You're right. I left out calling other coaches cheaters when if fact they were doing nothing wrong and you were about to run smack dab in the middle of a recruiting prostitution scandal.
Again, I cannot remember everyone or everything that made this possible, but thank youeace2:
I would have no problem with Pearl requiring all four to take a drug test and dismissing them if they fail it as opposed to dismissing them for misdemeanor firearm charges.
Pot adversely impacts your health and ability as an athlete. Failing to properly store a firearm in an automobile is punishable, but not by dismissal. In my mind, it is akin to driving without a license. Smoking pot is like refusing to work-out.
There is a difference between screwing up and just not giving a ****. Honestly, driving around in a vehicle smoking weed and drinking at 11:30 in the morning? Oh yeah, and there is a gun under the seat.Sounds like the majority think if you screw up you don't get a second chance. WRONG! If you screw up and learn from your mistake then you deserve a second chance.....if not get OUT and don't let the door hit your behind! I agree let the justice system sort this out and I am sure drug testing will be mandatory here as it should be for everyone on the team not just those who get into trouble and then the trouble might go away. I for one am going to wait and see what plays out before I put in my 2 cents.
:clapping: Thanks guys. You will get off, and be able to come back and represent this university. Well done. You make us so proud.
lol:we be dancing:lolabove:hey just fire them all and you make the next hire. by the way you are bring embarrassment to Vol fans thank you.:birgits_giggle: you are getting off on this and able to go on and on sounding like a moron. then come back on and act like you are a true vol. :rock::dance2:
There is a difference between screwing up and just not giving a ****. Honestly, driving around in a vehicle smoking weed and drinking at 11:30 in the morning? Oh yeah, and there is a gun under the seat.
They're asking for it. A failed drug test is one thing but this is ridiculous.
No more than any other university does
OMG. Ok then, find me another program who has gotten into the crap we have this year. You won't be able to because there are NONE. We have 1 major investigation going on, 7 NCAA violations, basketball scholarships pulled, armed robbery, DUI'S, weapons charges, illegal drugs ect...
Go ahead. Find another team who has all that. I will wait.
Stupid, "everyone does it" argument that is not even true. Keep makin yourself feel better.
Oh I totally agree with you, there is a never did anything as a teenager or early 20's that was totally stupid??? Well I have and I learn from those mistakes.....that was my point.
And to think, after all these years I forgot that collegiate athletes were also supposed to be saints. Who knew...Blondie,
Are you dating one of these guys??? Or, is it the hair color?? Were you a member of the UT Women's golf team and got busted before noon with drugs alcohol and guns??? Would you have your daughter riding in the car with these guys?? Get real and grow up. 12 year olds know better than this.
Because you are dealing with Knoxville PD. They will let any player for UT off the hook. If you or I were riding around smoking weed, drinking, carrying an illegal firearm, we would be getting a 2-5 year prison sentence. That you can bet your ass on.