not impressed with play calling!!!

just because a stupid tv announcer says it 100 times doesn't make it a good idea.

It's not a matter of going for it every time, it's that he has yet to even take a shot on 4th and short. It's also not a good idea to keep your defense fielded against the fastest team in the country. Our D showed the ability to stop Oregon and play physical when they had the opportunity to rest.
Should have bought this game out 2 years ago and scheduled a cream puff FCS team -- You know UF would have done it.

Yep that's what I don't understand? I can't think of a single reason we would think it would be beneficial. We should be getting paid to come play them.
Just because an announcer says we should go for it in every 4th Down doesn't make it a great idea. We still have a long way to go to improve. Can't decide on game 2.5 of a coaches first year if right for the job.
Looks like Dooley all over again

The negavols will have a field day with this game. But the reality is that there has been way too much optimism about this team. We just don't have the talent to compete with these guys and Butch has been saying this ever since he came here. I still think our guys are better coached than they were in the last three years, but we aren't going to measure up to most of the teams remaining on the schedule.

Having said that, I don't understand why we aren't just running straight at them. Is it possible that our line isn't as good as advertised?
This could be the longest game in the history of.....well it sure is hard to watch, how long before we play S. Alabama
Just because an announcer says we should go for it in every 4th Down doesn't make it a great idea. We still have a long way to go to improve. Can't decide on game 2.5 of a coaches first year if right for the job.

After Jones goes 5-7 this year can we decide then?
We have nothing to lose in this game. You have to pull out all stops to win or even make it a ball game in a situation like this, and I'll just leave it at that.
Why did people expect us to not be terrible this year? We were picked second to last in the SEC for a reason.

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