No one is Underpaid

This is the reason we're seeing so many people scrambling for a bigger slice of the pie. They understand this to be the case.

I for one welcome my new corporatist overlords. Just let me make music.
I am confused. If there are no sharps and flats for B and E, why call a scale or note a Bb when it is an A#?
Thank you. Thank you for making my visit a positive one. Thank you for taking good care of me (and my group, if there is one). Thank you for going the extra step with service.

People don't stop being human the moment they clock in.

I can't believe I'm defending treating fellow humans with dignity.

Treating someone with dignity and then thanking them for their job is not the same.

Now going above and beyond in a job? That always deserves a thanks and needs validation.

Not the original concept in this thread though.

We are thanking people for not living on welfare. That’s what this zero’d down to quickly.
Thank you. Thank you for making my visit a positive one. Thank you for taking good care of me (and my group, if there is one). Thank you for going the extra step with service.

People don't stop being human the moment they clock in.

I can't believe I'm defending treating fellow humans with dignity.

My father taught me that you always treat people with respect that treat you in a medical facility and also where you get your food. I always try to be polite in dealing with someone in public. It never goes well when you piss someone off.
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There is this little problem of having to turn a profit to stay in business. I noticed a new trend this year. I'm wondering if any of you guys noticed this as well. No fast food restaurants for any major fast food restaurant chain (McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, etc) were open at all on Thanksgiving morning. That is a completely new development. I think most fast food restaurants have usually been closed on Christmas Day, but that has never been the case on Thanksgiving before (at least in my area). That is due to the fact that paying someone time and a half for working on a holiday isn't economically feasible when you're already paying those employees too high a wage rate in the first place. Fast food restaurants would take losses for sales on holidays now. They'll spin it as looking out for their employees, but the fact of the matter is that there is no incentive to sell food at a loss on a holiday when you can sell the same food at a profit the next day. I'm expecting to see the same trend on New Year's Day.
The ones I worked at in the past as a manager or part time were always closed on Thanksgiving. Usually it was that day and Christmas. It was to give people time off. Most seem to have that trend.

Ever notice how busy Cracker Barrel is on Thanksgiving?
All these fast food employees that think they're so smart for sticking it to their employers for $18-$22/hour right now are in for a rude awakening when these jobs are completely eliminated and replaced by full automation over the next 5-10 years.
I don't see them asking for $18 to $22 an hour. However, how does one expect someone working fast food in somewhere like San Francisco or Portland to live on $10 to $15 an hour?

The cost of living has gotten ridiculously high over the years. The apartment I lived at in Knoxville from 2004 to 2006 was just a little over $500 a month. That was a 2 bedroom. Now guess how much that same 2 bedroom apartment is at that apartment complex? Over $1,400 a month. That's almost triple the price I paid just a little over 15 years ago. And this is in no way what I would consider a luxury apartment. Far from it.
No. When I pay for a service I expect the service to be done. It’s what I paid my money for. Both suck by the way and could care less about their customers.
I wouldn't say that. The last 2 times AT&T sent someone out both guys were extremely nice and helpful.
It's going to go planet wide within the next few generations. What will humanity do when almost all manual labor is eliminated?
I don't think manual labor will ever be eliminated completely. Most of it I think is here to stay.

However, what would stop a company from automating most of their accounting and clerical jobs.

Personally, I think too much automation and AI technology is bad for society.
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I think fast food places will be automated within 5 years....youll have a skeleton crew monitoring and filling machines...and when that happens Ill be happy that a fast food place can get my order right more then 60% of the time....
I do not think that a fast food employee should be paid as much as someone who say programs cnc machines
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I think fast food places will be automated within 5 years....youll have a skeleton crew monitoring and filling machines...and when that happens Ill be happy that a fast food place can get my order right more then 60% of the time....
I do not think that a fast food employee should be paid as much as someone who say programs cnc machines
I don't know what area you live in. But if places you go to are messing up 60% of the time it's time for you to do one of 2 things.

