Not General Booth's Salvation Army any more

No, they didn't. They said for white people who have had racist biases and actions to repent. They didn't say all white people repent for other people's racism.

“lament, repent and apologize for biases or racist ideologies held and actions committed.”

If it sounds too stupid to be true, sometimes it actually isn't true.
They specifically stated that if felt you had nothing to personally apologize for, than to please repent on behalf of the church.
The Salvation Army is a religious organization. A religious organization encouraging people to apologize, lament, and repent for having racist thoughts and actions seems like par for the course. I do have a problem that they only called out white people, but that is not even close to the same thing as encouraging people to apologize for being white. When you hear that, you should be able to smell the ******** from a mile away. What they are actually saying is controversial enough that we shouldn't muddy the waters with BS.

That is probably a major point of contention, don't you think?

White people are the only sinners out here that need addressing?
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They already stated that the Guide has been pulled for internal review.
Not just whites... but white Christians.

Salvation Army Unrings Bell, No Longer Asking White People To Deliver 'Sincere' Apologies For Their Race | ZeroHedge

"While many Salvationists have acted firmly and courageously against racism, The Salvation Army acknowledges with regret, that Salvationists have sometimes shared in the sins of racism and conformed to economic, organizational and social pressures that perpetuate racism," adding that Christians need to "evaluate" racist attitudes and practices.
I have a problem with that too, but I also know that the answer is because in the United States, we whites have a large majority, have the most wealth, political influence, and whites have used that power in the past to horrible ends. Doesn't make it any less sinful to be racist and black, which is what the Salvation Army should be concerned with.

SA was not talking to you, then.
It's one thing to throw a rock at a pack of dogs and say "if the hit dog hollered..." vs having two handfuls of racks and flinging sh*t in the general direction of the pack.

In other words, this wasn't a precise and measured attack, but a broad brushed turd flinging event.
I'm not moving the goal post at all. Someone is winning the Presidential election. You so-called objectors can continue to sit on the sidelines and feel all high and mighty about it, but you're helping the worst possible candidate win. Witness "Weekend at Bernie's Joe Biden" in the oval office.
I didn't know people like you still existed. I thought they all got flushed out in 2016.
No. I'm very consistent. I'm throwing grenades at anyone that isn't helping to address the problem of the socialist administration running this country. Everyone here already knows that I despise liberals. I also object to conservatives that rather sit back on the sidelines (by not voting at all or by completely burning their vote by voting for a 3rd party candidate that they know has zero hope of winning anything) and watch the liberals burn the country to the ground rather than vote for a more conservative (albeit definitely not ideal) alternative.

I understand that for those of you living in Tennessee, you are of the opinion that Tennessee will always be a red state so your Presidential vote doesn't matter. I think you're going to find out very soon that with all the very large companies moving into Tennessee from flaming liberal states, Tennessee isn't going to be nearly as red as you think moving forward.
Then you haven't had a candidate to vote for since 1980...
Sit on the sidelines and continue to enjoy the view as the liberals burn this country to the ground. As you do so, continue to pat yourself on the back for the noble stand you took that helped cause the implosion. You're a real hero.
I said in 2015 that Hillary would drive this country over the cliff at 100 mph and that any of the GOP candidates would drive us over going the speed limit. The vector direction is the same, just different velocity.
Fair enough. I thought you posted in one of those polls that you were labeled as a conservative. That must have been someone else. I find you to be one of the more liberal posters on this forum, which is largely why I pretty much don't give a damn what you think on any subject.

He posts a lot of stuff from the “skeptical libertarian” as a legitimate source so that should let us know all we need to know.
the "anti-racist" view promoted by Kendi supports your comments. If you are adopting his views then you are agreeing that unless you actively fight to dismantle the system you are participating in white supremacy.

it's a garbage philosophy fraught with tautology but what's scarier is that so many companies swallow it and put it in their training programs.

it's fine for a class where alternative viewpoints are presented and debated. it's dumb and wrong to use it for training purposes as if it is reality.
Can you please expound on why that philosophy is a tautology?
What is wrong with populism?

It's a political movement that generally features a charismatic, often bombastic, leader who purports to side with the general public in a campaign against "the elites" while often enriching themselves and their higher level supporters at the cost of the loyal public.
Leftism is a cancer. They even use malignant tactics (insults, cancelling, eventually violence, etc.) to insulate themselves. It's about time for some chemo.

No doubt through insults (check), cancelling (check), eventually violence (plenty Gravy Seals gearing up for that)... So the only way to defeat the enemy is to become the enemy, sounds like.
Anti-racism is fighting discrimination with more discrimination. You do not defeat evil with your own (well intentioned) evil. The only thing that works is straight out NON-racism and it is at the core of Christianity. The Church should NEVER see people as members of different “sub groups”, but as ONE CHURCH with no categories and no divisions. Scripture is quite clear here..:.
Most the populists out there now are still very partisan. I always thought Arnold Schwarzenegger was a good example of a populist. He didn't abide by a party, just pure populism. It's not as bad as it sounds if there are some fiscal constraints in place.
Do any of these charities realize that people give to those in need/less fortunate.......hence if you don't feel you're in a better place (see below for synonyms for better) then you won't'll want to receive. Many of us have wives if we need to be chastised.

It's a political movement that generally features a charismatic, often bombastic, leader who purports to side with the general public in a campaign against "the elites" while often enriching themselves and their higher level supporters at the cost of the loyal public.

I think you took several liberties in the definition, such "as enriching themselves". The "elite" are enriching themselves. Sounds good to me, Sounds like 1776.
Of course they say that after they got caught. I am sorry but when you post a policy on your website you OWN it. Unless they strongly and publicly disavow the document, I am not buying any “clarification”. Half measure hem hawing will not suffice

Exactly. He probably has a nice salary.

I would have said to him, you still have a social justice commission.

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