Speaking of wasting time watching things that are pointless and a waste your life, do NOT watch the movie Area 51. I thought watching that movie last night was a waste of my time I'd never get back but apparently I wasted even more of my life saturday and I just didn't realize it.
As for this whole playoff thing, until it goes to 16 its gonna be just as controversial as the BCS or anything before that. That would give you the 10 Conference champs, and 6 at large bids, or 5 at large and the top independent.
As for OSU making it well, Baylor and TCU can claim that its the money and bigger fan base of OSU that cost them but in all reality the fact that the Big 12 doesn't have a conference championship game is what cost them the bid. Theres a reason they tossed the 12 team rule and allowed any conference to play a championship game if they wanted.