Now the woke left reaches a new milestone of arrogance

Working backwards:

There's one change to the 9th that I'm comfortable with, and that's performing the fifth movement replacing Freude with Freihite. Beethoven originally wrote the final movement as "Ode to Freedom" (Freihite) but was forced to change it to Joy (Freude) by the king lest it cause anti-monarch sentiments. When the Berlin Wall fell, Bernstein conducted the 9th with the Berlin Phil and the choir changing the word back to Beethoven's original intent.

You have excellent taste in recordings. Karajan was a master conductor with an incredible ear.

My ADHD makes me wish repeated expositions weren't a thing, but you've got to give the composer their due. Even when they start to get really long winded like Brahms and Mahler.

Yes, I'm living the dream. I don't deserve it, but I'll take it while I can.

We must talk music more often!
I can talk great music all day! Will look forward it
(And Brahms is NEVER long winded 😉)
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Maybe it's an improvement. It's in the film Being There if you've seen that.
Strauss (Richard) To me always seemed a bit over rated. His association and cooperation with the Third Reich doesn’t help my estimation either but I guess that shouldn’t influence my opinion of his music. It just irks me that R Strauss was getting all kind of recognition at the same time that the Reich was totally surpresing the far more valuable works of Mahler.
Marin Alsop was the music director of the Eugene Symphony back in the late 1980s, she has always been about tweaking the classics. She's made a career out of it. She's a very talented woman, whether you like her style or not.
Marin Alsop was the music director of the Eugene Symphony back in the late 1980s, she has always been about tweaking the classics. She's made a career out of it. She's a very talented woman, whether you like her style or not.
History is replete with countless Alsops that can’t handle the knowledge of their mediocrity when confronted by true genius
Oh noes. I had hoped we could reserve this channel for news of the woke left making their usual misguided effort to completely cleanse Western culture of the Dead European Male. We already have threads to deal with the general zaniness and lack of taste from the left. But of course this is a community commons and not my own personal fiefdom so I will bow to the will of my fellow citizens if they desire otherwise 😁
Now back to my Mahler symphony no 5 finale listening
Bill Maher is making more and more sense these days:

"Slavery throughout history has been the rule, not the exception," he went on, adding that human capacity for cruelty is just that – human – and not explicitly White.
"But in today's world, when truth conflicts with narrative, it's the truth that has to apologize – Being woke is like a magic moral time machine where you judge everybody against what you imagine you would have done in 1066: And you always win."

Bill Maher roasts woke 'presentism': 'A magic moral time machine' where you always win
Ah yes, the tribal purity test
I'm not familiar with the tribal purity test to which you refer. It doesn't mean much when you pick a Democrat and opine that more Republicans should think like him. It'd be like mentioning Trump and saying more Democrats should think like him
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Your analogy falls flat with the reality that Maher does vote Democrat. If Republicans were Bill Maher they'd be Democrats

I was thinking in terms of just being a moderate Dem. The far left has made the party a laughing stock just like far right Republicans.

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