No one is Underpaid

Then maybe they should do it more often and stop complaining so much.
I don't disagree, but is that the stance you apply evenly? Those complaining about low wages at fast food establishments should just go work elsewhere and stop complaining so much right? The pay is the pay, if you want more seek more in a different industry. It's as simple as that.
The best fry cook in the world with 20 years experience could be replaced tomorrow by a 9th grader with zero experience. That’s why 99.999% of the jobs in restaurants and fast food are unskilled.
Is that why you are always triggered? 9th grader took your job?
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I don't disagree, but is that the stance you apply evenly? Those complaining about low wages at fast food establishments should just go work elsewhere and stop complaining so much right? The pay is the pay, if you want more seek more in a different industry. It's as simple as that.
And they are skilled workers, so they dont need to worry about the requirements of the next job right?
I don't disagree, but is that the stance you apply evenly? Those complaining about low wages at fast food establishments should just go work elsewhere and stop complaining so much right? The pay is the pay, if you want more seek more in a different industry. It's as simple as that.
And that's what has happened with many. They went elsewhere.

Also, I simply said before that many restaurants could have started paying more a couple of years ago. And there are some employees that were willing to stay but expected to be paid more. Most can operate with a smaller crew. So why not focus on getting the best possible employees in there. Pay them more and in return your business operates better and customers are happy. Don't wait until there is an actual problem to pay more.
I am gettting confused now in where this thread is headed….

So we as customers are suppose to be thankful to employees for doing the jobs they are paid to do now?

It’s no longer that the employee should be grateful to the customer for buying their products so they have said job?

It’s the customer who is fortunate?

@DonjoVol can you clarify?
And that's what has happened with many. They went elsewhere.

Also, I simply said before that many restaurants could have started paying more a couple of years ago. And there are some employees that were willing to stay but expected to be paid more. Most can operate with a smaller crew. So why not focus on getting the best possible employees in there. Pay them more and in return your business operates better and customers are happy. Don't wait until there is an actual problem to pay more.
Because the turnover in that industry, even those you mentioned that pay more, is insanely high...... Those that pay more don't fare much better in keeping employees long term. Raising the pay doesn't help to retain employees in that industry like it does others for too many reasons to go into here. All you've effectively done in raising pay is pass the cost to your customers. Remember they are already absorbing inflated pricing on everything.

For instance after shopping last night my family of 3 stopped by Chick Fil A on the way home. Total was $33.00, we aren't hurting for money but that is insane for fast food. The convenience is quickly becoming inconvenient for us. We won't be going back often, it just isn't worth it.
I am gettting confused now in where this thread is headed….

So we as customers are suppose to be thankful to employees for doing the jobs they are paid to do now?

It’s no longer that the employee should be grateful to the customer for buying their products so they have said job?

It’s the customer who is fortunate?

@DonjoVol can you clarify?
Both should be thankful. Were you thankful when Comcast, AT&T, or whoever came and hooked up your internet? Are people thankful when a plumber comes over and fixes a plumbing issue? And I'm sure both are thankful when they take our money.
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So we as customers are suppose to be thankful to employees for doing the jobs they are paid to do now?

It’s no longer that the employee should be grateful to the customer for buying their products so they have said job?

I've found that, as wonky as my life has been, a consistent attitude of gratitude improves things for everyone. I know the server who is taking my order and refilling my drink is being paid to do these things at a high level of quality, but my treating them with kindness and thankfulness costs nothing and may actually result in a better experience for myself and others.

Plus, they're Imago Dei. Even on their bad days.
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Both should be thankful. Were you thankful when Comcast, AT&T, or whoever came and hooked up your internet? Are people thankful when a plumber comes over and fixes a plumbing issue? And I'm sure both are thankful when they take our money.

No. When I pay for a service I expect the service to be done. It’s what I paid my money for. Both suck by the way and could care less about their customers.
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I've found that, as wonky as my life has been, a consistent attitude of gratitude improves things for everyone. I know the server who is taking my order and refilling my drink is being paid to do these things at a high level of quality, but my treating them with kindness and thankfulness costs nothing and may actually result in a better experience for myself and others.

Plus, they're Imago Dei. Even on their bad days.

Think about how low the bar has been set now.

We are thankful for people working.

Respect, kindness and graciousness for mankind as a whole is not the same as thanking someone for working at a place of business you chose to utilize.

I think my employees because they chose to work for me and help provide a life for my family. There is an actual reason here to be thankful as without them I go out of business.

But just thanking a worker for doing their job is a low bar. Without an employee there, I simply go somewhere else who actually wants my business more.
Think about how low the bar has been set now.

We are thankful for people working.

Respect, kindness and graciousness for mankind as a whole is not the same as thanking someone for working at a place of business you chose to utilize.

