the market for it. The only thing worth a damn to play at launch is Zelda anyway.
Some people are experiencing issues where the JoyCons are randomly losing signal. I think there's supposed to be a day one patch to fix the problem though.

This is why I decided to wait until around the holidays to get a Switch. Give Nintendo time to work out any potential kinks and get more games on the market for it. The only thing worth a damn to play at launch is Zelda anyway.

Negative, this is a hardware issue, not only losing signal, but also powering down. This has been going on in public events since early January. It's a big issue and something that is causing me pause in actually purchasing my preorder......don't care how bad the kids want it.
Some people are experiencing issues where the JoyCons are randomly losing signal. I think there's supposed to be a day one patch to fix the problem though.

This is why I decided to wait until around the holidays to get a Switch. Give Nintendo time to work out any potential kinks and get more games on the market for it. The only thing worth a damn to play at launch is Zelda anyway.

Same here. I'm going to go ahead and get Zelda for the Wii U and have that pretty much be my swan song for the Wii U, then get a Switch later this year. I'll probably end up trading in the Wii U version of Zelda for the Switch version since I do believe it will be the superior version.

I haven't bought a system at launch since the Nintendo 64, and that's all systems, not just Nintendo.
Negative, this is a hardware issue, not only losing signal, but also powering down. This has been going on in public events since early January. It's a big issue and something that is causing me pause in actually purchasing my preorder......don't care how bad the kids want it.

I swear I thought I had read that it was a software issue and Nintendo was working on a patch. Hmmm, maybe the author was just speculating.

This is highly unusual for Nintendo as the build quality and reliability of their hardware is always on point. It further feeds the rumor that this system was rushed to the market.

Edit: Here's the article that I had read on the issue...

Nintendo Switch has a problem with its left Joy-Con desyncing but hopefully the day-one patch fixes it | GamesRadar+
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I swear I thought I had read that it was a software issue and Nintendo was working on a patch. Hmmm, maybe the author was just speculating.

This is highly unusual for Nintendo as the build quality and reliability of their hardware is always on point. It further feeds the rumor that this system was rushed to the market.

Edit: Here's the article that I had read on the issue...

Nintendo Switch has a problem with its left Joy-Con desyncing but hopefully the day-one patch fixes it | GamesRadar+

Its also speculation that its a hardware issue and not software as well, so I guess we will soon know for sure. They are definitely rushing this console and its simply not ready IMO. They are also purposefully spacing out their FY17 game releases so they don't have that year long draught that Nintendo is so famous for.
Also to the bolded.....the WII U and WII both had hardware and software issues at launch...more so with the WII U.
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I actually had my first 2 Wiis replaced by Nintendo because of video card problems, and I didn't get a Wii until about 4 months after release. That was a pretty widely reported issue.

I didn't have any problems with my Wii U but I didn't get one of those until almost a year after launch.
Its also speculation that its a hardware issue and not software as well, so I guess we will soon know for sure. They are definitely rushing this console and its simply not ready IMO. They are also purposefully spacing out their FY17 game releases so they don't have that year long draught that Nintendo is so famous for.
Also to the bolded.....the WII U and WII both had hardware and software issues at launch...more so with the WII U.

This is the first I've heard it honestly. Was it like a widespread "red ring of death" type issue? Because there's always the typical isolated launch hardware issues, yet percentage wise it still falls well below what the industry considers the acceptable failure rate, which I think for most electronics is <15%.
Here's a pretty good video that talks about the issue with the JoyCon, along with some other Switch information.

This is the first I've heard it honestly. Was it like a widespread "red ring of death" type issue? Because there's always the typical isolated launch hardware issues, yet percentage wise it still falls well below what the industry considers the acceptable failure rate, which I think for most electronics is <15%.

Wasn't on that level, but saying that it's highly unusual for Nintendo to have hardware issues is a bit of a stretch IMO.
Here's a pretty good video that talks about the issue with the JoyCon, along with some other Switch information.


I would take anything that this guy says about Nintendo with a HUGE grain of salt. Saying he is a Nintendo fanboy doesn't do it justice.
Wasn't on that level, but saying that it's highly unusual for Nintendo to have hardware issues is a bit of a stretch IMO.

What I mean is it's highly unusual in terms of it being a real widespread problem. Nintendo's hardware has always by and large been very reliable.

I would take anything that this guy says about Nintendo with a HUGE grain of salt. Saying he is a Nintendo fanboy doesn't do it justice.

Jesus BearCat, do you want to piss on anything else I post today? :p
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To be fair, you're right in that he is a pretty big Nintendo fanboy. I just posted it because he explains the actual issue in pretty good detail. Not because I thought he was some kind of authority on the cause of it.

He is speculating that the issue is simply Bluetooth and can be fixed with a patch. The joycons have been dying without being covered by the hand and have been excused during all the events because "there were so many switches in the room"

Stephen TotiloVerified account&#8207;@stephentotilo 5m5 minutes ago
PR for Nintendo tells me that the company is aware of reports some reviewers had w/ Joy-Con de-synch and are investigating. Nothing more yet
I don't care what messes up at launch with this system. Nothing in my life will compare to my Xbox 360 launch issues. I had 3 straight red rings of death on 3 brand new Xboxs in a 5 month span. I will be okay if a control de syncs or something after living through the heck that was the red ring of death era.
I don't care what messes up at launch with this system. Nothing in my life will compare to my Xbox 360 launch issues. I had 3 straight red rings of death on 3 brand new Xboxs in a 5 month span. I will be okay if a control de syncs or something after living through the heck that was the red ring of death era.

I imagine most will buy the pro controller anyway. It looks by far more comfortable to use.
If you haven't been able to preorder one of these things, Target seems to have a bit extra on the shelves this morning. I know the local small Target here has 40 extra. Also Target will be shipping another batch to all their stores for this Sunday.
If you haven't been able to preorder one of these things, Target seems to have a bit extra on the shelves this morning. I know the local small Target here has 40 extra. Also Target will be shipping another batch to all their stores for this Sunday.

Decided to wait. I'll probably try to find a bundle deal on Black Friday. By then hopefully all the kinks will be worked out of the hardware and Nintendo's online and virtual console situations will be sorted out.

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