No one is Underpaid

That would be a compelling argument if bankruptcy literally meant “empty coffers.” All it means is that there is a limited reserve of cash from which to fulfill obligations. I think it’s unjust that employees are at the back of the line while executives routinely walk away from bankruptcies unscathed.

How is what unjust? A wage high enough to make who happy?
I’m still not sure what your basic argument is other than “people can’t be underpaid because then they would get better jobs.” You haven’t provided any support for that argument, so I assume it’s based on an a priori belief that the world is just.

You seem to be claiming certain wages in this country are unjust. I assume you are saying this because you find their wages unsatisfactory. In your mind it’s unacceptable.

Here’s an example. People often complain about Nike and their use of foreign labor. But if you forced Nike to pay those people the same as they pay an American what would happen? The answer is simple, instead of making $3 an hour or whatever low wage they’re making, they’d be out of a job and making $0

By the simple fact that someone is willing to accept a job for $3 an hour it’s implied that the job is the person’s best opportunity. Unless you believe they work there because they enjoy it.
The fact that they work there is the proof. If they did not believe it to be their best opportunity, why else would they be there?
Comfort. And yes I know people like that who could very easily move on somewhere else but won't because they are comfortable and content where they are at.
Comfort. And yes I know people like that who could very easily move on somewhere else but won't because they are comfortable and content where they are at.

So they’ve decided this job is their best opportunity?

Comfort, content, drive time all of these things have value. People are welcome to pick those things over money. But if they make that decision, who are you tell them it’s not good enough?
So they’ve decided this job is their best opportunity?

Comfort, content, drive time all of these things have value. People are welcome to pick those things over money. But if they make that decision, who are you tell them it’s not good enough?
It's all about comfort. And perhaps they are in a situation where their spouse makes more money so they feel no reason to leave. Especially if the spouse is paying all or a majority of the bills. So why would they leave?

I didn't say it was not good enough for them. You made that assumption. I'm just telling you that I personally know people who have told me they can leave their jobs and make more money elsewhere but simply will not do it. That also doesn't mean other people are just going to be comfortable in the same position at an organization and might eventually move on to what they see as a better opportunity.

For some people a better opportunity also means more money. Plus, some people on this forum will tell you on here that the more money that person makes the more valuable they are to that organization and to society. Not my words. And I'm sure those people won't have a problem letting you know who they are.
Comfort. And yes I know people like that who could very easily move on somewhere else but won't because they are comfortable and content where they are at.
LOL. I see you're making these ridiculous arguments in yet another thread. What you just posted means that those people value comfort over higher pay. They have made their choice.
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LOL. I see you're making these ridiculous arguments in yet another thread. What you just posted means that those people value comfort over higher pay. They have made their choice.
Yes I simply said there are people who stay because of comfort and not because it's their best opportunity. Wasn't making an argument. Simply a fact. However, that also does not mean they will be comfortable forever.
Plus, some people on this forum will tell you on here that the more money that person makes the more valuable they are to that organization and to society.
You either have a serious reading comprehension problem, or you simply enjoy misrepresenting other people's words. The fact that somebody makes more money doesn't make them more valuable to an organization or to society. The fact that a company values that person's skills, expertise, and experience more than other employees is WHY they make higher total compensation than other employees of that organization. You don't seem to grasp the simple concepts of cause and effect or supply and demand.
Yes I simply said there are people who stay because of comfort and not because it's their best opportunity. Wasn't making an argument. Simply a fact. However, that also does not mean they will be comfortable forever.
Yes. Heaven forbid people decide to do what's best for them. Maybe you or the government should tell them what to do. GTFO.
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You either have a serious reading comprehension problem, or you simply enjoy misrepresenting other people's words. The fact that somebody makes more money doesn't make them more valuable to an organization. The fact that they company value that person's skills, expertise, and experience is WHY they make higher total compensation than other employees of that organization. You don't seem to grasp the simple concepts of cause and effect or supply and demand.
And you simply disrespect a large group of working class people. One of the reasons why is because you and other people feel it necessary to have a class of people you feel are beneath you. Just admit it.