I think my employees because they chose to work for me and help provide a life for my family. There is an actual reason here to be thankful as without them I go out of business.

But just thanking a worker for doing their job is a low bar. Without an employee there, I simply go somewhere else who actually wants my business more.

Thank you. Thank you for making my visit a positive one. Thank you for taking good care of me (and my group, if there is one). Thank you for going the extra step with service.

People don't stop being human the moment they clock in.

I can't believe I'm defending treating fellow humans with dignity.
Thank you. Thank you for making my visit a positive one. Thank you for taking good care of me (and my group, if there is one). Thank you for going the extra step with service.

People don't stop being human the moment they clock in.

I can't believe I'm defending treating fellow humans with dignity.

You are obviously too polite and should be thuggish. AshG sounds like a gansta rappers name anyways.
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And that's what has happened with many. They went elsewhere.

Also, I simply said before that many restaurants could have started paying more a couple of years ago. And there are some employees that were willing to stay but expected to be paid more. Most can operate with a smaller crew. So why not focus on getting the best possible employees in there. Pay them more and in return your business operates better and customers are happy. Don't wait until there is an actual problem to pay more.
All these fast food employees that think they're so smart for sticking it to their employers for $18-$22/hour right now are in for a rude awakening when these jobs are completely eliminated and replaced by full automation over the next 5-10 years.
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Pay them more and in return your business operates better and customers are happy. Don't wait until there is an actual problem to pay more.

There is this little problem of having to turn a profit to stay in business. I noticed a new trend this year. I'm wondering if any of you guys noticed this as well. No fast food restaurants for any major fast food restaurant chain (McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, etc) were open at all on Thanksgiving morning. That is a completely new development. I think most fast food restaurants have usually been closed on Christmas Day, but that has never been the case on Thanksgiving before (at least in my area). That is due to the fact that paying someone time and a half for working on a holiday isn't economically feasible when you're already paying those employees too high a wage rate in the first place. Fast food restaurants would take losses for sales on holidays now. They'll spin it as looking out for their employees, but the fact of the matter is that there is no incentive to sell food at a loss on a holiday when you can sell the same food at a profit the next day. I'm expecting to see the same trend on New Year's Day.
I am gettting confused now in where this thread is headed….

So we as customers are suppose to be thankful to employees for doing the jobs they are paid to do now?

It’s no longer that the employee should be grateful to the customer for buying their products so they have said job?

It’s the customer who is fortunate?

@DonjoVol can you clarify?

Why can’t it go both ways? It doesn’t have to be one or the other. You can be thankful to employees while said employees can also be thankful to the customers for buying their company’s service/product.

I don’t see what the problem is with being polite.
All these fast food employees that think they're so smart for sticking it to their employers for $18-$22/hour right now are in for a rude awakening when these jobs are completely eliminated and replaced by full automation over the next 5-10 years.

It's going to go planet wide within the next few generations. What will humanity do when almost all manual labor is eliminated?
It's going to go planet wide within the next few generations. What will humanity do when almost all manual labor is eliminated?
I think we tear ourselves apart before that happens. As the trend goes that direction it will further separate the haves and the have nots I believe.
I think we tear ourselves apart before that happens. As the trend goes that direction it will further separate the haves and the have nots I believe.

This is the reason we're seeing so many people scrambling for a bigger slice of the pie. They understand this to be the case.

I for one welcome my new corporatist overlords. Just let me make music.
There is this little problem of having to turn a profit to stay in business. I noticed a new trend this year. I'm wondering if any of you guys noticed this as well. No fast food restaurants for any major fast food restaurant chain (McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, etc) were open at all on Thanksgiving morning. That is a completely new development. I think most fast food restaurants have usually been closed on Christmas Day, but that has never been the case on Thanksgiving before (at least in my area). That is due to the fact that paying someone time and a half for working on a holiday isn't economically feasible when you're already paying those employees too high a wage rate in the first place. Fast food restaurants would take losses for sales on holidays now. They'll spin it as looking out for their employees, but the fact of the matter is that there is no incentive to sell food at a loss on a holiday when you can sell the same food at a profit the next day. I'm expecting to see the same trend on New Year's Day.
Or they want people to spend time with family. It's been more than just fast food that is starting to shut down for holidays. Imo it's a good thing, even if it made my travel a bit funky this year.
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It's going to go planet wide within the next few generations. What will humanity do when almost all manual labor is eliminated?
We become completely replaceable. People lose all value to those in charge. Rights, wealth, access to anything beyond necessities get restricted.
It's going to go planet wide within the next few generations. What will humanity do when almost all manual labor is eliminated?
Have you not noticed the birth rate? As humanity continues to evolve, the birth rate falls and eventually there will be much fewer people to fill the lower level jobs. But as KB said, we'll destroy humanity before then.

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