1. Take your business elsewhere.
2. Don't depend on their services so much

Most of the time I go places I go there because they provide great service. Therefore, I don't have that problem frequenting places who mess up as much as you claim. Restaurants I go to get my order right 95% of the time or more.
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I wouldn't say that. The last 2 times AT&T sent someone out both guys were extremely nice and helpful.

Well I am switching to them next month from Comcast because Comcast sucks. Not gonna pay 218 per month crap that goes down half the time.
Well I am switching to them next month from Comcast because Comcast sucks. Not gonna pay 218 per month crap that goes down half the time.
I have Fubo for my cable. And AT&T for internet. I pay less that way and I get most of the sports I need with Fubo. Fubo does not have TBS and TNT though. So I unfortunately missed some of the baseball playoffs that were on TBS. They also don't have CNN which is a good thing.

My fiance pays for HBOMax and Netflix. Could care less about Netflix myself. HBOMax is great though. And I've downloaded Pluto, Tubi, and IMDB which are all free. So I feel like we got everything we need and it's less expensive than cable.
I don't know what area you live in. But if places you go to are messing up 60% of the time it's time for you to do one of 2 things.

1. Take your business elsewhere.
2. Don't depend on their services so much

Most of the time I go places I go there because they provide great service. Therefore, I don't have that problem frequenting places who mess up as much as you claim. Restaurants I go to get my order right 95% of the time or more.
1. Its 40% of the time....
2. That with me eating out maybe 5x a month and spans 3 different states....OH, TN and FL
Im speaking of fast food (sit down) are a different stroy
1. Its 40% of the time....
2. That with me eating out maybe 5x a month and spans 3 different states....OH, TN and FL
Im speaking of fast food (sit down) are a different stroy
Still 40% is a lot. I've had places mess up in the past and that's the reason I stop going to some.

Me personally I cannot stand going thru drive thrus. I know it's convenient but there is a higher probability they will make mistakes when you order through there. A lot of it has to do with the fact that they are under a lot of pressure from upper management to keep those drive thru times at a certain level. When people are rushing and constantly in a hurry there's a greater chance for mistakes to occur.

But I've also had mechanics, doctor offices, and other places make mistakes or provide less than exceptional service.
I for one AM underpaid. Please DM me for instructions for contributing to my PayPal account
Thank you for your support
Lower pay in these fields leads to lower quality of applicants and higher turnover within the first five years. Why do we have so many ****** cops and teachers? Because we're only paying enough to attract ****** cops and teachers.
I'm fine with paying teachers more if their salaries are tied to performance. I know teachers that work hard, are very good at what they do, and have a passion for it. Do they deserve more? Absolutely. I also know teachers that went into the profession because they viewed it as easy and get 3 months off a year. They're there to just collect a paycheck, and are usually the ones clamoring the loudest about being underpaid.
I'm fine with paying teachers more if their salaries are tied to performance. I know teachers that work hard, are very good at what they do, and have a passion for it. Do they deserve more? Absolutely. I also know teachers that went into the profession because they viewed it as easy and get 3 months off a year. They're there to just collect a paycheck, and are usually the ones clamoring the loudest about being underpaid.
Teachers actually make good money now in many states.
Still 40% is a lot. I've had places mess up in the past and that's the reason I stop going to some.

Me personally I cannot stand going thru drive thrus. I know it's convenient but there is a higher probability they will make mistakes when you order through there. A lot of it has to do with the fact that they are under a lot of pressure from upper management to keep those drive thru times at a certain level. When people are rushing and constantly in a hurry there's a greater chance for mistakes to occur.

But I've also had mechanics, doctor offices, and other places make mistakes or provide less than exceptional service.
Mechanics and dr are liable for thier mistakes
Lower pay in these fields leads to lower quality of applicants and higher turnover within the first five years. Why do we have so many ****** cops and teachers? Because we're only paying enough to attract ****** cops and teachers.
I honestly don't think the police work force would improve its pay improved....police see the worst of society everyday..... disrespected everyday.... for doing thier job.....millions of interactions a year and only judged on the small % that are not positive...

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