Let me ask you a question. Did you see restaurant workers as during this pandemic? If not, then explain why.
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Yes I simply said there are people who stay because of comfort and not because it's their best opportunity. Wasn't making an argument. Simply a fact. However, that also does not mean they will be comfortable forever.
Who cares? You seem to be under some impression that it is a company's responsibility to pay employees so much money that they would never even consider another job.
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Yes. Heaven forbid people decide to do what's best for them. Maybe you or the government should tell them what to do. GTFO.
I definitely never suggested that. However there are people here that were offended that they couldn't get their Taco Bell earlier. Those same people are also free to apply and work part time at these restaurants if they are that offended.
And you simply disrespect a large group of working class people. One of the reasons why is because you and other people feel it necessary to have a class of people you feel are beneath you. Just admit it.

Let me ask you a question. Did you see restaurant workers as during this pandemic? If not, then explain why.
I'm sick and tired of you continually making these ridiculous accusations that anybody that understands basic economics believes they're above other people. Get a job in the Biden Administration. You're a perfect fit. Call AOC. You're her boy.

...and your question doesn't even make sense.
Who cares? You seem to be under some impression that it is a company's responsibility to pay employees so much money that they would never even consider another job.
If they value that employees work and dedication to the company then yes the right thing to do would be to give proper pay increases over time. Why that would offend anyone for companies to give pay raises to people considered at the bottom of the chain is just odd.
I definitely never suggested that. However there are people here that were offended that they couldn't get their Taco Bell earlier. Those same people are also free to apply and work part time at these restaurants if they are that offended.
Continue to twist people's words. Nobody was offended. They just stated a fact that fast food restaurants are closing early due to lack of employees.
I'm sick and tired of you continually making these ridiculous accusations that anybody that understands basic economics believes they're above other people. Get a job in the Biden Administration. You're a perfect fit. Call AOC. You're her boy.

...and your question doesn't even make sense.
It does make sense. Do you consider restaurant workers as essential during this pandemic? Yes or no? Simple question.
If they value that employees work and dedication to the company then yes the right thing to do would be to give proper pay increases over time. Why that would offend anyone for companies to give pay raises to people considered at the bottom of the chain is just odd.
I'm sick of this. You have not one clue about basic economics or how to run a business. You don't listen to people that do. Have a great life.
It does make sense. Do you consider restaurant workers as essential during this pandemic? Yes or no? Simple question.
Read your original post which posed your question. You will see that it is grammatically incorrect and doesn't make any sense.
If they value that employees work and dedication to the company then yes the right thing to do would be to give proper pay increases over time. Why that would offend anyone for companies to give pay raises to people considered at the bottom of the chain is just odd.
No one is suggesting otherwise. The def of proper is probably different. But guess what, if they stay and continue to work, then the pay isn't a problem
Continue to twist people's words. Nobody was offended. They just stated a fact that fast food restaurants are closing early due to lack of employees.
Many of those employees moved on to other jobs. Why? Because some other jobs were paying more and perhaps they were sick and tired of working where they were. I also stated another simple fact that some restaurants were having that problem while others were not.

Let's say someone works at Zaxbys for $12 an hour. They decide to go to Chik Fil A for $15. Both jobs are equally important in my opinion but Chik Fil A is willing to pay more so why wouldn't they leave. Or maybe they went to a manufacturing job paying $15 or more an hour.

It seems like you and others just expect many of these workers in certain industries to just stay at these jobs and just continue to be okay with their pay. People simply move on for better opportunities. Some people see it as more money some people might find a better job that's less stressful.
It does make sense. Do you consider restaurant workers as essential during this pandemic? Yes or no? Simple question.
The fact is that restaurant workers are NOT essential. People can buy food from stores and cook it at home, and homeless people can get food from shelters. However, the government classification of jobs had very little to do with actual determination of what was an essential good or service. The government chose to classify restaurants as essential because a huge number of Americans work in this industry and the industries that support the restaurant industry. They wanted these people to stay employed. Restaurants also offer a major convenience that many Americans aren't willing to forego. They also kept liquor stores open - once again, not actually essential, but wise for a government that didn't want more riots.
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