Now the woke left reaches a new milestone of arrogance

Yeah, that Jimi Hendrix cover of "All Along the Watchtower" should never have happened. F'in woke punks and their electric guitars.

Edit: for that matter, so much hubris in Stevie Ray Vaughan deciding to do a new version of "Little Wing."

Edit No. 2: @85SugarVol
Popular music is rewritten and tweaked all the time. Classical symphonies are not. As much as I respect Mssrs a Hendrix and Vaughan, they are not exactly doing the same thing as Beethoven
Ohhhhh, now I see your outrage.

They're using afro-beat inspired jazz percussions, so therefore it is woke in your woefully white eyes.

Jesus Christ... I can't imagine living in such a state of fragility and paranoia.
There is a published score for Beethoven’s ninth Symphony. It clearly specifies each exact notes to be played by each exact instrument. I have seen the score. There are exactly Zero jazz inspired jazz percussion. She can call it “inspired by Beethoven’s Ninth” if she so wishes. She cannot call it Beethoven’s Ninth
There is a published score for Beethoven’s ninth Symphony. It clearly specifies each exact notes to be played by each exact instrument. I have seen the score. There are exactly Zero jazz inspired jazz percussion. She can call it “inspired by Beethoven’s Ninth” if she so wishes. She cannot call it Beethoven’s Ninth

Looks like she is from where I'm standing!
Popular music is rewritten and tweaked all the time. Classical symphonies are not. As much as I respect Mssrs a Hendrix and Vaughan, they are not exactly doing the same thing as Beethoven

Bruh, it's not like anyone is saying "this is the only version we will only have going forward!" It's literally one artist's take on a classical piece.

There really are dozens if not hundreds of far worse things out there to be worried about. I'm still not sure why this one tripped your trigger for feelz.
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There is a published score for Beethoven’s ninth Symphony. It clearly specifies each exact notes to be played by each exact instrument. I have seen the score. There are exactly Zero jazz inspired jazz percussion. She can call it “inspired by Beethoven’s Ninth” if she so wishes. She cannot call it Beethoven’s Ninth
Don't argue with the mixologist because he is correct in his own mind.
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Don't argue with the mixologist because he is correct in his own mind.
Mixology might be a good analogy for pop music where the published music is basically a guide to the melody and rhythm. Actually performance including choice of instruments is up to the performer. Classical music scores specify the instrumentation exactly with a distinct musical stave for each instrument. Orchestration is part of the composer’s prerogative
Bruh, it's not like anyone is saying "this is the only version we will only have going forward!" It's literally one artist's take on a classical piece.

There really are dozens if not hundreds of far worse things out there to be worried about. I'm still not sure why this one tripped your trigger for feelz.
Because since I bought my first music as a child, a $3.99 cassette tape of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony from the Record Bar in Northgate Mall in Chattanooga in 1976; Beethoven has been the pinnacle of musical genius (although since surpassed by Bach as I have grown older). The ninth is a unique and timeless work. The text of the fourth movement is by Schiller and is already a poem far ahead of its time speaking of the Universal brotherhood and equality of mankind. There is no need to wokify something like that.

@OrangeTsar Beck's Bolero is my favorite.

Although ELO did a damn fine job with In the Hall of the Mountain King.

There is a big difference between an homage (which these all were) and an attempt to “rewrite”. None of these artists ever attempted to pass their works off as the real
Not a cover, but i feel this deserves a place in the thread. Plug your ears and avert your eyes.

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There is a big difference between an homage (which these all were) and an attempt to “rewrite”. None of these artists ever attempted to pass their works off as the real
I don't think anyone is saying they're doing the original work.
Don't argue with the mixologist because he is correct in his own mind.

I was wondering when you'd answer the clarion call for being white and angry in this thread. I'm guessing TNVOLNAVY got the ban hammer, else he'd have been the first to reply.

Honestly, as a (former?) engineer, you should know that creativity and nuances go hand in hand.
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Because since I bought my first music as a child, a $3.99 cassette tape of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony from the Record Bar in Northgate Mall in Chattanooga in 1976; Beethoven has been the pinnacle of musical genius (although since surpassed by Bach as I have grown older). The ninth is a unique and timeless work. The text of the fourth movement is by Schiller and is already a poem far ahead of its time speaking of the Universal brotherhood and equality of mankind. There is no need to wokify something like that.
You from Hixson? How old are you
Because since I bought my first music as a child, a $3.99 cassette tape of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony from the Record Bar in Northgate Mall in Chattanooga in 1976; Beethoven has been the pinnacle of musical genius (although since surpassed by Bach as I have grown older). The ninth is a unique and timeless work. The text of the fourth movement is by Schiller and is already a poem far ahead of its time speaking of the Universal brotherhood and equality of mankind. There is no need to wokify something like that.

So, again, is it only "Woke" in your eyes because it includes African percussions?

Do you just automatically assume black is woke? You keep sidestepping this.
You from Hixson? How old are you
Nope, but the Chattanooga area and am in my 50s. North gate was the place to be. Back then it had a fountain in the center. A Murphy’s store, only 2 theaters, an Orange Julius, Record Bar, and Spencer Gifts. Teenage Heaven
Nope, but the Chattanooga area and am in my 50s. North gate was the place to be. Back then it had a fountain in the center. A Murphy’s store, only 2 theaters, an Orange Julius, Record Bar, and Spencer Gifts. Teenage Heaven
I am from Hixson and 5* and thought we might know one another
So, again, is it only "Woke" in your eyes because it includes African percussions?

Do you just automatically assume black is woke? You keep sidestepping this.
No, I assume it is “woke” because it sees the need to add ANY influences other than the ones already in the score. I don’t care if it includes Japanese Chimes, Nepalese horns, or Austrian Zithers. Anything added is basically saying that the absolute music itself as already written is not inclusive. Once you decide you need to add an additional voice for cultural “relevance” where do you stop? If music is only relevant to your culture if it includes instruments or idioms FROM your culture, then no music can ever be completely inclusive until it includes every musical instrument and language that exists anywhere on earth. That will require a REALLY massive orchestra and be totally non performable and unlistenable.
Beethoven’s Ninth is complete. Any attempt to add to it is an affront to its meaning and as such is misguided and arrogant in the extreme
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I am from Hixson and 5* and thought we might know one another
Na, probably not. Thanks for thinking of it though. And I must retain at least some semblance of anonymity in a world running amok in cancel culture. There are people out there who cannot abide common sense and traditional values anymore
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